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I had a lot of fun creating my own game and playing all the games i rated, but honestly, based on the comments it got, i thought my game was going to rank higher :D One of the best parts, for me at least, is all the feedback i got! Going to work on my game and make it better, with mouse/keyboard control this time around :)

thank you, i think it’s awesome that you found your controller and got a chance to play, i am so glad you like it :) The bullets make use of a raycast (in LateUpdate) which looks in front of the bullet at a distance of 1,5 units, i haven’t had this issue of bullets going through colliders before, maybe the framerate was a bit low on your end? In any case, i’ll lower the fps in my editor and see if i can reproduce and most of all, find a solution for this :) 

thank you, it means a lot to me that you took your time to find your controller, and above all else, that you liked the game, thank you for playing! :)

Played and rated your great game :)

if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

awesome game, great artwork and fitting audio, i like the gameplay and how sometimes, in hindsight, your choices seem all wrong and your ship gets sunk by a kraken :)

thank you :)

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thank you, yes at great request from many of my fellow game jammers, including you, i plan on adding mouse/keyboard controls, and if you mean by “the mouse button” the mouse cursor, than yes that is also going to be locked and invisible * in the next version of the game. 

Now, in the event that if you really mean “the mouse button” then i do not know what you are talking about and i’m just going to throw a paperclip in your general direction and run :D

*unless you need to use the mouse to navigate in the ui

nice game guys, very cool for a 1 week jam game, lag was mostly fine for me on webgl

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i can’t play your game on my Mac, but rated it based on screenshots and other people’s comments :) 

if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

i can not play your game on my Mac, but rated it based on your screenshots and other people’s comments :)

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ok that was so much fun, thank you very much for making a Mac version, i really enjoyed this and i’ve updated my rating! Hope to see more of this in the future!

The artwork and level design is gorgeous and the  game looks very nice, the puzzles are well thought through, i had to retry more than twice ;)

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awesome man, i’ll go play it right now!

i can not play your game on my Mac, so i rated it based on your screenshots and other people’s comments :)

i can not play your game on my Mac, but rated it based on your screenshots and other people’s comments :)

i wish i could have played your game on my Mac, rated it based on screenshots and other people’s comments :)

i can not play your game on my Mac, but rated it based on your very beautiful screenshots and other people’s comments :) i wish i could have played it though, looks like it’s right up my alley, i love first person puzzle games!

i can not play your game on my Mac, but rated it based on your screenshots and other people's comments :)

if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

very nice :)

thank you :)

nice game, love the artwork, overall great job! Only thing is i wish i could go back to the room i came from :D

can’t play your game on my Mac but rated it based on your screenshots and other peoples comments :)

i can not play your game on my Mac, but i rated it based on your screenshots (looks like a really nice game) and other peoples comments :)

thank you :)

oh that’s not good… i’ll try to get my hands on an xbox 360 controller and make it work in the next version of this game. And thank you for your kind words, i am glad you liked what you saw :)

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thank you :) i plan on adding a shield and making it so that you don’t have to start all over again when you die, but rather let the player start from the wave they were in.

thank you :) we all only had a week to create our games (and the first three days i could not do anything because i had covid) so i made the best i could. You are right that in many ways it lacks features that could have made it even better, but the limited time period said otherwise. I do plan on further development of this game once the jam/rating ends and luckily for me i have a bunch of valuable feedback i can work with, so thank you for your contribution :)

if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

nice game, looks really great! i mostly concur with Jorava with the added thought that the post apocalyptic world does not feel in sync with the player character nor the enemies, they look more like they belong in a fantasy world. You’ve got a great game idea here, keep at it!

if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

(1 edit)

i already rated your game, if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

you are right, the gameplay is perfect as is, i just found myself picking up a weapon hitting 2-3 times and in need for another one, it was not the feeling of power i had when only 1 or 2 zombieshoppers came at me, the first time i was like aaaaaah need to find another one and then i was dead :D 

haha i like it very much, it immediately makes me think of a 2d shooter version of Human Fall Flat, difficulty is good, was not frustrating to start over and over trying to get that shot right, nice job!

if you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

lol very nice game, had a lot of fun running around and defending myself with anything i come across, wish the weapon durability was based on the amount of swings and not the amount of shoppers hit because if they come at you in group the weapon does not last long :)

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haha nice game you have, had a lot of fun playing! If you happen to have a controller laying around, and like 3d top down twin stick shooters, then maybe play and rate my game ‘Stay Calm’? =>

In case you do not have one, here is a gameplay video (with huge thanks to HexNuclid) which might convince you to leave a rating based on what you see there =>

thank you :) yes i plan on further development of this game once the jam/rating ends, adding more and larger maps, more enemies, more guns and explosive stuff, … 

nice puzzle game with fitting audio, i like the idea! all went well until level 4 where it said i have 5 beavers but i could only make 3 of them do an action?

awesome game, it looks really great,  is very much fun to ram into enemies, and absolutely love the music and sfx, very nice job!

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played and rated, cool (hard) game, nice job!