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A member registered Dec 06, 2021

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(1 edit)

Some things to consider

  • Handling default entries for character inputs would be a good idea.  It especially helps lazy people that accept defaults by pressing enter.
  • Getting the player's relationship to them would also be a good idea.
  • Lots of places "i" isn't capitalized.
  • When relationships should be lowercase add an !l
  • Windows Icons should be the same width and height.  Common sizes are 256x256, 48x48, 32x32, and 16x16
  • Fill in gui.about with your info.  Originally seen this over on F95

Showing the game title on the main menu along with some girls would be a lot better eye candy than doors.  Since you got audio a main menu theme would also be nice.  Consider filling in the about section with your info so when this game travels there are links back to you.  Originally seen this on F95

Some additional options you may want to consider.

Some music for the main menu.  There is a lot of free music online but just to show the difference Beyond by Whitesand

Added your into to the About page with a link back to

Options to remove the textbox and quick menu.

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(2 edits)

These are the ones I found

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Edited: Countdown days translated.

Why did you not use the default Ren'Py translation tool?  That would make it easier to switch between Russian and English.  If you move the language selection to the splashscreen you also get the benefit the the main menu being translated on startup as well.  Don't know why you have tl\None default as Russian as you can just have a Russian translation folder and you wouldn't have to code a lot of if eng lines.  Same would work if you used Russian as default and had an English translation folder.

Some additional options you might want to consider.

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(1 edit)

Ending of 0.2.4 isn't translated in English. Starting from "Capital de Sirua - Mañana" the translation lines are blanks.

Chars.rpy - Haruna and Nina

chapter1_3_aikoandyuukistory.rpy - Line 9052 and down.

Consider a darker game menu background to make the options easier to read.

Added a few options you may want to consider.

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Changed the layout of the main menu, added more options for textbox and namebox style, and put your info in About.

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1 - Extract zip file.

2 - Compare scripts with

3 - Copy extracted files into project folder.  In the event no files were overwritten check location as they are in the wrong place.

4 - Drink a beer for a job well done.  

Touched up the main menu and added some options.

Added some options for clear textbox and outlines.  Put your name in the About page.

At the end there is a line that uses the default name instead of the defined player name.
b "It was nice meeting you mister alex"

Is there any plans on bringing Alexis back from catholic boarding school?

Text could use some outlines to make it easier to read.
Don't forget to change the version number in options.rpy and adding a main menu theme would be nice.
Including your info in the About page is also a good idea.

Main Menu without the black bar

Seems promising but leaving main_menu.png blank before release just seems lazy.


(2 edits)

Originally seen this over on F95.  So the game is English with a Spanish UI?  If you're translating it why not include the Spanish original version as well?

English UI Fix

Happy to help.  For the English quit screen forgot an 'n'.  A few of the Notify messages also need translated in HouseMap.rpy

(1 edit)

Putting a link to your page in the about section would be nice.

Remembering the language choice is also something to consider as do you really need to ask it every time?  No, once is enough for most players.

This is somewhat dumb but for Ren'Py you need to add an extra _() to the input so it translates the prompts in other languages.

$ name = renpy.input(_("¿Como deseas llamarte?"))

translate english strings

    # game/start.rpy:18

    old "¿Como deseas llamarte?"

    new "What do you want to be called?"

Consider a darker background for menus and a few additional options like changing the textbox or toggling the quick menu.

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Great though you might have better luck with a movie background.  Don't see too many using gifs for that but if it works for you awesome.

Fixed a few typos with the main interface.

  • Standard Ren'Py layout.  This happens when you translate the main files from English to Spanish then back to English.  Start instead of Star.
  • Edited Main Menu layout.
  • More Options to play around with like toggling the textbox and quick menu.
  • For Ren'Py input added an extra _( ) so it will translate the name prompt.
    $ Lorenzo = renpy. input(_("Your Name"),default = "Lorenzo", length = 10)
  • Added language selection on first run so English player don't have to figure out Spanish.
  • For buttons have a difference between idle and hover as it tells the player that the object can be interacted with.
  • When releasing make sure to go into options.rpy and change the version number.
  • Put your name in the About section however you'll have to do the translation back to Spanish.

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I think I got 1.2 but even though the download page said that the game still reports 1.0.  Originally seen this over on F95.  Adjusted a few settings you may want to consider like version number in options, the size of the save thumbnail, padding for the game_menu, and a link to in the about page.

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Hopefully someday there will be an option to keep slaves for yourself instead of just selling them off.

Glad you liked it!  I don't mind you using it in fact I encourage it that's why I sent it.

Seen a few bugs with the English translation as things were blanked out.

The name input also needs tweaked so the translation picks it up.

$ Player = renpy.input(_("Escribe tu nombre"))

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Changed the game menu theme from light to dark and touched up your About section.

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Main Menu would look better without the black bar.  Moved the options closer to the center and the marketing links over to the side.

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Consider adding some theme music to the main menu.  Putting your info in About would also be a good idea.  A idle button and hover button should be different so the player knows the button is interactive.

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Using webp could reduce the size considerably.

Adding a theme to the main menu would be nice along with a few other little things.

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Here is some code for a simple gallery

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A few small changes you may want to consider.

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(1 edit)

Added a clear textbox and changed a few minor things to make the main menu look better.

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Inverted some of the gui images for a dark theme.

Changed a few other minor things you can look over with

Some fixes to the English Gui translation

Small English translation fixes

Choices -> Settings

Quick Saves (R) -> Quick Saves (Q)

Threw your info into About along with a few other little things.

Good luck and you can compare what I changed with

Small touchup to the gui.  Reorganized main menu layout and clear textbox.