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A member registered Mar 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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Fun game. Watching all the little guys bunched up and trying to make room to fight each other looks really cool.  The different upgrades becoming available based off the units bought also seems like a neat way to handle of making different builds. 

I assume for the most part the intention is for the player to buy all 4 upgrades whenever the shop renews and then spend the rest of the gold on units? So only skipping upgrades if they counter each other?

Found a glitch where if I mouse over the upgrade info for the upgrade unlocked by buying the unit and then exit the shop with esc then the mouse over info stays on the screen.

These are very much just personal preference things but:

  • The mouse scroll zooms in and out backwards to what feel natural for me.
  • I prefer the mouse drag to be like how Europa Universals 4 (and AutoCAD..) has it where you push the middle mouse button and when you move the mouse the map moves so the mouse stays in the same location on the map as when the middle mouse button was pressed down.
  •  Player info (health, upgrades, unit count) being on the left and enemy info on right would be more intuitive to me

Played on Linux reference.

Cool game, hope to see more progress in the future!

Hmm, thanks for trying to run the game. The missing error.png shouldn't matter, but not sure whats causing it to crash. I'll have to look into it. Windows I assume? Seems to be having problems for people

Thanks for playing the game, and glad you like how I translated the collar to the game!

Do you remember what upgrade killed you? I think the only way you should be able to die from upgrades at the moment is buying a shop item when you dont have enough money.  I think the player being able to kill them self from wrong decisions is in the spirit of a roguelike/lite, but I should give a proper indicator that your about to lose 2 INT from taking an item in the shop since even I have missed it on occasion.

Thanks again for  playing and for the feedback

Note: Playing on linux like last time (DD42 I think) 

Combat feels better this time. The enemies having a stunned state when blocked works well. Though the little bug creatures in the cave seem to have a weird hit box and collision box where you cant hit them face on when in the stun state.

Not sure why you keep saying you have no content, their seems to be quite a bit here already. I'll need to either revisit this demo later or set aside more time for it next DD as I couldnt explore everything. The Forest past the guards to the town has a really nice atmosphere to it by the way, big fan. 

Also you made all the graphics yourself right? I genuinely forgot I was looking at hobbydev art and not a older gen higher budget videogames art. 

Adol cutting you off as the MC would introduce herself is pretty amusing tbh.

Im not a big fan of the save menu. Being able to write your own save names is nice, but it feels like there should be a button to save (like with loading) rather than having to hit Enter. It be nice to also show the date on the saves in both the save and load menus. 

Alright, glitches time:

- Not sure if this is for DD, but I keep seeing these messages in the top left corner.

- When first talking to Adol its shown as him saying "Thank you" a few times where I think its supposed to be the MC saying it, not him.

- The glitch of items to the right of the one being used in the inventory seems to be gone.. sort of. The items to the right still disapear, but will reappear once I close and reopen the inventory.

-  Torches in hand disappear on save and then load. Ran out of touches by saving and loading too much while testing things due to this.

- Dropped a torch at the keyhole accidentally, but I had a hard time picking it up since I interacting with the keyhole instead. Not sure if there is a nice way to solve this tbh, I guess the player needs to be smart enough to not drop stuff near interact able objects. (I was also able to pick it up by positioning myself correctly so it was fine eventually).

- Right outside the exit of the first cave if you hug the opposite side cliff it gets very dark. (screenshot is at daytime)

- Green lizards near the starting pyramid seemed to damage me after I killed them. Posted webm >>383727087

- Going to the load menu and leaving without loading anything seems to break the UI, I couldnt open the menus again afterwards. Had to close and relaunch game.

Hey cool, its me!

Thanks for the fun demo, cant wait to see more progress on this game. Think its going to be real [spoiler]fun[/spoiler] once its finished!

Fun game. 

I feel like the auto locking weapons should prioritise locking onto enemies of the correct colour however. I think the way its working is once it locks on to an enemy its says locked onto them till the enemy is killed? Since they do more damage to a specific colour I think even the switching from a half killed enemy would still be more efficient since it does more damage?

