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A member registered Jan 10, 2016 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey! This is a really nice one! I like it :)


It definitely has horrible aliens so cosmic horror fits well here :)

What I liked:

  • The enemies do not move. This is different to many other entries I have played so far, but it gives the whole level a feeling that you can strategize and plan your actions. It feels more like a strategy game than an action game and I really liked that and will remember this for my own future entries, as this is a good way to set the overall feeling of the game.
  • The separate fighting scene is a neat thing. Own combat music and a hand full of options to act during the fight feel really good. I had to play the game twice because I used too much scrap for low level enemies and did not survive the boss in the end :).
  • Collecting items by simply walking over them is a very simple yet convenient way for an inventory management. Well done. 
  • The later enemies got stronger, right? I did not made the same damage there, so the challenge towards the end rose, which is cool. I also do not know if that is on purpose, but the faster I hit the fight button the faster I kill the enemies, so that made it a nice little mini game to click as fast as possible ^^. I actually liked that, even if that was not meant to be this way

What I would wish for:

  • The more fights I played, the smaller my character got. I mean the camera moved down with every fight until I was crawling over the floor, almost diving into it. Might be a bug to look after. (edit: I just read in the comments, that this was aging! Okay ^^. Maybe make this explanation more prominent somewhere. I saw a good entry that used signs on walls to explain important things. I think that would be a good idea.)
  • Another wish would be some kind of indication that even the enemies from the start get stronger later (or maybe I mixed up something here). But maybe a color code or stripes/ranks on their bodies or the like would be nice. 
  • I would like to heal outside of combat. If there was an option I did not find it in the description or in the game. To be fair, the combat does not start until you hit the fight button, so there was always enough time to heal. (By the way, attacking with Scrap did not trigger the enemy to attack. That was nice for me, but I do not know if that was intentional ^^)

Thank you so much for creating the game and submitting it and maybe you can tell me what is the story behind this one wall, where there seems to be meet on a plate together with some gold coins or fries displayed ^^. I could not click it or interact with it, but I think I saw it only once :)

Hey! Thank you for submitting this game! I had good fun with its unusual controls and style! The fact that you did this with Rust is really cool! Very well done!


I think it fits the endless theme and the cosmic horror pretty well. Good job there.

What I liked

  • The concept of only having 2 directions horizontally was interesting to wrap the head around, but then it was really fun. I imagined being a 2D creature living only in 2D space ^^. It helped to transport the odd place and scenario.
  • Climbing and having to watch your back while climbing was a very cool part of the game mechanics. It caused a good tension and also makes the game a bit of a player skill based game. Nicely done!
  • The visuals transmit a feeling of being in a very strange place and underline the cosmic horror for me. Same goes for the enemies. You really hit this alien vibe very well.
  • The overall challenge rate of this game. It was not super easy to learn and then even harder to master ^^, that puts up a good challenge and this again kept me playing and trying until I got the hang of it.

What I would wish for

  • Some nice sound effects and a dangerous or brooding music loop or just some ambiance in the background would help to further transport the overall feeling of the game.
  • I would love to have the different mana types on 1 and 2, or configurable, because this was the most challenging part for me. Climbing with Q and E was new for me and then having also to use the arrow keys to change the "ammo" and shoot with space, basically broke my weak mind a few times ^^. So a more intuitive way of shooting, or at least a key closer to WASD for changing the mana, would be nice (TAB for example). Alternatively two keys for firing each type, like  H and K as they are close to WASD.
  • Actually I can imagine this game to be even more complex, by having to find the different abilities (mana types ...) first, or by having sort of stamina so one can only climb a certain height until one finds more stamina to "level up" :) - I know in the jam time such things are hard to get into the game, but maybe you plan a post jam version? Then I would love to have some more mechanics like this in the game.
  • Ah and one more thing. I don't know how hard this would be in rust, but a red flashing and short screen shake or a similar thing to indicate a hit on yourself would be nice. Same for the enemies. Sometimes I did not knew if I had hit the enemy. A bit more hit feedback would be great!

