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A member registered Nov 28, 2017 · View creator page →

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Thank you so much, I am really glad to hear you enjoyed it!

(Spoilers for Mare and Trigger warnings below: Transphobia, Attempted Suicide)


In particular with this scene, it is meant to feel horrible that someone would say that to Chiyo.  It is meant to show the horrible comments that those in the trans community are subjected to, just as Chiyo was and how unacceptable they are.

This part of the game was never meant to be comfortable. When developing this part of the game, I reached out to multiple members of the trans community, some who are devs that I am good friends with, and asked their opinion on the scene and how I should handle it. I was told to not make light of such things, especially with how this leads to Chiyo's attempted suicide.

The game shows a reality that should not be obscured just because it is uncomfortable, rather it should be addressed and show what it leads to. There have been warnings listed multiple times in the front page, in the read me folder of the game, so that no one would miss those.

Thank you so much! I am really glad to here that you enjoyed it!

Thank you so much, I am really glad that you enjoyed it! ;^;/

Thank you so much, I am really glad that you have been enjoying Mare!

Thank you so much, I am really glad you enjoyed Moon Drop!

Hello, I am sorry for the late reply, I have had quite a bit going on.

I really do appreciate it and if you do decide to speedrun it one day in the future, I would be curious to know how fast you were able to get through it. And as for donating money, please only do it if you feel comfortable to and are financially able to. ;v;


Hello and thank you so much for your message. 

Firstly, let me say that it truly does mean alot to me that you did like the game, even with the flaws that it does have, and second, I truly do appreciate you going into depths with the issues the game does have. I more than understand the battle system in particular having issues and this is completely my fault for being inexperienced with it when making this game, It was my first time trying to make one and I understand if it did not go the way I had planned.
I really do appreciate you going into detail on why things had fallen flat or did not go well as they do help me understand what I can improve on so I can make my future projects more enjoyable. 

Thank you so much again for your message and thank you for playing Mare, I really do appreciate your support and I really do hope that you will look forward to what I create in the future. -Z

Thank you so much, Banya.

This was my first time working with a battle systems so I more than understand if it was rough around the edges. I do hope that I can continue to improve at my skills so it will be smoother in future projects that do have that system. I really do appreciate all of your comments though and am glad that you enjoyed it. ;v; 

Thank you so much! qvq/

Thank you so much for playing! qvq/

Thank you so much, It really does make me so happy that you enjoyed Mare. ;v;

There are a total of 4 bad ends and 2 true ends. qvq/ 

This game is completed! qvq/

Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed the game overall! 

I do agree that the game is on the short side, but this was also because the game was made in only a month for the Indie Game Making Contest.

And please don't be sorry for your English, you did a wonderful job!

Thank you so much for doing this.

I would like to submit these games if that would be okay:

Thank you again for everything that you are doing.

Thank you so much for playing it, CptLainey. It truly does mean so much to me that you enjoyed the game. qvq/

Thank you so much for your message! I am really glad that you enjoyed it! qvq/

;v;/ Thank you! I am really glad that you enjoyed the game!

qvq/ Hello RPGHorrorfan2, thank you so much for your review.

I really do appreciate all of the criticisms that you brought to light and I will try to improve on these. I really do appreciate any words of advice that you have for me and I will take them to heart.

qvq/ I do also really appreciate you bringing to light the small glitch in Satomi, I have now patched this in the most recent version. (1.03)

I hope that you have a wonderful day and thank you again for your support!

Thank you so much for your kind words Yoraee, It really does mean so much to me that you enjoyed the game so much. I am glad that I was able to properly convey the smaller details that leads to the bigger plot. I hope that you have a wonderful day and thank you again for all of your support. ;v;/

Thank you so much Captain! qvq/

QvQ Ah! It looks amazing Duckie! You did a wonderful job!

qvq/ It really does look amazing, I couldn't even tell that you made it on MSPaint that it was so good! Thank you so much Duckie, I will treasure it.

qvq/ I really do hope that you have a wonderful day, please take care!

qvq/ Thank you so much for your comment! I watched your let's play and I am really happy that you really like Moon Drop.

