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A member registered Jun 13, 2020 · View creator page →

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Nice job!  Very nice vibe to the game, and challenging without being overly hard. 

I did find a way to softlock the game, though I'm not 100% sure what I did.  I'm thinking what caused it was that I had one alien left, shot two rounds, the first one hit a power-up ship that exploded and was crashing down as the second round hit the alien.  The game softlocked and would not play fireworks/spawn new aliens, even though there were no aliens left in the round.

Fixed bug where game would intermittently crash upon game over if you did not obtain either a high score or leaderboard score.

Very cool concept and great execution!  Love the fact that you can suck up enemy projectiles.  Also great SFX, the health sound is great. 

Like others have said, I believe an improvement would be to respawn the trash every now and then, or perhaps  when you get near a vending machine it uses all your collected coins to generate trash.  After 2-3 minutes in game I found that I had run out of trash on the level and was relying on enemies shooting at me in order to get ammo.

Nice job!

Nice job!  Really cool stuff!  Amazing you did all this with libGDX!  

I was recently told that the game restart / next level functionality wouldn't work if you were playing on mobile.  I have updated the game to support this.

I got sucked into it for half an hour!  Super addicting!

Dude this is great!  I'm gonna hold onto this!  Super addictive, and the music really sets an awesome vibe.  Very nice work!

Nicely done!  Easy to pick up, and the shooting effects are awesome!