Thanks again for having submitted this game! I'd love to see an updated version. 

Keep up the good work!

Hey! I played it for a few rounds and I think it qualifies fully for the theme of ancient ruins and even a bit for endless if you take the procedural game mechanic into account

I think the basis for a solid dungeon crawler is there and if I could wish for a few things, these would be the ones:

  • Make it playable with a keyboard, at least for moving around to give the player the option to focus on other things with the mouse
  • Move enemies only when you move or after you moved, so you can strategize or plan a bit better.
  • Having stamina used while walking and fighting, but then refilling it while standing, will force the player to make only small steps and then wait, in order to have the stamina full up in a battle (if you do not want to waste stamina potions). As a player, I would like that either the stamina does not refill automatically or is not used while moving. The first would encourage the hunt for- and usage of the stamina potions, while the latter would make me move more freely, while there is still the need to use potions after a fight.

Thank you for submitting this! And I hope I can play another version sometimes in the future.

Hey! This game has a lot to offer!


I think the strongest theme hit is Endless and then followed by the cosmic horror with a big emphasis on the horror.

What I liked:

  1. The horror vibe is creepy and the camera controls and movement made me really sit here and think: oh please let there be not one of THOSE things around the corner! I was really glad whenever I saw one of the easier monsters and told my crossbow to reload faster many times ^^. I was very proud to kill a screamer with a spear by an attack and move tactic. Enemy design is well done! Different tactics and the optics and sounds are creepy. Good job!
  2. The Introduction ^^. The spoken dialogues and the contrast between the general answers of the villagers and the answer about the cube was very funny. Also the transition into a gore like world was really something! The village actually made me want more crawling inside of the village.
  3. I felt an urgency to find the right levers and escape each level and thereby avoid as many enemies as possible. More than once I had very few HP left, and was happy to find the potion before another monster attacked me. Almost every time I died, I died because of a monster that had somehow found a way into my back and then I was too shocked to fight it properly ^^. All in all the mood and the emotions this game summons are very fun!
  4. The controls. I could basically strafe by moving forward and then hit the turn button so I turned while moving forward. that was a really nice feeling which contributed to the "a-HA" effect, when running around corners. Always hoping to surprise an enemy ^^ (which sometimes even worked)

What I would wish for:

  • Not much actually! If anything, then maybe having some actual fighting in the village ^^ as mentioned before. Or at least have more of the introduction ^^. The gameplay inside the cube is actually very consistent and I would not add or take away anything there.

Thank you for participating and uploading this entry!


The few levels were actually fun to play. The fighting mechanic is really great and so far unique for me to see. I would really love to play a full crawler with that mechanic. Keep up the good work and maybe actually think about having different attacks like the name Slapsquire suggests XD. Bareknuckle fighting is already great, but slapping would add another fun part to it ^^.

Thanks for submitting!


The few levels were actually fun to play. The fighting mechanic is really great and so far unique for me to see. I would really love to play a full crawler with that mechanic. Keep up the good work and maybe actually think about having different attacks like the name Slapsquire suggests XD. Bareknuckle fighting is already great, but slapping would add another fun part to it ^^.

Thanks for submitting!

Hey! I played it multiple times and found different endings. Nice ^^.


Definitely fits the ancient ruins theme for me.

What I liked:

I actually liked the idea that I did not had to worry too much about getting hit by the enemies because I was so strong. The textures also gave a good impression of being in some kind of old dungeon. I also liked the look of the green bugs ^^ they are kind of cute.

What I had wished for:

That the enemies could not walk into the field where the player is right now, as this made it a bit hard to get them. Also the grey guy sometimes walked right between the tiles, so I could only get him if I hit him on the move. Also it was not always clear to me, if hitting a button was really necessary, as I could open all doors with my sword as well.

Thank you for submitting it and the time you took to make this!

