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A member registered Dec 21, 2022

Recent community posts, that's not how you promote yourself....Terrible segway.

There's only so much understanding i can have. Farah has went past that limit i swear that whole scene irked my nerves to hell and back.

But so far besides that it's been a great if.

My light mode looks like this. You cant see the "3 dots" because its black.

My dark mode looks like this.

(3 edits)

I know this is like 5 days later but I think the light mode is messed up because the "3 dots" show up black instead of white. That's why it looks so dark. Since it's black on black.

I randomly remembered this if the other day so its been in one of my tabs just sitting. Imagine my surprise to see it has a new update.😂

At first i was like "who this?" Then i seen this was moved to itchio and now i'm like "ok qualityyyyy." I'm definitely about to read this tonight.

is "your life after the fire" the end or is that bug? Because nothing appears after that for me.

I'm just gonna leave this here for future people wondering. Yes, this is still being worked on. On the authors patreon you can get the link for the most recent updated version of this game. Which was up until february of this year.

Well to refresh my memory I checked my history for the first mention of Cante and it was back in march. For awhile I been on the hunt for new visual novels and so I typed different variations such as "fantasy vns, vns with character creation, finished vns, etc" and im pretty sure I remember looking up the character creation thing for something else but then I started to see a bunch of kickstarter pages and decided "why not check some out?". I seen this one had dragons and a visual character creator and I was sold.

I'm sorry but all the characters are annoying and childish asf.

Dang please tell me there are plans to still continue this because this was good asf,

I mean honestly I just thought of the "generic" her sister was sent to a asylum or that cliché where the whole family died in a car accident on rainy day.... But to add onto your thoughts, what if the voice is the sister? Our mc clearly had a strong reaction to that one incident so maybe something happened in the future(killing the parents maybe? or someone or something else) which caused our mc to do the deed and this is how they cope and its probably why they are a "vigilante" killing people they deem "bad".

Actually your idea reminds me of the game "Martha is dead" with the whole twin replacing the dead twin thing.

(1 edit)

Not sure if this a spoiler or not but is our character just plain ole crazy or is "magic" or something else involved? Also I been curious to know what happened to our sibling (I have a guess) and our family since the house was quiet and devoid of life apparently.

I also want to leave this here but when I saw the title I had a whole moment where I was saying the whole red riding hood "what big teeth you have...." it has the same vibes to me

Yeah....It was a lot huh? I think I did pretty good though.

SPOILERS: This is gonna be long and all over the place because I have thoughts and my nerves are irked....real bad

Honestly I called the whole "mother being alive thing" and I also kinda called what some of her "reasons/excuses" would be. Now usually with my characters I let them reconcile with their parents but for this one I decided not to. I mean my main thing was "why didn't you tell them you were alive?" which she gave her answer and imo it wasn't enough. Listen I understand you not being able to help who and when you fall in love with and having a child can be a "happy accident" but let me put this into perspective. Her (main) reasoning for staying away was because it was "dangerous" and because of the previous king hunting her down and she felt it would extend to us. Which I found ironic considering he knew about us this whole time so it was kinda pointless. Then if you want to go there it was so "dangerous" yet she decided to have a child in which they could end up possibly be forced into the same circumstances our mc was put in because of who our mother was. On top of all this the lies, the secrets, and the half truths between both parents make me glad that I made my character kinda stiff with her dad because both of them ain't it at all. Like I know that it was written in a way to make the dad seem like the bad one but naw they both trash. Especially after we find out he hid the letters of her basically letting us know she was alive. Also I would like to add because I almost forgot she literally went through our stuff. Like I understand some of the letters were hers but she still had no right. I mean imagine what else she could've went through while in our room....

To add this in right here I had a whole little laughing moment where I was like "her whole character was a lie and she couldn't even be truthful about dying".

Its crazy because I hate how in these situations they say their piece/peace idk and think that everything is suppose to magically be alright. Ummm...No our character literally thought you died and they had to live with that at a young age and in a new place where everybody seemed to hate them. Not to mention the person you left them with didn't even want them really and kinda just tolerated us. So no I don't forgive her and I made my mc pick the choice of "I may have needed a mother once when I was child but I'm older I do not need one now" or something like that. Because its true. The moment she disappeared all those years was the moment she died and my mc eventually moved on. Being the person I am I just think some things people should let go. My mc already mourned and to just pop up like everything is sweet irked the mess out of me. Especially when even after that convo "mama" is kinda how can I say this "sneaky" about stuff still even after everything and even after seeing where that "sneakiness" has gotten her. Like she inserts herself in things when we kinda already established that's not her place to do....and its annoying and not endearing at all. Likeeee don't inquire about my man Isur he was there while you weren't so scoot scoot. Shoo fly shoo. And I'm glad he stepped because she really tried it.

This is so out of order but also think about her family who think she is dead as well and tbh the energy she's gives off makes me feel like she's the type of person to ask our mc not to tell them she's alive....or at the very least say they are gonna tell them themselves but have every excuse as to why they haven't yet....

In the end no I'm not gonna blame the child and no I'm not gonna be mad at the other guy but I swear if she gives me a reason I'm gonna be petty asf. Andddd I hope in the future we can have the power of the gods and be omega strong/ stronger than our mother cough cough.

To sum it up though I will recall a choice I picked in game. "She has her life I have mine" or something like that. And I agree whole heartily when something like this happens, the way it happened I think that atp there is no room for you anymore...Its bittersweet.

And I'm aware I could have my mc suck it up but why should I? I mean the "bitter" part of "bittersweet" is her living it up with her new family.....but I'm not gonna let myself be blinded by that,

You know what I was finished and now I'm not I would like to add a suggestion for a dialogue option. Can we pleaseeee get a conversation/dialogue option where we tell our mother not to make the same mistakes with her new family as she did with us. Give her new family the mother and wife she could not be before because of circumstances caused by her and some not. Not in a mean way but a bittersweet way. Because this is really how I feel I'm not mad but I'm leaning more to the "bitter" side in "bittersweet".

I guess I should've been said this but besides that whole little situation the story is very good.

Meant to write this days ago but when this fully releases its gonna be sooooo good can't wait.

Am I slow or is this not finished?