Lore drops are a nice way to add a collectable. Also for a non story focus game its a nice way to make  the story something in the background that can be read when the player feels like it, not getting in the way of gameplay

Fun game. Cute bat.

Got the the end section. And no memory crashes, so looks like the memory leak you mentioned is all patched up. 

Face animation are cute too, and its nice having some sort of indicator it im going to crash into the house or not when landing.

I feel like it would make sense for the facecam to always focus on the face. So when you rotate the camera centre relative ot batty also shifts

>You're not really supossed to consume items during combat, so thats why there's no button for those

Fair enough

Sorry, I miss-wrote about the potion consuming. It works fine on Left click. Its on RIGHT click that it acts odd. I tested it again, and right clicking the health potion consumed all my health potions and mana potions. Right clicking the mana potion only consumed all the mana potions.

Here is what I see when talking to Adol by the way.

Note, I was testing on the Linux build used "" . I tried "" as well, but that one gave the error "Exec format error". Google is telling me its cause by running an executable for the wrong architecture? Either way, The first one worked fine for me, and I dont thing any bugs I found due to running the  linux version. Let me know if their is anything I dont mention below that you want me to text on linux.

For the combat, I dont mind the "timed block and then attack" style you seem to be going for. But (and maybe im just doing something wrong), but it feels like the weapons need a bit more reach? Especially when I was testing fighting vs the lizard. With shorter weapons the combination of the backstep when blocking and the enemy backstep when successfully blocked makes too large of a gap to swing and hit with some weapons.  Worked well when I used the berserkerblade though. Note I havent played the Gothic games which I believe your mentioned being inspired by for this game.

having some sort of "loot all" would be nice. Having to loot each individual coin off Adol's corpse would be tedious.

I explored a bit, found trainwiz, and found a secret cave behind the waterfall , but there was no loot in the waterfall. =( 

Also I found an entrance at the back into the pyramid without the skeleton. I found some gem inside, but couldnt figure out how to get out afterwards.

It might be nice to have a equip slot for consumables like you have for scolls. So I dont need to open the inventory mid combat to drink a healing potion.


Bugs found:

- Typo in "weak healing scrol" (should be to Ls in scroll)

- A lot of items were just floating a bit above the ground. They are clearly added for bugtesting/playtesting so maybe its intentional. (mentioned it since im not sure if items are supposed to have gravity or something)

- In the journal "Informations" doesnt have any info

- For the heavy guard armor, shouldnt the shield be on the right arm, instead of the arm holding the weapon?

- Dialog camera can be wonky. Showing angles where I cant see anything

- is there a reason that left clicking a potion consumes everything? For example left clicking a heal potion consumes all my healing potions, all my mana potions, all bread, etc.

- Fall damage should be more

Obviously its early, but I look forward to seeing what content you add. Core mechanics seem to be coming along well, so I can see this being a really fun game once there are quests to do, places to explore, lore to uncover, etc.

had fun playing it. Though missing a long term goal (or I missed it) to keep me hooked. Do the levels get progressively harder or anything like that? Or is it just saving trying to get money/loot to get a stronger ship and thats it?

I would be nice to be able to check the controls in the pause menu I forgot what the button was for dropping bombs. I was able to find it on your games itch page so not a big deal for a gamejam.

It feels a bit funny that bombs can fly upwards out of the ship if the ship is moving up when its launched.

When selling items the selected item stops being highlighted after the first sale, but you can keep selling them by clicking the sell button

In the shop it be nice if it told you which of the two weapon slots a weapon goes into I bought the flamer, wanting to replace the shotgun, but it could only swap out the chaingun

Why is "change ship" a selectable option here? Same for the two weapon slots.

Fun game, thanks for making it!

10/10 would rage quit again.

Also got a glitch where I saw the aiming circle twice. One a set distance away from character, the other wherever my mouse was.

Me and platformers never got along, and hard ones even more so. But seems like good streamer rage content.