Hey! I played 5 rounds, sadly they always ended with a bug where I stepped on a pressure plate, heard a slising and then the game breaking with



action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object obj_level_3:

Variable obj_level_3.wall_1_y(100087, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_obj_level_3_Step_0



stack frame is

gml_Object_obj_level_3_Step_0 (line -1)

Maybe the message helps ^^

However, I enjoyed the rest of the game very much, else I would not have played it 5 times ^^.


It kind of fits the Endless theme for me :P but it definitely is at least crawling through ancient ruins.

What I liked:

  1. The variety of items and how they made me stronger. I also liked that the starting equipment is kind of random, which makes the runs different.
  2. The enemy types. The glorious hidden enemy is the best here. Its a classic and often joked to be a good enemy if you do not have the time to draw more enemies :) but I like how you have audible hints and also you feel them when they are blocking you, not to mention the stepping stones that give their position away. I encountered only 3 types of enemies, but that did not impact the fun I had while playing. On the opposite, I kind of got familiar with the enemies and the strategies to tackle them. I liked that a lot.
  3. The reusing of map parts. After 4 runs, I knew exactly where the loot was and where I need to step to clear a level. I understand that for some people the levels were hard to trace without a map, but I actually liked it that way and one could pretty much navigate all the time with the: "keep a wall to your right" rule. Not always! But mostly :)
  4. The 3D sounds. They gave good hints of where the enemies are and what kind of enemies there are. Nice immersion.

What I would wish for:

  • A better way to see the abilities of items. I loved the intuitive way, the shields, armor, boot and helmet showed which one is better than the other, but I had problems seeing this on the first look with belts and sometimes weapons. Is a hammer better than an axe? I had to check the stats for that which was kind of hard in some situations with dogs. Same goes for the rings. After the 4th game, I knew the color code, but I am not sure if the silver ring actually does nothing to the stats or if I just missed something. A mouse over in the inventory with a small text would help a lot!
  • Not mirroring the image horizontally when the character does not actually move. It gives the impression that the char moves which made it sometimes hard to see if an invisible enemy is in front of me or not.
  • To reach the end ^^

I liked the game a lot and played it for about 30 min+. Keep up the good work and thanks again for having submitted this!

Thank you for taking the time to play the game and write the feedback!

I looked it up and yepp, there is a bug in the inventory system if the inventory is full. Something to fix after the jam ^^. I will also invest time to polish the textures and make them more seamless, and also arrange the walls better ^^

I have also more balancing plans ^^.

And I can absolutely confirm that the state of "polishment" is surprising :D

There are some hidden rooms / fake walls, maybe the items there will help you :)

Hey! Thanks for the feedback! I will change this in the post jam version!

Did you found the hidden room behind a wall? It might boost your attack a bit ;)

Hey! Thank you for submitting this game, that made me curse 8 times in a row. That is the amount of times it took me to get to the end over a course of several minutes (~10). I can say: I had fun ^^ and I love the simple concept!


This definitely meets ancient ruins for me, with a good portion of solitude and a pinch of horror.

What I liked:

  • The minimalistic style of the game, combined with an "easy to learn - not so easy to master" gameplay. Straight forward gameplay, no unnecessary actions and yet it tells a story. Props to you!
  • The constant sound in the background that could be a heart beat or the spider/bug creatures stepping through the dungeon. It is an audible indicator of the movement of the enemies. That's clever game design. (Also the short music loop fits well)
  • That loop of always having to come back to the center and avoid the enemies, combined with some subtle story that is told here and questions that are not answered: What are these creatures? Where is the dead body after you return the knife? Who are you? What ritual is this? And who put all these things in the dungeon? All unanswered and thus for my fantasy to fill. Great job.

What I would wish for:

  • I was about to say: Enhanced movement controls ^^. The option to strafe sideways or walk backwards although walking backwards might be both: frustrating (when running into an enemy) and too easy to avoid enemies. Also sideways could bump you into enemies without knowing why you are suddenly dead. So the decision to go just forward and  have turns is understandable.
  • Actually nothing more! The game is a well enclosed whole piece and adding more to it would break that. Good job!

