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A member registered Dec 03, 2017

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Hello! I'm glad my feedback was useful! Thank you for crediting me and CONGRATULATIONS on releasing the game! I can't wait to play the new game! 😊

Omg I recall loving the game before and I'm really looking forward to play the new one! Can't wait! 😁

Heya! I played a bit of your game.. :)
I love the maps.. the jungle, the beach.. so so pretty! I love it all! 
But the exploration.. I'm having a hard time with it. lol The paths in the jungle are really hard to see and I'm not totally sure but I might have missed a few objects that I could interact with.
I found the camp.. the temple.. the cave... the vines.. I have the spear, the nails, 2 coins.. and for the hell of me I can't figure out how I'm supposed to cut the vines to get to the cave. I must be missing something but not sure what or where it is.. XD
I walked around for 30 minutes going back and forth between the beach and the jungle before giving up.. 
I love exploring in games especially games with gorgeous maps.. but I feel like I missed a lot.. 
MY advice: Make it a bit easier on the player to find what is interactable and what areas are important to the gameplay, you could add a sort of shine or a flash or something.. just find a way so that  the player doesn't miss anything and especially things that will get the game going
I will wait for the end of the contest in case you release a new version with fixes/changes.. I hope you do because I would definitely give this game another try then.. the game looks interesting and well made it's just unfortunately the gameplay is just a tad too difficult for me. I'm too impatient.. sorryy!
Good luck with the IGMC!

Omg.. I only planned on playing 30-40 minutes of this but god this was such a great story! And the maps are sooo gorgeous! I got lost a bit while trying to figure out what to do next at times.. but thankfully we had a kind of small village to look around and the rest of the areas were kind of close so it wasn't a pain to explore but I think a way to track the story progression - like a quest tracker or a journal for example would help somewhat so that the player doesn't forget the objective or has a hint/tip of where to go next to find out more

Two things I noticed while playing the game: 
- After talking with Gabriella when Levi tells you at his shop to go talk to her.. if you go back to his store after talking with her - his dialog is still the same, tells you to go talk with her
- After the lake meeting with Levi, if you go to his store - he's not there - so when you try to leave 
there's a repetition of his dialog from before about the coldness and winter

Also not exactly a bug more like some tiling issues but the water tiles in the snowy map where we find Valerie look a bit off.. kind of misplaced over the ground.. you should check it out

I noticed a lot of misspelling words... I think you need someone to read the text over, it's nothing major and you can still follow the story well enough but I loved the narrative so much.. and I'm just a grammar nazi.. sorryyy haha

I did a short list of the misspelled words as I came across them in case it helps you:
a woman on "his" mid-fourties -> her
"[2Not" -> during the talk with Levi about the helenes at the beginning I think 
"teached"-> taught - during Agus backstory fight
"you mind" -> your mind (can't recall where sorry)
"2[" -> during the talk with Valerie

I also noticed that sometimes you wrote "helenies" "arcanies" and other times "helenes" "arcanes"? Not sure if it's intentional, I think not.. but you should probably decide on using just one way of the words xD

OVERALL: I loved this game from beginning to end.. the message of hope behind it was really good.. the way the story progressed at times made me kind of sad (Valerie!! T_T )but I was glad that our heroine got a happy enough end.. or at least a true chance at redemption.. :)
And I know I already mentioned this.. but I can't get enough of the maps..!! They are truly gorgeous.. I didn't even mind getting lost at times because it was another chance to walk around.. the forest, the village, the inn was so beautiful!.. everything looked amazing! 
I don't know how you plan on continuing the story but let me tell you that I'm looking forward to playing more! I really want to see Rose trying her best at changing the faith of the world (and I hope there's Agus in that because I really liked him!) but I think anything you make next to continue this game even if it's another character story will be worth my time.. I just know I'll be happy to hear about what your next plans are later on after IGMC is over! ^^
Good luck on the contest!!!

I really enjoyed playing through your game! It has all my favorite things: witty dialog, a crafting system that satisfies your every need and different types of jobs/career paths!
I love that our character gets 5 days to get to know a bit of all the available professions in the village.. it was a fun way to get new skills and new crafts.. and also a way to get to know everyone!
I found the maps really nice too though I found the inside of some areas kind of small (like the tavern and the 'church').. It was really difficult to talk to everyone during the party at the tavern because of the small space, the chairs were in the way when they would move a lot.. haha
I found a tiny bug too: On day 4 I think... Jet is blocking the way out of the cave making you stuck.. the only way I found to bypass this was being Tolkien's apprentice for the day because Matsu'll finish the day in her room.. otherwise.. yup.. stuckkkk
Also the last screen, the 'to be continued' screen kind of lets Matsu move in the background.. the only way to leave that is by quitting from the menu (yup you can also access the menu.. haha)
I wish you luck on the contest! I really had lots of fun playing the game and I look forward to see what sort of plans you have for Monster Village after the IGMC is over.. I hope you'll continue it! I really wanna play Matsu as grown up.. finding ways to avenge her village.. :) Good luck!

