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A member registered Oct 24, 2017 · View creator page →

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Ok. So. The mouse controls. One of the guys who worked on the game has a trackball mouse and the mouse controls are basically just for him. Glad you liked the game!

Woah! Survival game's aren't really my cup of tea, but the great art and playful sensibilities totally captivated me. This is great!

Woah! Survival game's aren't really my cup of tea, but the great art and playful sensibilities totally captivated me. This is great!

Woah! Survival game's aren't really my cup of tea, but the great art and playful sensibilities totally captivated me. This is great!

Woah! Survival game's aren't really my cup of tea, but the great art and playful sensibilities totally captivated me. This is great!

Woah! Survival game's aren't really my cup of tea, but the great art and playful sensibilities totally captivated me. This is great!

Woah! Survival game's aren't really my cup of tea, but the great art and playful sensibilities totally captivated me. This is great!

This looks awesome and feels great to move around in. Good stuff.

Neat idea. I wish I felt more like a moon. Like, I want to orbit the planet and use my angular momentum somehow. None-the-less, it's a nice little game. Thanks!

This is a really clever idea. The art is good enough to support the premise, and I had fun trying to wire things up.

I think the 4th stage was somehow buggy for me. I kept trying to wire yellow blocks into grey blocks, and they would only sometimes make the number go up, seemingly kind of randomly.

On the design side, I found some of the UI confusing. It took me forever to realize I was supposed to clicks the points on the purple diamonds, even though you had a tutorial picture sort of demonstrating it. Maybe if you showed a whole block in the tutorial image instead of just the diamond, it would be clearer? And there's a lot of things that can be plugged into each other that do nothing. I tried plugging blue blocks into other blue block, purple blocks into grey blocks, etc. It's hard to know what combinations of blocks are allowed and what aren't. 

But that's pretty small stuff, and I really enjoyed playing this game once I got the hang of. Thanks for making it!

(2 edits)

My roommates and I sat down on the couch to play through some jam games, and we picked this one first. Instead of playing a bunch of jam games, we stayed up until two in the morning yelling, "ohhhh i got it gimme the keyboard" at each other. This was a blast from beginning to end. Really good work!

We gave up after trying level D4 for like an hour and a half.

My only feedback is that it's hard to tell the different elevation tiles apart. Maybe having some slight shadows between the levels or a slightly non-orthographic camera would help?

Oh, also, my roommates instructed me to tell you, "its better than stephen's sausage roll and void stranger put together".

This game came out awesome. Looks good, feels good, sounds good, seems to be bug free. I don't know if it would scale out well into a full game, but it's a blast to play for 20 minutes or so.

My only complaint is that the restart and record buttons are too close together, and I ended up pressing the wrong one more than once. 

All in all, really good work!

I finally made a video talking through how we made tombworld. It ended up being really long, so I totally understand if it's not something you end up wanting to watch!

3d is definitely harder, but its not impossible or anything. I was thinking of making a video talking through how the project was made as a learning resource if anyone else tries to do something like this.

The dash room seems to be tripping up a lot of people. We put in an 11th hour fix to make it easier, but it's still too hard. And yes, the main designer for that level does love precision platformers :D.

Honestly, I think the extra time spent building a 3d game was time we didn't spend balancing the game. Next game jam, I'm going to focus on building a simple 2d game and make it as fun and balanced as I can.

Thank you so much for playing Toom World!

A lot of other people had the same issue with shift to glide, so I just uploaded a new build that uses space to glide, along with a few other quality of life improvements. Originally, we wanted to reserve space in air for double jump, but we cut double jump, so it was silly to leave glide bound to shift.

OH NO! I'll try again right away! I'm so stupid!

Thanks for all the kind feedback! I'm not going to lie - half the fun of making this game was doing all the goofy transitions.

We basically cranked out all the levels at the last minute - it was actually pretty easy once the core mechanics were working on our practice level.