Thanks for submitting and making this game!

Hey! First of all: great vibe!

Here are my thoughts:


  • For me it is Solitude, Cosmic Horror and we can talk about Ancient Ruins. The feeling of Ancient Ruins is there ^^. One could even bring Endless into the mix, as the last level feels quite big.

What I like:

  1. Definitely the vibe! Being alone under water in an unknown narrow environment is already creepy. The sounds and music are great to support this and the story told through dead people is really fitting. Textures and low poly style (and the PSX like CD cover) do the rest.
  2. The tutorial at the beginning told through the environment is a great idea!
  3. The level is not overloaded with enemies and has even some distinguishable and memorable chambers and parts. Well done!

What I wished for:

  1. Obviously a longer experience ^^ but for a game jam, this is absolutely fitting! I would like to play a longer version in the future though :)
  2. Combat felt a bit unintuitive at parts because of the hit-feedback. I originally thought I missed the creatures until I realized that I hat to hit them more than once. The knife felt very good, but I would love to see a bit more of hit feedback for the other weapons. (The creatures are almost constantly moving, so a shaking or other subtle movement to indicate a hit might be overlooked by me)
  3. After the captain, the text suggested, that I should only go outside if I am ready. Of course I was not ready for the things out there, but I had expected some more sharks or other see creatures or ghosts there. At least I had no enemy outside (maybe I missed them). That level would be great for a jump scare :)

That's it! Thank you again for participating and uploading and congrats for making an actual playable game that really transported a worthy horror vibe!

Thank you so much for the valuable feedback!

Indeed it was only planned as a short Submission for the jam, but I got good feedback on how to improve the game with simple things.

So I will definitely do things like: adjusting the matching mechanics so losing the game will not happen together with getting points ^^ and also starting at around 900 points the left and right side will get smaller and start to move.

Thanks for pointing out the music issue. I will tackle that too.

I also think about starting to slowly rotate the whole Board.

So thanks again for playing and your feedback and kind words!

Love to see you on place 1! Totally deserved! Your game is really fun and well executed, not to speak of the entertaining graphics :)

Amazing work and in such a short time done. Great job.


Very impressive little tactic game. Well done!

What I liked:

It is easy to grasp but the tactical decisions make it a nice piece of thought work. The graphics match the music and sound and you got a working leaderboard implemented. Great. You even have different enemy types so it spices the game up.

What I would have wished for:

The only thing I can remark is, that the enemies sometimes looked to similar to me. Of course they have different models but maybe a special color here or there would have made them even more distinguishable from each other.

Overall a very good game and the mechanic behind it, makes it a tough little game. Good job.

Many thanks for the nice words!

I liked your game a lot too!

And yes, sending the balls to opposite colors is really what tricks the brain here. Every time I loose concentration I lose the game ^^. I like that it is a bit difficult.

Hey! Thanks!

And 2 very good remarks. I will change the color of the center ball after the jam and add some kind of barrier to the top, so the balls cannot be shot out of the place to prevent this. 

Thanks again!

Thank you :) and thanks for playing it!

Hey! Thanks ^^. Yes the opposite thing is actually what makes the game interesting, I think :)

Very nice game mechanic!

What I liked:

I love to see a turn based game here, and a strategic one, too. The Pacman inspiration would not have occurred to me until you mentioned it, but then it is obvious, so well done. The art style is cute and the music and sounds fir the atmosphere very well. Combined with the leader board it has a quite addicting game mechanic. Well done!

Usually, at this part of the comment I add what I would have liked to be added or changed but I cannot come up with something here :). It is simple but very well executed.

Thanks for submitting and letting us play!

(1 edit)


Here are my 5 cents about the game :)

What I like:

The gameplay is solid and challenging and the effects look really good! When hitting walls the bounce effect is visual and the trail helps to facilitate that feeling of movement really well. Also aiming and shooting feel very well in place. Being trapped in that tiny breathing square also adds a good sense of stress to the overall feeling. Enemies have different HP and ammo is restricted yo one has a good tactical aspect in there too.

