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Textreme 2

a text editor that looks and feels like a game · By Ash K, fiddlemouth, Maxim Loboda

Issue reporting Sticky

A topic by Maxim Loboda created Aug 06, 2020 Views: 1,740 Replies: 40
Viewing posts 1 to 16

Report any encountered bugs or problems here

(1 edit)

Unsure if this would b considered a issue or suggestion but it would be cool to have the program automatically add .txt to the end of the filename without needing to type it manually when saving. Unless you specify a diff extension of course. Thanks!

(also i can't figure out how to do the yellow highlight effect, brackets do nothing)


Thanks for the feedback!
About the sway effect, it is by triggered by symbol |.

Corresponding key is located near the enter key.

got it! thanks. i'd say you should maybe change the store page to reflect that. i was using it as a guide lol. 

a couple more "nice to have" things i thought abt
drag & drop support for opening files
the ability to hide effect symbols
the ability to change what symbols are used for certain effects (pipe dream. i do not expect this in the slightest)



The left arm (my left, his right) of the bird on the left hand side of the screen likes to start rapidly moving up and down over time. The movements get more energetic as the program has been open longer (or maybe as more things are typed?). Not sure how the joints on that arm are calculated/positioned. Could it be a weird physics bug? Or something else? Let me know if you want more information or if you've seen this problem before


(This is still happening by the way, though it's kinda funny to picture the bird just getting really eager to blow it all up)


Ah yeah, I came to report this myself! It's cute at first, but it does get distracting, and doesn't look intentional.

(1 edit)


TEXTREME2 segfaults on macOS unfortunately. 

  • macOS Catalina 10.15.7

Do I need to give it specific permissions and/or is a dependency missing?

/Applications/ $ ./Textreme2 
0: ./Textreme2 
Godot Engine v3.2.2.stable.custom_build.9dd007d33 - <a href=""></a> 
OpenGL ES 2.0 Renderer: AMD Radeon Pro 5500M OpenGL Engine 
OpenGL ES 2.0 Batching: ON  
ERROR: FileAccessPack: Condition "!f" is true.  
  At: core/io/file_access_pack.cpp:333. 
Segmentation fault: 11

I'll post here once fix is available.
BTW did the previous version of Textreme2 work for you?


I've added a download for an old version of the osx build.
Once bug is fixed i'll update the main download.


Main download is updated with a workaround

Deleted 1 year ago

Thanks for reporting the issue.
Godot 3.2 indeed had some issues when loading fonts, it looks like they are fixed in 3.3.
I updated steam and itch downloads for OSX to work with Godot 3.3.

The only way i could seem to get the program to run on linux (PopOS) was by running it in terminal, it would be useful if i could install it as a program to show up in the applications dock, as well as an option to launch text documents with it when selecting a text editor


What window manager are you using?

(1 edit)

PopOS comes with PopShell, which is built on top of Gnome (currently popos doesn't have Gnome 40 support yet, but they will be switching to it soon)

I'm not sure if this counts as a bug, but the program locks an entire CPU core to 100%  just sitting idle. The "Limit FPS" option didn't help. Windows 10 x64.


This is definitely a bug

Cool, I didn't want to assume. Let me know if you need any other system information or details - I'd be happy send whatever info you need.


Is this bug caused by having text effects on screen?


after running for a while boomchicks left arm (our left) starts to jitter (amplitude increases with time)


I notice this a lot, and it’s really distracting to me, and I will buy copies of Textreme 2 for all my friends as thanks if you can fix it.


Issue will be fixed in the next update


I appreciate you all and your work :)

Deleted 3 years ago

Which directory  are you trying to save to?
Is that directory in this list?

Deleted 3 years ago

Windows 10 has this feature called protected folders, it forbids thirdpary apps to write to the certain folders, by default its configured to the list i sent. Try disabling protection for the folder you want to save to or save to non protected folder.

Hey, I got Textreme 2 as a gift on steam a few days ago, and whenever I open it, it gets stuck on the Godot splash screen while not responding. I have tried waiting for several minutes, reinstalling the app, and even running it on a different computer. I’m using a laptop and a desktop, both on Windows 10. Hope you can help me :)


Can you try running the game using command line and send the output?

When I try to execute the game from CMD it outputs nothing. I’ve tried using >Textreme.exe and >Textreme.exe > output.txt (output is empty) Is there a different command I should use?


Looks like some engine issue, because it doesn't even initialize. Try running with verbose flag "-v".
Btw what gpu do you have?


I cant seem to start it, I ran it though an elevated cmd prompt, but it pulls up with error: application was unable to start 0xc0000018


Are you using windows?

mhm latest version of Michaelsoft Binbows(I actually have win 10)

and I have gone though the normal procedures, re downloading, rebooting, updating, putting it in a different folder, running as administrator, ext

going to try to reinstall my graphics drivers :/ just trying stuff that *might* be related

(1 edit)

welp, good as time as any to reinstall windows with a clean install, been meaning to for a while just never got around to it :/ main reason being my calculator does not open, sometimes apps dont work so yeahhh


yoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo it works! only took a full reinstall of my system, though my calculator is still broke

probs the bloated hp install :/


When in an indented block, hitting enter does not trigger the bell.

I don't know if this is intended. But I want my bell!

Hi, for some reason the dmg file won't open on mac... (catalina). I've triend multiple times with both versions. Is that a known problem? Thanks!


Try following this guide

Also M1 is not supported right now.

The box drawing characters don't line up anymore when you put text in the box!

See the right side of the box:

I noticed a bug that is a little worrisome.

There seems to be an auto-save feature after a delay of time.

This is bothersome because I make websites often. If ive gotten part-way through a web edit and leave for a moment to get a drink or use the restroom or switch tabs to research on a new technique in my field, the half-finished code is now saved. Let me know if there is a way to turn this feature off, please.