
A review of extra permissions assigned to global groups on Wikimedia Foundation wikis.

Sort by name, number of permissions, number of members.


36 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
ipinfoRetrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist log


0 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-modifyCreate or modify abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-globalCreate or modify global abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-restrictedModify abuse filters with restricted actions
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
ipinfoRetrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist log


9 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication


14 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA


1 account on all wikis has these permissions:
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
centralauth-mergeMerge their account
createaccountCreate new user accounts
editEdit pages
globalblock-exemptBypass global blocks
ipblock-exemptBypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
minoreditMark edits as minor
moveMove pages
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
purgePurge the cache for a page
readRead pages
rollbackQuickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
sendemailSend email to other users
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist log
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
torunblockedBypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
unwatchedpagesView a list of unwatched pages
uploadUpload files
viewdeletedfileView files and pages in the "File" and "File talk" namespaces that are deleted
viewmyprivateinfoView your own private data (e.g. email address, real name)
viewmywatchlistView your own watchlist


11 accounts on all except 121 wikis have these permissions:
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
autoreviewHave one's own edits automatically marked as "checked"
botBe treated as an automated process
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
nominornewtalkNot have minor edits to discussion pages trigger the new messages prompt
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limits
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
writeapiUse of the write API


1 account on all wikis has these permissions:
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
deleteDelete pages
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
undeleteUndelete a page


3 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
flow-create-boardCreate Structured Discussions boards in any location
moveMove pages
move-rootuserpagesMove root user pages
move-subpagesMove pages with their subpages
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication


25 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
editEdit pages
editautopatrolprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
editautoreviewprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers"
editcontentmodelEdit the content model of a page
editeditorprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only editors"
editextendedsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
editinterfaceEdit the user interface
editprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
editsitecssEdit sitewide CSS
editsitejsEdit sitewide JavaScript
editsitejsonEdit sitewide JSON
editusercssEdit other users' CSS files
edituserjsEdit other users' JavaScript files
edituserjsonEdit other users' JSON files
extendedconfirmedEdit restricted pages
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
protectChange protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
tboverrideOverride the title or username blacklist
templateeditorEdit protected templates


2072 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
globalblock-exemptBypass global blocks
torunblockedBypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes


129 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
autoreviewrestoreAuto-review on rollback
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
ipinfoRetrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
markboteditsMark rolled-back edits as bot edits
moveMove pages
movestableMove pages with stable versions
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limits
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
patrolmarksView recent changes patrol marks
rollbackQuickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages


26 accounts on all except 82 wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-modifyCreate or modify abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-restrictedModify abuse filters with restricted actions
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
autoreviewrestoreAuto-review on rollback
blockBlock other users from editing
blockemailBlock a user from sending email
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
centralauth-createlocalForcibly create a local account for a global account
deleteDelete pages
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
deletelogentryDelete and undelete specific log entries
deleterevisionDelete and undelete specific revisions of pages
editautopatrolprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
editcontentmodelEdit the content model of a page
editinterfaceEdit the user interface
editprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
editsitecssEdit sitewide CSS
editsitejsEdit sitewide JavaScript
editsitejsonEdit sitewide JSON
editusercssEdit other users' CSS files
edituserjsEdit other users' JavaScript files
edituserjsonEdit other users' JSON files
flow-deleteDelete Structured Discussions topics and posts
flow-edit-postEdit Structured Discussions posts by other users
flow-hideHide Structured Discussions topics and posts
importImport pages from other wikis
ipblock-exemptBypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
ipinfoRetrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
ipinfo-view-fullAllow a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
markboteditsMark rolled-back edits as bot edits
mergehistoryMerge the history of pages
moveMove pages
move-categorypagesMove category pages
move-rootuserpagesMove root user pages
move-subpagesMove pages with their subpages
movefileMove files
movestableMove pages with stable versions
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limits
nukeMass delete pages
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
override-antispoofOverride the spoofing checks
patrolMark others' edits as patrolled
protectChange protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages
reuploadOverwrite existing files
reupload-ownOverwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
reupload-sharedOverride files on the shared media repository locally
reviewMark revisions as being "checked"
rollbackQuickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist log
stablesettingsConfigure how the stable version is selected and displayed
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
tboverrideOverride the title or username blacklist
templateeditorEdit protected templates
titleblacklistlogView title blacklist log
undeleteUndelete a page
unreviewedpagesView the list of unreviewed pages
unwatchedpagesView a list of unwatched pages
uploadUpload files