Game has a strong aesthetic going for it. Probably going to have to revisit this one to get a better grasp of how to play the game. (Played it on Linux by the way)

List of comments I noted down as I played:

Sound slider at the start that starts at 0 volume is a really nice touch tbh. Games blasting their music at me on start up is a major annoyance.

In the intro it be nice if I could skip the typewrite text to show the full text instead of slowly typing it out. Though it seems to only be relevant in the intro and maybe you are doing it for artistic reasons. In which case nvm.

Got a type at start with "CLICC HERE TO SKIP". Though again, maybe intional?

Dropped ammo magzines on reload is cool

The laptop console menus scroll is not great. Scroll is really slow. It scrolls backwards. Scrolling down, scrolls text down, instead of moving to show text lower down. Thinking about it, your way is more logical, and it might be a weird personal preference on my end. But I think im just using the default way of scrolling on my computer?

Mirror effect in apartment is cool

It would be nice if I could see the abilities a vocation unlocks before unlocking it

enter key on numlock doesnt work. Would be nice if it could be used.

Not sure how security system in hacking works. Tutorial explains the hacking well, but is there anything I can do to prevent computer system from noticing me?

Its a cool game that by all rates deserved to do well. Probably will revisit this one when I have time.

Thanks for the fun demo!

(1 edit)

Would be nice if I could eat food off the floor without picking it up. Kind of annoying to have to drop something, pick up food, eat food, pick thing up. I get wanting to limit how much food you can carry, but in this specific scenario I dont think it changes anything gameplay wise, just makes it less time consuming.

Also ran into a constant glitch of enemies, my hand/what its holding, and sometimes the hud flashing in and out of existence a lot. See video:

I would also suggest making the doors (lading to unexplored rooms) a but more apparent on the map. When I was first playing I opened the map and was confused where to go since I though the map was showing i explored everywhere.

Good luck with the game!

edit: Oh, I was playing on linux by the way. Everything outside of the visual glitch mentioned seemed to work properly

Love the concept . Fairly hard, but I felt like I was getting better at it each time I tried a run, so its probably just me slowly going through the learning curve.

Didnt run into any glitches.

Two quality of life things. It would be nice if the card im mousing over was drawn in front, currently I have to click and move it to see it, even if I dont necessary intend to play it. It would also be nice if you could move pinned posts, just to let the player reorganize the board as they like.

I think it would make sense to give reply cards a unique icon somewhere to distinguish them.

I wasnt a fan of starting with zero mana and only 3 cards. Felt like it makes the beginning a bit too slow. 

Im a big fan of the theme you have going, and you have done a good job in having the play styles of the cards match to the personalities they represent. 

I think this has high potential to be a fun game!

just as cute and soulful as last time I player. Played on linux again.

Overworld for level select is a nice touch, I think last time I played it, level select was just textbox selection?

Few glitches I found:

If you jump in the air where you would normally trip on the rock, you still "trip" in the air.

On the level where you are taught you can throw chloe' after you throw her the grab symbol persists even when player as her and too far away from Epsilon for him to be able to grab you. Wasnt an issue in the next level.

The bird came back from the dead and started speaking to me in a foreign language. (Epsilon and Chloe' also spoke a different language on start of Nabu's Library.

Is the bear okay?

In the hub world its telling me I have 8/7 dandelions on Nabu's Library. I think you might have the order backwards?

I was able to soft lock myself on the last level by throwing the rock past the red door that needs two buttons pushed. I was trying to hit the switch with the rock, but missed.

Good luck with the game!

Nice clean art style, and the combat is simple but I still ended up playing longer than intended cause its quite fun. has a nice comfy feel to it too.

Not sure what the end goal is, but didnt care, had fun going around slaying baddies.

Sorry I might have instantly skipped over the intro text. Its not really fair and normally if i launch up a new game id give it a chance set the story. But you know, 72 demos..

Fun the play and looks nice. Good luck with the game!

Ah okay. Didnt realize the computer resets the view. Its wasn't really an issue, just felt like it be nice to have. I think resetting it with the computer is good enough. But maybe when you get around to doing custom keybindings (I didnt check but I assume its not a thing yet) maybe just throw in an optional keybind for zoom reset.