You're totally right about the "R" key. I threw it in at the last minute, and didn't think very much about what key I put it on. I was like "R = Reset. Perfect".

Wow! This isn't an art style that I love, but it's really well executed here. I liked how the rolling rocks and goblins feet synched up with the speed they walked. I didn't notice any obvious bugs, and it was pretty clear how to play right away.

The core conceit of the game - a dungeonafied pacman - was cute. I'd love to see you push the idea farther. I'm not sure its exactly something I would play more of (I just don't like pacman that much), but you did a great job making something creative and fun here, and I'm curious what it would look like if you added a few more levels with a few more variations on this idea.

Thank you for making this!

I'm on linux. It sort of ran, but I couldn't jump, so I'm not going to rate it. Sorry 😔.

The art looked nice, and the signs I was able to read without jumping made it sound like a fun game. I tried falling to the bottom of the world, and re-spawned somewhere new, but I couldn't jump there either.

✔️ Bug Free

✔️ I really liked the font (or was it handwriting?). All the menus felt complete and well done.

✔️ The art makes me smile. I love that little dog and its silly pick axe. I want it to get its silly little kibble house!

✔️ The music and sound effects fit really well. The sad 'I found coal' whine is great!

✖️ It took a while to figure out how to move. I read the directions but I was expecting to click once and move to the tile I clicked on. It was also frustrating to not be able to turn the dog.

✖️ I don't know what to do! I randomly dig to random depths, and sometimes gold shows up randomly, but I can't find any pattern to it. Time usually runs out with my only having collected one gold. I want to help the cute little dog buy its cute little house, but I can't figure out how to.

None-the-less, good work. I had fun!

I like to think we were putting the "art" into the "art of the possible"!

(1 edit)

Great opening animation. Great art. It was genuinely funny. Made me laugh. I like how much of the gameplay is intuitive. If you stand still, you lose right away, so you learn to run. If you freeze the guards, you can get free. Its emergent in a nice way.

(My keyboard's arrow keys are in weird places, so its kind of hard to play)

I didn't run into any bugs. The art and music were quite nice, and set the tone well. Menu art was also good, and set the tone super well.

At a gameplay level, there wasn't much going on, though. The diver moved kind of slow, which meant after I died the second time, I wasn't too excited to wade through the game again.

I had fun bumbling through the level and trying to find out what to do, though. Thanks for making this!

Not a lot to say.

- Art and animation: impeccable. The hand drawn-looking art was great.

- Tutorial: Also excellent. Just showing the controls below each icon and forcing the player to perform the core mechanic before starting the game was excellent.

- It's a 'pat your head, rub your belly' sort of game, and figuring out how to navigate the crown and the hand at the same time took a few runs. Then, I started winning runs. Then, I noticed there's a recommended high score, and I was close. It did a good job of making me play 'one more game', despite the content never changing between runs.

- My technique was to freeze all the swords for about 30s, then alternative collection runs and more freezing. I tried not to do both at the same time. The first 30s of freezing were pretty boring, though, once I got used to it. Just run the mouse in quick circles. I almost wish the game started with the screen strewn with frozen swords, just to skip the kind-of boring build up phase.

- I don't think I hit a single bug (except possibly an off-by-one pixel error in the text rendering on the game over screen?). 0 noticeable bugs is excellent for a jam game. 

Good work. Thanks for making this excellent little game!

(1 edit)

I tried this game like 3 times before it finally clicked. Some note for future players:
- You always fly to the right. Mouse up = fly up, Mouse down = fly down.

- If you hit the ground, you lose a life

- If you fly into the sky, you go to the shop

- At the shop, you can buy upgrades. If you don't spend all your gold on upgrades, it goes into the bank.

- Your goal is to steal items from the people below. Just fly through their torsos with left mouse button pressed to steal their items. 

- Make it back to the shop with gold before time timer runs out to upgrade and bank your gold, then repeat.


Feedback for the devs:

- This game is fun, unique, and feels complete.