216 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:


3 accounts on all except 810 wikis have these permissions:
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
centralauth-createlocalForcibly create a local account for a global account
deleteDelete pages
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
editinterfaceEdit the user interface
editprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
editsitecssEdit sitewide CSS
editsitejsEdit sitewide JavaScript
editsitejsonEdit sitewide JSON
importImport pages from other wikis
importuploadImport pages from a file upload
moveMove pages
move-subpagesMove pages with their subpages
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limits
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
protectChange protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
tboverrideOverride the title or username blacklist
undeleteUndelete a page


1425 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication


12 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-hidden-logView hidden abuse log entries
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-privatedetailsView private data in the abuse log
abusefilter-privatedetails-logView the AbuseFilter private details access log
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
checkuserCheck user's IP addresses and other information
checkuser-logView the checkuser log
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
ipinfo-view-logView a log of who has accessed IP information
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
suppressionlogView private logs
viewsuppressedView revisions hidden from any user


0 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
override-export-depthExport pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5


41 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-hidden-logView hidden abuse log entries
abusefilter-hide-logHide entries in the abuse log
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-modifyCreate or modify abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-globalCreate or modify global abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-restrictedModify abuse filters with restricted actions
abusefilter-privatedetailsView private data in the abuse log
abusefilter-privatedetails-logView the AbuseFilter private details access log
abusefilter-revertRevert all changes by a given abuse filter
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
bigdeleteDelete pages with large histories
blockBlock other users from editing
blockemailBlock a user from sending email
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
centralauth-mergeMerge their account
centralauth-unmergeUnmerge global account
centralnotice-adminManage central notices
checkuserCheck user's IP addresses and other information
checkuser-logView the checkuser log
deleteDelete pages
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
deletelogentryDelete and undelete specific log entries
deleterevisionDelete and undelete specific revisions of pages
editEdit pages
editcontentmodelEdit the content model of a page
editinterfaceEdit the user interface
editprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
editsitecssEdit sitewide CSS
editsitejsEdit sitewide JavaScript
editsitejsonEdit sitewide JSON
editusercssEdit other users' CSS files
edituserjsEdit other users' JavaScript files
edituserjsonEdit other users' JSON files
extendedconfirmedEdit restricted pages
flow-create-boardCreate Structured Discussions boards in any location
flow-deleteDelete Structured Discussions topics and posts
flow-edit-postEdit Structured Discussions posts by other users
flow-hideHide Structured Discussions topics and posts
flow-suppressSuppress Structured Discussions revisions
gadgets-definition-editEdit gadget definitions
gadgets-editEdit gadget JavaScript and CSS pages
globalblock-exemptBypass global blocks
globalblock-whitelistDisable global blocks locally
hideuserBlock a username, hiding it from the public
importImport pages from other wikis
importuploadImport pages from a file upload
ipblock-exemptBypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
ipinfoRetrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
ipinfo-view-fullAllow a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
ipinfo-view-logView a log of who has accessed IP information
moveMove pages
move-rootuserpagesMove root user pages
move-subpagesMove pages with their subpages
movefileMove files
movestableMove pages with stable versions
mwoauthmanageconsumerManage OAuth consumers
mwoauthmanagemygrantsManage OAuth grants
mwoauthproposeconsumerPropose new OAuth consumers
mwoauthsuppressSuppress OAuth consumers
mwoauthupdateownconsumerUpdate OAuth consumers you control
mwoauthviewprivateView private OAuth data
mwoauthviewsuppressedView suppressed OAuth consumers
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limits
nukeMass delete pages
oathauth-disable-for-userDisable two-factor authentication for a user
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
override-antispoofOverride the spoofing checks
patrolmarksView recent changes patrol marks
protectChange protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages
purgePurge the cache for a page
reuploadOverwrite existing files
reupload-sharedOverride files on the shared media repository locally
reviewMark revisions as being "checked"
rollbackQuickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
sendemailSend email to other users
setmentorSet user's mentor
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
stablesettingsConfigure how the stable version is selected and displayed
suppressionlogView private logs
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
suppressrevisionView, hide and unhide specific revisions of pages from any user
tboverrideOverride the title or username blacklist
tboverride-accountOverride the username blacklist
templateeditorEdit protected templates
transcode-resetReset failed or transcoded videos so they are inserted into the job queue again
transcode-statusView information about the current transcode activity
unblockselfUnblock oneself
undeleteUndelete a page
unwatchedpagesView a list of unwatched pages
uploadUpload files
upload_by_urlUpload files from a URL