Dont really have time for long rpgs these days, but this would have been right up my ally back when I did!  Writing feels good. Feel you managed to give a pretty good run down of Cecel's personality (and he seems to be an interesting MC ) without just lore dumping me at the start of the game. I guess the first conversation with the police chief might .count as a lore dump but its didnt feel like one while playing it.

Always a fan of detective caught up in weird insane shit type stories too.

Writing made me chuckle a few times too. I think the jokes are landing well.

Ran into I think a glitch. Game is in windowed mode. and the text box is running off the screen cause one of the options  is too long. Seem it might be intentional though lol.

When the two thieves are stealing the mirror I had the option to run away from them. I succeeded and they where just gone with the mirror still there. Seems like the fight should be non-optional like it was with the first boss.

I got to the part where you need to find the shield pieces. Found the one at the tree, but then died in combat. Im curious if the player intended to grind a bit in this area, or was I just bad?

I liked how when characters are poisoned you  show their health outside of combat too. 

Fun game! I'll definitely  be keeping  an eye on this one.

Looks to be pretty bare bones atm, but I know you only started on this recently. (RIP card game)

I was able to mine the rocks and build a little army to destory the enemy, so core mechanics all seem to be working right.

Unit controls are a bit strange tbh. I much prefer the traditional drag box to select multiple units, right click on target style.

Found a glitch where if I selected the building I can spawn cats with, and then selected the enemy building I could spawn my cats with that building. 

Good luck with the game!

You should add a "press T to talk" prompt or something at the start of the intro . Had to go the your game main page to look up to controls to figure it out. Which is fine for a work in progress, but you have a tutorial explaining the rest of it already, so I think that would be all that is missing.

Decided to actually wait 10 min like the Doc said I should. A popup came up that later I learned is indeed to talking. But when I hit T is crashed the game. Error message is below.




action number 1

of  Step Event0

for object DialogueController:

Variable DialogueController.tutwait(100505, -2147483648) not set before reading it.

at gml_Object_DialogueController_Step_0


gml_Object_DialogueController_Step_0 (line -1)

Consequently it be nice if there was a way to skip through text faster, it scrolled a bit slow the first time through, but  the second time after the crash I just wanted to rush through it. Normally with typewriter text hitting the next line button when its till writing will fill out the whole text box first and then hitting it again will move on to the next line.

Its an autistic problem but  maybe add a "reset zoom" button? One it be faster to zoom back in once I zoomed out, but I could also make sure my camera stays at a consistent  zoom level when actually playing that way

In the tutorial I asked for the flashing effect to be off. But when I got to the hubworld it was back on. Turned it off again in the options and it was fine afterwards.

Game mechanics wise  im not really a puzzle platformer guy, so I cant really give much feedback on that. The  repeating the levels but altered from your actions thing is cool though.  Knowing the increased difficulty the second time around is my own fault is an interesting feel lol.

Cool game. Good luck with your future progress!

Like I mentioned in the thread im not too familiar with zeldalikes, but here are my thoughts.

First, I am probably just a dumbass, but I almost got filtered out by the starting menu. I figured out you move the hat to select the game start. But I though I had to move to the statue and hit a button to accept the option. Not sure how I finally clued in that I just keep moving passed the statue, probably just got lucky lol.

I think the card tutorial and tutorial with the owels did a good enough job to help me figure out what is going on. I was a bit confused why C didnt do anything. Once I got my first item it became obvious how it worked. I managed to get to the end of the demo. Got the sword, and then the spooky ghost told me the demo is over.

It feels like outside the dungeons there are sometimes just a pointlessly large amount of enemies on the map. It also feels like there is usually no reason to fight them and its better to just walk around them to get where I want to go. I noticed that the amount and locations spawned seems to be random. Maybe have a game design reason to want the amount spawning to vary but I would think about limit the variance of how many enemies spawn. Having the locations be random is fine, and even good however.

