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A member registered Jul 02, 2022

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Yeah man no prob! I really enjoyed playing the first demo so of course I had to play the second one as well! I really like the updated graphics and mechanics! Can't wait to see how the story ends!

I played the first demo and really liked it and I gotta say I love the updates to this version! The addition of the inhaler means as long as we time it right, we can keep going without worrying about ever running out of stamina! The game looks creepier and I love that I couldn't fully tell when the entity changed to look like someone else! I almost got caught because of it! I can't wait to play the rest of the chapters! Great job!

Thank you for the game! Can't wait to finish it!

I was so into the game that by the time the demo ended I was upset that I couldn't play more! It scratches that old survival horror itch from the PS1 era of games and I can't wait to play the rest of it! I really liked the setting, loved the enemy design, the variety of weapons, and the ambiance! Pretty great overall!  Awesome job! 

I really liked this horror game! The game lulls you into a false sense of safety and making it seem like nothing is gonna happen, and when it finally does, it's quite a surprise twist! Great job!

Thank you! I raged and had a blast with the game!

I really enjoyed this game! I really did suck at it, so it took me a while to beat! XD I gotta say, I loved how the monster appears out of the water and how it's designed! It reminds me of something you'd see in like the PS1 Resident Evil games and it's so creepy and cool! Awesome job!

Really enjoyed the game! I don't think I ever encountered the third mascot, but I might have missed him by accident as well! XD Got hungry, a bit creeped out, made me jump once or twice, and the ending was quite a surprise twist! Great job!

Thank you for the experience once again! Definitely just as hard as the first one, but for different reasons! Really enjoyed playing it updated! :D

Oh man it felt like it took forever, but I did it! 😬 I love the changes and new stuff you added! The puzzles were really hard for my monkey brain, and even though I failed a lot, I managed to escape! Awesome job! 

I really enjoyed this game! The intro was great and the buildup to possibly finding the survivors was nerve-racking! The end sequence was quite surprising, and I can't believe I managed to escape! Awesome job!

I really enjoyed playing this game! It's funny and terrifying at the same time, and one of the endings was a complete surprise twist ending! Awesome job!

Charles was so weird, I wonder if he was creepin on you at the window, or was getting killed! XD Pretty creepy though and I liked the ending! Also the guy in the mirror kinda sounded like Mario! Great job!

I really enjoyed this game! I love PSX style games and this was pretty great! I really liked the atmosphere and the setting too, schools can be pretty creepy at night! I died quiet a few times, but I managed to somehow survive! Awesome job!

What a weird and very interesting game! I really enjoyed the atmosphere and I was getting into the game when it finished! Squishy sounds sounded gross, so 10/10! Great job!

I liked the game! I kinda had my suspicions something was off with the neighbor, but it ended up being much worse! Great job!

Of course! Thank you for making yet another awesome game! You're going places! :D

Thank you for making this game! :D

Thank you for making such a wonderful game!

Man I had a blast playing this game! It doesn't take itself too seriously, and I love it! I need to play more of your games! Awesome job!

I really enjoyed the game! Hearing the voice behind me saying to turn around was terrifying! Also I kept thinking of how to get the second secret ending, so it took me a good while and a bit of investigating to figure it out! It was in plain sight! XD Great job!

Thank you, I had fun racing around trying to keep everything from breaking down! XD

It took me a while to upload, but I did it! My brain is a bit smooth, so it took me a bit to find the second ending! XD I really enjoyed it! It was creepy and the jumpscares got me! Great job!

I like game, is good! Very nice!

I really liked this game! I may not be good at it, but when you're in control of fixing and maintaining something within a time limit, or at least for a good while, I love it! Great job!

Absolutely loved the game! It's the perfect mix of suspension wit h some jumpcares, a few laughs, and the wildest ending! I really enjoyed playing it, and I  hope to play more from you!  Amazing job!

Thank you for making this game!

I can't believe I hadn't played this yet! I jumped so hard in a certain section and almost had a heart attack! XD Really enjoyed the how anxious it made me even though the area is short! Awesome job!

Really interesting game! Very creepy and definitely something I hope to never experience! Great job!

Thank you! And I love the artwork too!

Thank you for such an awesome idea! I totally love it! It makes sense too with the shooting! Really appreciate the game! Awesome job!

What an pretty interesting and great game! Huge suprise twist ending! Never saw it coming, but fully loved it! Awesome job!

I really love the concept! It a pretty rough game, but the dog is so adorable and cool! He shoots with his mouth?! Crazy! Good job!

For sure man! Thank you for making such an awesome game and being awesome as well!

Thank you for making such a fun and interesting game! Thank you for the sub as well!

A simple game! Outrun the star and try not to splatter yourself! Great job!

I really liked this game! It was a bit short for a demo, but it definitely has potential! I would love to figure out where it came from or how it came to be! The music was pretty creepy too, I kept thinking it was behind me when it got louder! Great job!

I gotta admit, I think I got the friendly neighbor ending! Great job!

Always a huge fan of space horror games! It's a bite size morsel, but man was I into it! Would love more like it! Always enjoy your games, and this one is no exception! Awesome job!

Nah dude, you're cool! You made this pretty awesome game!