33 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-hidden-logView hidden abuse log entries
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-modifyCreate or modify abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-restrictedModify abuse filters with restricted actions
abusefilter-privatedetails-logView the AbuseFilter private details access log
abusefilter-revertRevert all changes by a given abuse filter
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
autoreviewrestoreAuto-review on rollback
bigdeleteDelete pages with large histories
blockBlock other users from editing
blockemailBlock a user from sending email
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
centralauth-createlocalForcibly create a local account for a global account
centralauth-mergeMerge their account
centralnotice-adminManage central notices
checkuser-logView the checkuser log
createaccountCreate new user accounts
createpageCreate pages (which are not discussion pages)
createtalkCreate discussion pages
deleteDelete pages
deletechangetagsDelete tags from the database
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
deletelogentryDelete and undelete specific log entries
deleterevisionDelete and undelete specific revisions of pages
editEdit pages
editautopatrolprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
editautoreviewprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoreviewers"
editcontentmodelEdit the content model of a page
editeditorprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only editors"
editextendedsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autopatrollers"
editinterfaceEdit the user interface
editmyoptionsEdit your own preferences
editprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
editsemiprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only autoconfirmed users"
editsitecssEdit sitewide CSS
editsitejsEdit sitewide JavaScript
editsitejsonEdit sitewide JSON
editusercssEdit other users' CSS files
edituserjsEdit other users' JavaScript files
edituserjsonEdit other users' JSON files
extendedconfirmedEdit restricted pages
flow-create-boardCreate Structured Discussions boards in any location
flow-deleteDelete Structured Discussions topics and posts
flow-edit-postEdit Structured Discussions posts by other users
flow-hideHide Structured Discussions topics and posts
flow-suppressSuppress Structured Discussions revisions
globalblock-exemptBypass global blocks
globalblock-whitelistDisable global blocks locally
gwtoolsetUse GWToolset
hideuserBlock a username, hiding it from the public
importImport pages from other wikis
importuploadImport pages from a file upload
ipblock-exemptBypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
ipinfoRetrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries
ipinfo-view-fullAllow a full view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries
ipinfo-view-logView a log of who has accessed IP information
managechangetagsCreate and (de)activate tags
markboteditsMark rolled-back edits as bot edits
massmessageSend a message to multiple users at once
mergehistoryMerge the history of pages
moveMove pages
move-categorypagesMove category pages
move-rootuserpagesMove root user pages
move-subpagesMove pages with their subpages
movefileMove files
movestableMove pages with stable versions
mwoauthmanageconsumerManage OAuth consumers
mwoauthsuppressSuppress OAuth consumers
mwoauthviewprivateView private OAuth data
mwoauthviewsuppressedView suppressed OAuth consumers
newsletter-createCreate newsletters
newsletter-deleteDelete newsletters
newsletter-manageAdd or remove publishers or subscribers from newsletters
newsletter-restoreRestore a newsletter
noratelimitNot be affected by rate limits
nukeMass delete pages
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
oathauth-view-logAccess to log of two-factor authentication changes
override-antispoofOverride the spoofing checks
pagetranslationMark versions of pages for translation
patrolMark others' edits as patrolled
patrolmarksView recent changes patrol marks
protectChange protection levels and edit cascade-protected pages
purgePurge the cache for a page
renameuserRename users
reuploadOverwrite existing files
reupload-ownOverwrite existing files uploaded by oneself
reupload-sharedOverride files on the shared media repository locally
reviewMark revisions as being "checked"
rollbackQuickly rollback the edits of the last user who edited a particular page
setmentorSet user's mentor
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist log
stablesettingsConfigure how the stable version is selected and displayed
suppressionlogView private logs
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
tboverrideOverride the title or username blacklist
tboverride-accountOverride the username blacklist
templateeditorEdit protected templates
titleblacklistlogView title blacklist log
torunblockedBypass automatic blocks of Tor exit nodes
transcode-statusView information about the current transcode activity
translate-importImport offline translations
translate-manageManage message groups
translate-messagereviewReview translations
unblockselfUnblock oneself
undeleteUndelete a page
unwatchedpagesView a list of unwatched pages
uploadUpload files
upload_by_urlUpload files from a URL
viewsuppressedView revisions hidden from any user
writeapiUse of the write API