I feel like the player/door hitbox is a bit tight.  Like in the pic below, the player is colliding with the wall, but  I feel like I should be able to just keep walking into the door. 

The spell book  and items system is neat. I do wonder how you plan to handle adding more items and spells in the future though? Seems like you restricted yourself to having the 4 sets, at least with the current control setup.

Overall game seems well polished though. Again  not really a zeldalikes kind of gamer, so take my opinions with an extra grain of salt. Seems like a game with potential though, hope to see you continue to progress on it in the future!

Sorry bro, I'm not skilled enough for this game. Furthest I got was two rooms past the one in the screenshot.

This probably isnt a glitch but the ghosts dont attack me till I attack them.

Also I was able to attack these dudes accross the gravestones. Not sure if that is intended.

Game seems to be well done, but I think its just not meant for me.

Good luck with the game though!

First of all, damn the 3D hallway looks nice. Probably mentioned it last time too, but you clearly have talent for art, and you have your own style to boot! (Didnt know its possible to have good non-anime art in a game. =P ) Music is very well made too.

Game is still hard as hell for me. Though I did manage to win this time! I tried to focus more on the enemy attack info to keep in mind where there attacks can hit. But still starts to get hectic for me once more than two/three enemies need to be tracked. Especially since there can be two of the same type of enemy with different attacks. Attacks being telegraphed in the animation helps a lot though.

Also appreciate having more ammo between reloads now.

 The in between rounds heal pool resetting is new right? I think that makes it better,  helps prevents me being stuck on the last round with only 1 health lol.

When I bootup the game it boots fairly slowly, my computer also thinks its crashed and asks me if it should force quite the program. End up fine afterwards and everything ran fine, but figurd its worth mentioning.

There is a glitch where the red reticule isnt fully visible in the battle setup phase.. Seems to happen after combat. Hitting J on something to inspect it and backing out fixes it. 

Looks good! Keep it up, and cant wait to see where you go with this game.

Fun little game!  Id recommend making it default that  the loser serves. Serving has too strong an advantage.

Nice that even for a small frog jam game you got some options set up. Tried a game with both net and  side goals off and surprisingly was still fun.

Pretty fun once I figured out what is going on. Well polished too.

At first my instinct was to spam click the mouse button, but that would have lead to whatever the equivalent of carpal tunnel is in my mouse finger lol. I assume the design intent is to hold the mouse down, and only click when you need to counter the enemy attacks?

Also hard a hard time with the bosses till I decided to go all in on +size for a run and noticed that the attack hitbox is not restricted to be within the circle and its actually a upward rectangle. beat Green jelly boss, the 3 snakes, and some wizard man with 4 jellies zapping him.

I was told I unlocked a character (Taylor) but when I went to the character select screen I didnt see any new characters unlocked. Closing and booting the game back up fixed it though. Character seems a lot weaker than starting character.

Fun game! Good luck with the game, see potential in it.

Simple but fun! 

Ladybugs hovering around right in front of your face kind of sucks though.

Thanks for the fun demo!

Managed to win as all three colours. Quick googleing didnt seem to bring anything up so I assume the 3 asymetrical sides as you have them set up is your own idea? Its neat, only played vs ai, but I could see with players, the game being rigged so that two of the sides have to work together but also betray each other at some point to win could make for some intricate game dynamics.

Didnt run into any glitches, but having the victory be more apparent would be nice. Kind of just "ends" right now. 

Also as a suggestion, maybe try playing having green and reds ai have a "trust" state, in which they wont take the others pieces and only attack each other once of them attack the other. Would also need some calculation to see if betraying the other is deemed worth it. Probably not an easy thing to code though.

Cool game anon!

(1 edit)

Cool idea. Having to think about which gun to use and switching between them on enemies  really adds a satisfying weight and rhythm to the game that it wouldn't have if it was just mindlessly shooting at the enemies.

Edit: Forgot to mention. I dont seem to be able to unpause the game?

Wish you luck on the game!