I also like that it works with simple shapes and polygons and builds the aesthetics more by effects than by fancy textures etc. I always like simplicity in games. Also it is not easy to get a good high score and seeing the leaderboard right now, I need a lot of practice it seems ^^. For me it is super hard to reach 1000.

The game loads up super fast in the browser by the way and the music fits the theme well. Good job.

Some remarks:

Just one tiny thing. The enemy bullets' color can be optimized imho. The bright purple has basically the same brightness than the bright player square background and that is a bit hard to read. (see this  monochrome image without saturation)

Monochrome Image

That is critique on a very high level, because I do not what else to criticize :)


Very good entry here and thanks for the time and effort you have put into this!

Keep it up!

Thank you and 420 is good!

I will definitely add the leaderboard after the jam to have people compare their scores :)

Will do :)


That is fun and stressful once the easy part is over ^^ but I will manage to get a better score soon :)

What I like:

I love that the game has a simple mechanic that needs the player to have some reaction/dexterity skill. The graphics might seem simple but they are consistent and that is all you need to tell a good story. I like the small story told by this games name and gameplay and that the 3 X above the stage remind me of all of these shows where some judges in a jury evaluate performances of people on the stage, which I always find a bit humiliating. The game is also not so easy and every score point after a certain point feels well earned.

What I would wish for:

A small explanation before the game somewhere what the "bomb" symbols with the X mean (that they mean: press nothing) because that was a bit confusing the first time until I stopped hitting X every time they came up and realized, that this is not a XBox / PlayStation quick time event :)


Another entry that shows, that a simple mechanic can still be compelling.

Well done and thanks for submitting it!

Good job!

Super solid and fun game!

The sheep got me ... and that I had chosen 3x heal in the beginning without being harmed, thinking it would give me some more hearts XD

What I like:

The visuals are great and the shooting feels right in place. The ricochet mechanism is great and the backstory, that is only told by the well drawn map and the gameplay is so super fun to have! Reloading has other sounds than the full revolver and the trail effect of the bullet somehow rounds this up and makes it a very good game. Oh! And the animals of course. Sturdy cows, lightning sheeps, pigs :). I didn't made it yet beyond the sheeps but I will try to see if a rooster is somewhere in there ;)

Things to remark:

When initially started in the browser the screen was cropped, showing not all bullets etc. Maybe adjusting that in the game page helps a bit. I was only seeing one heart and thought: Ah heal must mean I get more hearts. Therefore the confusion.


I like this! 

This could easily be a mini game in a bigger adventure or rpg game. I really need to try to implement a walking mechanic like that, where you skew and pitch the sprite to make it move. It looks super funny!

Great game and thanks for submitting it and letting us play!

Keep it up!

Thanks for playing it!

Sorry to hear that :( . Do you have any wish for changings? I plan on adding some more modes, like one where the colors must match so the brain does not get twisted b y trying to do the opposite.


But it lacks shotguns and cookies ;)

Thank you very much!

Seems like we both go for simplicity, although your post processing skills are way more advanced ;)

Thank you :)

In fact so addicting, that I spent more time playing it than implementing features... 


Thank you!

I originally had them to match their own color until I realized that my brain almost jumps out if I try to mix them up. That made the game way harder for me and I chose this to be the main mechanic to have a difficult game.

After the jam I will add more (simple) modes to it. One is the color match mode. Another one a mode with more space to operate. There are many options and I like to hear that many would like to have a color matching mode. So this is what i will add to it.

Thank's again!

Thank you and thanks for taking the time to play it!

Thank you! And thanks for playing my game!

I use the bumping mechanic myself at the start, when there is still time to do it :). It gives you a bit of time to think. But at some point my brain always tells me: green! put it into the green one! ^^


God, I am glad I found that post processing in the settings! It looks really nice.

What I liked:

The minimalistic graphics paired with some nice effects and an easy-to-learn-hard-to-master shooter mechanic. I loved seeing me entering the board and I really tried to get better. It is encouraging and overall I had good fun.