14 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-hidden-logView hidden abuse log entries
abusefilter-hide-logHide entries in the abuse log
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-modifyCreate or modify abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-globalCreate or modify global abuse filters
abusefilter-modify-restrictedModify abuse filters with restricted actions
abusefilter-revertRevert all changes by a given abuse filter
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
autoconfirmedNot be affected by IP-based rate limits
autopatrolHave one's own edits automatically marked as patrolled
bigdeleteDelete pages with large histories
blockBlock other users from editing
blockemailBlock a user from sending email
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
centralauth-createlocalForcibly create a local account for a global account
centralauth-lockLock or unlock global account
centralauth-mergeMerge their account
centralauth-renameRename global accounts
centralauth-unmergeUnmerge global account
deleteDelete pages
deletechangetagsDelete tags from the database
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
deletelogentryDelete and undelete specific log entries
deleterevisionDelete and undelete specific revisions of pages
editEdit pages
editcontentmodelEdit the content model of a page
editinterfaceEdit the user interface
editprotectedEdit pages protected as "Allow only administrators"
editsitecssEdit sitewide CSS
editsitejsEdit sitewide JavaScript
editsitejsonEdit sitewide JSON
editusercssEdit other users' CSS files
edituserjsEdit other users' JavaScript files
edituserjsonEdit other users' JSON files
flow-create-boardCreate Structured Discussions boards in any location
flow-deleteDelete Structured Discussions topics and posts
globalgroupmembershipEdit membership to global groups
globalgrouppermissionsManage global groups
ipblock-exemptBypass IP blocks, auto-blocks and range blocks
managechangetagsCreate and (de)activate tags
oathauth-disable-for-userDisable two-factor authentication for a user
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
oathauth-verify-userVerify whether a user has two-factor authentication enabled
oathauth-view-logAccess to log of two-factor authentication changes
override-export-depthExport pages including linked pages up to a depth of 5
pagetranslationMark versions of pages for translation
renameuserRename users
skipcaptchaPerform CAPTCHA-triggering actions without having to go through the CAPTCHA
suppressredirectNot create redirects from source pages when moving pages
tboverrideOverride the title or username blacklist
tboverride-accountOverride the username blacklist
templateeditorEdit protected templates
unblockselfUnblock oneself
undeleteUndelete a page
upload_by_urlUpload files from a URL
userrightsEdit all user rights
userrights-interwikiEdit user rights of users on other wikis


159 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
readRead pages


1 account on all wikis has these permissions:


2 accounts on all wikis have these permissions:
abusefilter-logView the abuse log
abusefilter-log-detailView detailed abuse log entries
abusefilter-log-privateView log entries of abuse filters marked as private
abusefilter-viewView abuse filters
abusefilter-view-privateView abuse filters marked as private
apihighlimitsUse higher limits in API queries
browsearchiveSearch deleted pages
deletedhistoryView deleted history entries, without their associated text
deletedtextView deleted text and changes between deleted revisions
oathauth-enableEnable two-factor authentication
spamblacklistlogView the spam blacklist log
suppressionlogView private logs
undeleteUndelete a page
viewsuppressedView revisions hidden from any user