>Try to catch all the far away flys and fail miserably and become depressed

>Temper expectations and go for the easy flys and before I know it im catching flys so far away I couldnt even imagine before hand, all without even noticing how much bigger and stronger I had become

Is this game a poetic way of saying people should start with small with games like pong, instead of jumping head first into making their overscoped dream game? Cause if so I feel personally attacked =P

(Fun game by the way, got over 1,000,000 points)

Seems like it has good potential. Maybe a weird comparison but its giving me some Mount and Blade vibes. With the whole starting out very weak and slowly earning money to buy equipment to slowly become op. 

Found a glitch where, if you select a part from the box, and then escape back to the previous menu, you lose the part forever. Lost the gun printer twice due to this. First time not knowing about the glitch, second time cause I instinctively hit escape to cancel placing it.

When choosing the internals section to install parts it. Is it necessary to have the "head, Torso, Arms, Legs" be buttons? Seems like you could just always show the buttons for the subsections instead. Would result in less clicking needed to navigate between body sections.

Finally, More just curiosity, not a suggestion or anything, but are you planning to add options to customize the cute anime girl, or keeping it locked to specific design? Custom waifus are always great, but  I can also see the advantage of having a specific character design, especially when it comes to branding/marketing.

Cool game, cant wait to see you go with it!

(1 edit)

Happy to finally give this one a try, looked neat from your posts in the threads. 

The controls are getting to me to be honest. Feels really weird to me to not have mouse always moving the camera. Maybe considering making right click toggle between the two views instead of depend on if its help down or not?

That said, game still is fun. Shotgun jumping is a fun mechanic. having to go back for ammo to be able to do platforming also seems like an interesting design choice. I already see how its adding to decision making in game since platforming now requires a limited resource. 

Only found the pistols and a few stickers. I noticed a gun on top of the building with the broken stairs but was too much of a brainlet to figure out how to get to it. 

Hope the levels will continue to have the sort of open world exploring feel this one had.

Neat game with potential, cant wait to see more of this in the future!

Fun game! I think this might actually be the first boomer shooter iv ever played, lol.

Like the an designs and the shotgun looks really nice when shooting it. Not sure I like the face with two leg guys, the idea of something like that coming up to you and biting your crouch off is rather unpleasant =P

Maybe this is just how boomer shooters are, but could the kick attack not be bound to its own button instead of being a weapon you switch to? 

Ran into a glitch. I was covering in the hallway here, me drawn in blue. And the big guy (first one you meet) was standing where at the wall, drawn in red. The wall was between us but his gun stuck out of the wall and he could shoot me.

Fun demo, can wait to see more work on the game!

I like the artwork, and the game looks like it could have potential with more options/control on the players end. Maybe equipment, abilities, etc?

For combat Im confused on how exactly it works. I get you start with 4 squares in the middle, but I dont know whats causing new ones to show up.

I was also thrown off by the 'X'. I assumed it was a multiplayer for something, but look like that is just the actual damage?

Also, not sure what the max health really means, since it looks like you heal past it when moving around? 

Seems interesting, wish you luck on making the game!

Fun game. Wasnt sure I would like it first going in, especially since im not to big on platformers. But this was fun. Got to the ending of the demo and will be waiting to see more of this game!

I played it on linux and I dont think I ran into any issues that would be OS related.

It feels like you move faster when going down a slop than when you move normally or go up a slope. Felt a bit odd.

I found a glitch, where if I opened a door while a slug was crawling up it, the slug would fly over to the next wall. Just guessing here, but seems like you have the gravity that affects to slug rotated when it climbs onto a wall or roof? I think resting the gravtiy to be downwards if the slug has no gravity based collision would fix the issue. Or just keep it cause it looks funny and not too out of style for a creepy space slug.

The ability to look up or down while standing still would be nice.

Maybe its just cause im a noob, but the flying bugs almost filtered me.  It be nice if they died once they hit you. shooting at them gets weird when they are stuck hovering over the plater body. The shooting works fine, its just at least in my head feels weird to point at yourself to shoot them.

Thanks for the fun demo and good luck on the game!