- Feedback is often lacking. A lot of buttons don't highlight when I hover over them. There's not animation when I steal an item. A lot of mechanics aren't fully explained.

- Despite that, I really had fun with this once I got into the flow. It had good "sea bird fishing by skimming over the water" vibes, and once I got a pattern down, it was super satisfying.

- It took me a long time to realize gold was being banked, because the bank icon and the per-run gold icons are in the same place.

- I felt like the game had two phases. High stress "unlock the upgrades" phase, then low stress "just zoom through the crowd and reap the rewards" phase.

- Some graphic indicating where the mouse is would help a lot. In the browser, the cursor is hidden, and I have to wiggle it to figure out how high/low it is.

- The art is really good. Consistent tone, and the goofy almost-too-real physics sells the tone. The birds flying animations are so good I almost forgot to mention them! They just feel perfect to the point they fade into the background!

- Getting trampled when I hit the ground happens too fast and is too punishing. I wish I bounced once or twice and got a chance to recover. Or, possibly I just wish the people were a little taller. Or, possibly, I'm just bad at video games.

- It took me 22 flights to finally pay Odin back, btw.

All said, brilliant work. It reminds me of the old flash games era in the best possible way!

- I scored 63, but I forgot about the timer and I got the "game over" (frozen) screen. I feel like I could have kept going for a while longer, though.

- I got into a cycle of "go out and chop down trees, then go home and deposit demons".

- Pushing the demons felt too hard, somehow. I kind of wish the character pushed their scythe out in front of them like a broom and literally shoved the demons so it was more clear where they were going.

- The reflections and leafy-particle effects are top notch, and give the game a great ambiance.

- The art assets are also top notch, with tons of little details in the animations. I'm tempted to call them "delightful", even.

- I guess the game used gold and a 60s timer, but they didn't feel integral to the experience :(.

The game loop was fun for 5 minutes, but I don't know that I feel a need to play for a lot longer. I think that's ok, though. It amused me for the amount of time I wanted to spend with it. Really nice work, all told!

- I'm very sorry you didn't eat any cookies this game jam. Maybe next time, you will have some cookies.

- I liked the sprites, especially the main character. They're kind of blurry, though.

- The core platforming physics work, and its fun to move around.

- Negatively, though, I think touching a wall counts as grounded, because I can run into a wall and just slide up forever. There's also something funny about the left/right motion. You seem to move in big chunks each time a button is pressed. It makes it hard to land precisely. A bit of animation to show when you take damage would help too.

None of the negatives ruin the game, though. Nice work! I hope you had fun making it. I had fun playing it!

- I'm very sorry you didn't eat any cookies this game jam. Maybe next time, you will have some cookies.

- I liked the sprites, especially the main character. They're kind of blurry, though.

- The core platforming physics work, and its fun to move around.

- Negatively, though, I think touching a wall counts as grounded, because I can run into a wall and just slide up forever. There's also something funny about the left/right motion. You seem to move in big chunks each time a button is pressed. It makes it hard to land precisely. A bit of animation to show when you take damage would help too.

None of the negatives ruin the game, though. Nice work! I hope you had fun making it. I had fun playing it!

- Premise is cute. It reminds me of Moonlighter.

- Art is cute, especially the background sprites. I wish the shopkeeper looked forwards when moving diagonally, as I feel that's a better sprite than the left/right sprite.

- The first level or two were fun as I was figuring out to do, but once I realized how many levels it was going to take to unlock all the upgrades, I panicked and stopped playing. Like another poster said, the ability to end the day early would make all the difference in the world. 

- It has consistent art and "narrative" - eg, all the assets and actions you take as a player feed the theme of being a shop-keeper, and nothing breaks that illusion. That consistency can be hard to achieve, especially if this is one of your first times working on a game.

- The physics on the barrels follows the curvature of the barrels such that you get a "speed bump" effect if you rub up against them.

Overall, nice work. Cute game!