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A member registered Jul 10, 2020 · View creator page →

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Honestly, this is one of the best games I've seen in this jam so far. Very clever design. I nearly burst out laughing when it asked me to make "the height of your second build". Only complain I have would be something to use the money I made for, or at least some sort of cumulative scoring. All in all, awesome job here.

Hmm, I haven't seen that issue before. You might be right about that being an issue on your end, but odd regardless. I'll see if I can figure out what's going wrong there. 

Haha yeah, I definitely agree that some of the levels have too harsh or lenient requirements. It's a really tough balance to strike, especially with our less-than-ideal implementation. If we were to do it again I'd definitely change how the "picture-perfectness" of the scene is computed. Glad you enjoyed regardless.

Wow. The level of polish here is insane! Truly an impressive idea with brilliant execution. I enjoyed it a lot.

A simple concept executed very nicely. Artwork and sounds fit really well.

Great take on the theme with the roles reversing of trying to eat the plant at the end! I loved the visuals and sounds (although the first music gets repetitive). All of the art is beautiful and the gameplay is entertaining, although slow.

We're actually working on a post-jam version currently! If you'd like to follow along I'll update the Itch page with the link when the Steam page is up.

This was great! I actually really enjoyed this sort of stealth experience. And the diamonds were intelligently placed so you had to get them in a specific order or at a specific time to not get caught. Only thing I would've liked would be more indication on where the pirates can see, because I'd sometimes get caught without thinking I would!

There actually is a forced reset with “R”, it was just never mentioned in the game, only in the description. Happy you enjoyed!

Super solid entry. Loved the gimmick and great execution from a fellow golf game developer. Storm remixes were a good touch as well.

Very fun! I would've liked the enemy colliders to be a little smaller since sometimes I got hit when I felt I was far enough away, and maybe a visual indicator for when I've taken damage, but other than that the game was great.

Wow! This game was incredible. The gameplay was fun and the puzzles engaging. I loved the visual polish and sound effects. Only thing I wish was that it saved your previous layout so you didn't have to try to reconstruct the whole thing from memory if you made one mistake.

Refreshing take on the theme! The execution was good and the ability to select multiple towers at once was nice! Controls were a little strange at first but I got used to them after a while. Great job!

This game was truly beautiful. The art and sound all blended so well together, and the puzzles were incredible! Only small criticism I have is that sometimes the pieces wouldn't select when I clicked them, even though the sound would play.

Fun take on the theme and good execution. Visuals were polished and the "player" AI was really fun to play against.

Wow, this was incredible! The little pixel art guys were so cute and I liked the difficulty. The balancing was great as well and switching between healing and attacking felt so satisfying. I'd love to see this expanded on :)

Very fun game, with beautiful presentation! Sound and visuals were on point, and I loved the creativity of it. The tree's movement definitely provided a great spin on grid-based games! I got stuck on level 8, not sure how to solve lol.

Amazing presentation! I loved the visuals and sounds! Only thing is I'm not quite sure where the challenge comes from, if I just stay far away and keep running to make the anglers angry I usually make out just fine without any issue.

Very creative and funny idea. I love it! I just feel like it was unclear what the clips were or how to make synergies happen. I wish I could see more of each clip, maybe listen to them before the playback to see how I wanted them to fit together.

I survived for 27 days! I really wish there would be a quicker ramp-up, or some form more of gameplay like maybe you had to close the curtains during the day, or squash the bugs. But either way, presentation is incredible and I loved that it kept adding more things to entertain me with. Only critique was the gameplay.

Woah! This game was crazy. At first I was like "Not sure how this fits the theme" and then I KILLED THE HUNTER and I totally understood it. Super creative game and good presentation. I kept dying from bonking into the trees haha.

I'm not sure if there was a time limit or anything, but regardless I had fun playing and seeing how many I could collect! I got around 1200 before I started to slow down. Love how you incorporated the theme. Only thing would be to zoom out the camera, so I could see what's going on around me since I found that I basically spent the entire time looking at the top camera. Other than that, great job!

It was great watching you play! So glad you enjoyed it :)

Thanks so much! Did you manage to complete the game?

I forgot to mention this during the game, but if you open the pause menu with the escape key there should be a button to retry and return to the menu.

Thanks for playing! Glad you enjoyed the easier side of the gameplay :)

Thanks for the feedback! The skip button was going to be a feature, but got cut as I felt it would devalue the AI as a part of the tower selection process. Looking back I can definitely agree that a skip button would help the gameplay a ton. 

I’m sorry that happened, we might work on a fix for these annoying edge cases after the jam has ended. I hope you were still able to enjoy the game despite all of this.

Very good art, and polish is gameplay is fun, albeit difficult. I kept getting stuck since the AI would spawn inside of me and push my character out of the map, especially on the third level. Other than that the puzzles were good, and the gameplay was creative.

I found the ghosts were too weak and I'd always die to the humans :(

There needs to be some way to boost your ghosts and make them stronger to be able to survive.

Also the little ghosts were really hard to click on to move around.

The game is quite polished, but there's not really anything to do.

Really fun, and neat idea! Only complaint was I found if I played as the ranger the AI would just do all of the work and basically let me do nothing the whole time, could go on forever pretty much. Either way, this game was really fun and it was interesting to go back and try out different characters to see how it would affect my playstyle.

(1 edit)

Originally the idea was that certain buildings would cost more energy depending on how powerful they were, so you'd have to build up energy to place the better ones. The issue with this is that without any choice of which building you place, you just get generators whenever your energy is low.

Right now it basically just adds extra delay between placing better towers.

(1 edit)

Wow. This is very impressive. Art and sound is perfectly on point, theming is amazing, controls feel great, and level design is incredible!

Wow, honestly, I think you did it better. The tower defense has a bit of depth to it with the lights and upgrades and having the choose between upgrades and towers. I found this one really fun! The sounds are very nice, and the art is great! Overall I gave it a 5/5 for Wowie. Very elegantly executed.

Thanks for playing! When you place a generator you are given 20 energy as long as that generator stays on the map. I hope that answers your question.

I'd also wanted some way for the tower info to be shown, but couldn't find a good place in the UI for it, without it being messy, but I might go back and add it if this game is well received.

If you click on a tower you can see it's range, might add that to the controls section. Other than that, I'd like some sort of selection info, but couldn't find a good spot to put it. In fact, the way that it shows the healthbar and range upon selection also works for text, so it would be pretty simple to add that if you'd want me to. Anyway, thanks for the feedback, and thanks for playing!

Woah! A perfect 10/10? I wouldn't go that far, but thank you so much! The reason for the cooldown and the cost in the same position is that we tried to keep the UI minimalistic, so when cost isn't being used I swapped it out for the timer. I might rework that since we've been getting a few other comments about it being confusing as well, so thank you for the feedback :)

Thanks for much for playing! We tried to spend a good bit of time polishing and I found we were actually missing a few things, but I guess it's not too bad considering how much you're all enjoying it!