Things to remark:

Sometimes I would spawn next to an enemy and die instantly. Maybe define a radius around the player spawn and do not let enemies spawn there at the beginning.

The leaderboard sadly did not got my name and used just the id it got when it was first started. Also I had the feeling that I had to enter my name after each session again. It would be nice to have a single input for the name in the beginning and then just watch the name go up the ranks :)


Well met shooter and a more than valid entry for this jam.

Good job and keep it up!


God, I am glad I found that post processing in the settings! It looks really nice.

What I liked:

The minimalistic graphics paired with some nice effects and an easy-to-learn-hard-to-master shooter mechanic. I loved seeing me entering the board and I really tried to get better. It is encouraging and overall I had good fun.

Things to remark:

Sometimes I would spawn next to an enemy and die instantly. Maybe define a radius around the player spawn and do not let enemies spawn there at the beginning.

The leaderboard sadly did not got my name and used just the id it got when it was first started. Also I had the feeling that I had to enter my name after each session again. It would be nice to have a single input for the name in the beginning and then just watch the name go up the ranks :)


Well met shooter and a more than valid entry for this jam.

Good job and keep it up!

Ah! I love me a good nukem!

What I liked

Tthe interpretation of the theme combined with christmas is great. The different enemy types are sweet and as you learn their abilities they really stand out from each other. Props for the pitched voice overs :). The graphic mix of 3D and sprites reminds me of the good old times and shooting at christmas stuff is something we all would love to do now and then ;). The level layout is simple but very nice and the - sometimes hidden - collectables are nicely spread and even make for some tactical decisions if one wants to stay in the leader board. 

Some remarks:

The gun handling sometimes was not super clear to me. Maybe it was the reach of the gun but at certain points, I expected to hit an enemy package but didn't.

In the beginning there are some hand guns and the boomstick but the game has only the boomstick, that made me try pressing the number keys first and trying the mousewheel. If you ever make an update: Please give us more weapons ;)


Leaderboard is in, Topic is met, Sound is good, Graphics are super nice and the gameplay is fun. What else to say? ;)

Keep it up and thanks for that game!

I guess that comes from my german background and a bad translation. In germany "optisch" means visual, so I basically wanted to say: The graphics of the weapons are very nice and I like that picking them up results in a different player model, that shows the gun in hands. Given the small time it would not have been strange if there would be just one player model with a standard gun. But seeing a change in the character visuals when picking up items always feels very satisfying.

What an amazing game!

What I liked

The game concept is art and I love the zen mode. I love that it is also a two player coop game :) even if that might not be intended. The harmonics play out the shanty very well and without the pressure of the time limit it is really an relaxing and fun experience. Given that it is so minimalistic, a lot of effort seems to have been put into making the overall cardboard look very smooth and nice. Indeed one of the best entries so far!

Other thoughts:

The "survival" part on top of the game feels more contradictory than helpful here. The game itself is great but it suffers from the theme a bit. The mechanic induces stress while the sound is soothing. That made me switch to Zen mode very quickly because it just felt a bit odd.


Very polished entry with a great concept and great execution. Definitely in my favorite list now.

Keep it up and thanks for submitting such a good game!


Nice and fun shooter!

What I liked:

I really liked, the different weapon types and how the optics are implemented. The telekinesis part was fun, but often the game was too fast paced to use it more properly. Interestingly: The basic background didn't made a bad impression here. It just helped focus on the horde. The music was very fitting. I was able to outrun them often diagonally as this doubles my speed :). The leaderboard made me want to try it multiple times and the splatter particles felt satisfying enough to make an overall fun game here.

Things to remark:

- In the beginning I was wondering if it was a bug that I started without a weapon in a game called gunjam ^^. Second attempt then, I found the first weapon and the brawl began. 

- The score counter at the end runs a long time if the score is high enough :)


A nice fast paced top down shooter with some special mechanics and a leader board in place. 

Good Job!

Keep it up and thanks for submitting!