This happens every time on this board, it's more related to the positioning of the ladder. It is possible that this is the only such board in the entire game. On similar screens, there is a noticeable clipping of movement when entering from the left. But this is where we often get blocked...
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Weird. Multibutton works on Vice but not on a real C64 with Ultimate2+. I checked on testers and other games that support the second Fire. Both on 8580 and ArmSID. Rocky does not respond to the second button. Other games/programs (e.g. second fire in Briley Witch Chronicles) have no problem. The mouse works in Geos. Does anyone have this problem on a real C64 with U2+?
I probably wrote it unclearly. Fire2 works for me (real C64 and emulator), but.. Accidentally holding down direction UP blocks the use of Fire2 for Jump. And vice versa. This affects when playing with a gamepad. And not important when playing one-button Joystick.
I use gamepad on real C64, USB device to DB9 adapter. Fire 1, 2, 3 works.
Hmm.. 1351 mouse uses potX/potY, and they are "common" for port1 and port2. The game uses potX/Y for additional Fire on Joystick port 2. (Fire 2 = Jump/UP)
Is it a game problem or more hardware problem..
Maybe you can't have a mouse plugged in and use the program (driver) for the Joystick with three Fire buttons at the same time.
Maybe the Joyride program from CSDB is able to test this.
Medium is perfect for Speedrun competition
Truffle hunt :D
Impossible direction on real Joystick.
Vice, Keyboard.
Hold [DOWN] then [UP] together.
Search for truffles (left/right) ;)))