As for why I did not go in depth with the game's story, due to time constraints, I was not able to really go in depth for the world that Osmond lives in. Currently, I am working on two larger games, being Mare and At the Sea's Endwhich will have a more in depth story and world to explore. At the moment, these two only have demos available, but I do hope to continue to work on these and deliver them as soon as I have provided the best possible experience.

ÓvÒ/ If you are interested, I do have my first game that I released, which is a horror game called Immortal . The game features an in depth story featuring 7 possible endings.

qvq/ Thank you again for taking the time to play through my game and for your lovely comments. I hope that you have a great day.

ÓvÒ/ Hello everyone!

I'd like to announce the little game that I will be doing for the game jam that is called Moon Drop.
In the game, you will be playing as a moon spirit known as Osmond who is going out to collect his offerings after blessing his village with a successful harvest.

I really do hope that you will all look forward to it and I can't wait to see everyone's progress as well!

ÓvÒ/ Hello, my name is Z and I tend to make horror and/or adventure games.
I am a game designer and have alot of fun making all the aspects of my games, including art, animation, programming and music which I am slowly learning.
 I make all of my projects in RPG Maker VX ACE and do hope to have a career in making games.

qvq/ Thank you for doing this jam Choko and I really do wish you all the best and can't wait to see what you make.

You can be able to find me here:

qvq/ Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it!

ÓvÒ I see. Thank you both for your answers, I really appreciate it.

;v; Thank you so much.

ÓvÒ/ And thank you for bringing this to my attention. I won't be able to patch this as we are all now in the judging period of the contest but as soon as it I am able, I will try to patch this.

;v;/ Thank you so much! I'm really glad that you enjoyed it!

Hello, If you don't mind me asking, if someone finds a bug in our project, are we allow to patch up that bug that occurs or is it forbidden as submission time has now concluded. 

I am pretty sure that we are not allowed to patch any we find for the time during the voting but I just wanted to make sure just in case.

;v;/ Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

ÓvÒ/ Thank you so much for playing Frogge, I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

;v; And thank you so much for your ideas. I would have like to put in more exchanges between the two of them but I only had so much time with the deadline. I did want to want the game longer but I had to cut ideas and other things short to make sure that I could have the complete story in the game.  I do really appreciate everything that you have mentioned though.

ÓvÒ/ Thank you again and I hope that you have a nice day.

ÓvÒ Thank you so much for playing The Clockwork Prince.

You made a lot of good points in this review and brought a lot of things to my attention.

The main focus was the game was the story, yes, and I admit that the gameplay is rather and the transitions did go rather quickly. It was because I wanted to make sure that I had the full story completed and to make the world in which the game takes place feel alive before the deadline and thus I did have to rush a bit of the scenes that I would have preferred to have more build up.

I will try to get better at these aspects that you have brought up and I really do appreciate you being honest in your review.

I do hope that you have a nice day and wish you luck in the competition.  Thank you again.

ÓvÒ/ Thank you so much, I'm glad that you enjoyed it.

qvq/ You're welcome! If I can do anything else for you at all, please let me know!

ÓvÒ/ Hello!
There is actually an opening in the fence right next to the boxes that you are able to jump down to the floor below.
It's okay if you couldn't find it though, I'll try to make it more noticeable. I'm sorry for the confusion.

qvq Thank you so much! I'm really glad to hear that you enjoyed it so much and that you have enjoyed the other games that I have made and worked on. I hope that you have a wonderful day!

"Try as you might, sometimes we can't always outrun our fate."

The Clockwork prince is an adventure game developed on RPG Maker VX ACE for the IGMC 2018. The game follows Ian, a clockwork robot who's job is to repair the great clock tower in which humanity resides after a great tragedy forced them to seek shelter within its walls. After finishing up his repairs for the day, Ian heads home and meets with a mysterious robed figure.  Gameplay

The game will mostly focus on story, but it does have puzzles that you will need to solve in order to progress.

Sensitive Content

This game contains sensitive content that may not be suitable for all ages. This game includes:

  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Attempted suicide
  • Murder
  • Death

ÓvÒ/ The game is complete! You are now able to download it!
I hope that you all enjoy it!