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I'm sad.. I'm getting an error when trying to serve my first customer too.. :( 
"TypeError Cannot read property 'refresh' of undefined"
I hope you'll fix it otherwise it will probably be disqualified..!
Anyway.. the game looks amazing from what I could see.. the maps look very nice!
The bar menu and the market menus' look so awesome too
I dunno if you ever played Bar Adventure.. it kind of reminds me of it 
I look forward to play a fixed version of the game! >_<

PS: In the market when you speak with the the fruit shop girl npc it shows the mayor portrait 

Gave the game a try for a about 30 minutes.. I really like the look of the ui e the maps looks nice too. I really enjoyed exploring the base, it looks really cool. The repeat feature is pretty awesome too! I like being able to continue where I left off after dying. :P
I only leveled up to level 2.. so I dunno if that's why but all monsters (except the aliens you find right away) were super strong! :O I kept dying so I ended up just starting to run from them... xD
I love the crafting system in the game too.. but I felt like there was kind of a lack of tutorial for it. But I was able to create the first thingy you need (power converter?) but after that I didn't really come across any more materials that I needed (wires and metals? where? couldn't find more). 
Overall: This looks like a solid game! It seems like there's a very interesting story going, the main character (and her buddy robot) are fun and unique in their own way.. The battle system could use some balance but I didn't level a lot so I'm not sure. I love crafting in rpg games so this was a huge plus for me in this game! I also would like to add that I felt a bit lost... The journal was a great help so I knew I was suppose to go to fix the satellite but I wasn't sure how to proccedd in the outside exploration so that I could do that.. I ended up wandering lost a few times until I died like twice or thrice and gave up.. XD Sorry for being a quiter! haha 
I hope you'll continue working on this game after the contest is over because I definitely see myself playing it when it's finished and loving it. Good luck!! 

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Ah I see.. I had lighten up all the lamps at the start so I didn't even remember to try that! XD
Thank you! I'm really loving this game! :)

That was interesting.. it looks like this might turn out to be a very fun game though.. so far it looks promising.. I thought the demo was a little too short for me :P
Good luck on the contest!

I really like this! The little witch is cute and the game looks really nice!

PS: I'm stuck after decoding the message in the mailbox.. :( Help?

This update looks awesome! The text styles are so cool! 
I really like the idea of a New Game+ too. With so many new things it's always better to start a new game but if you are farther along the game this can be a pain.. >_< lol

I can't wait to play this update! ^^

Oh thank you!! I'll definitely play it when I have some time! :)

I played through your game a bit, it looks nice and the story sounds interesting too.
But I came across two game-breaking bugs that kind of makes it impossible to continue playing. :(

The first is that if you leave Carina's house through the backdoor (where Logan is) you can't get back inside. So you get stuck there unless you had a save from before.

The second is a weird one. The brother gets stuck in front of the sign if you go inside Carina's house (not sure if it's just her house tho).
I had talked with him and the event went ok, he moved from where he was and the path was cleared. But then I remembered that Leopold could join the party so I went to get him from Carina's house. When I came back outside, the brother was back to where he was before, in front of the sign so blocking my way out of the village. :(
Unfortunately my save is from very earlier in the game (before I had fought the frog, the rats and the spider, I don't want to fight them all over again! XD) so I'll stop playing now.

I do hope you'll be able to fix the bugs though! I'll give it another go after that because I really liked what I've seen in the game so far, I'm curious to see what will happen to the heroine! ^^

Oh I'll give it a try when I have some time! ^^

Ahh this blog was a really good read. I've been playing around with the idea of making a game for some time now, but my lack of skills when it comes to really understanding how to work with the RPGMAKER systems always makes me take a step back. The little experience I have/had with RPGM XP being so little... Honestly, the idea of wasting a lot of time on something that will end up unfinished (because unfortunately I always quit when things get too difficult) leaves me a bit frustrated. Through the years I ended up playing the role of the gamer instead of game-maker. lol

Your blog however made me want to give it another try now. It's nice to read how the developers are able to work through barriers like lack of resources or learning how to work with scripts. The fact that you decided on RPGM MV because you wanted to add a new skill to your resume is really cool too! It's a bit inspiring really to see makers being able to put out a finished game (esp. when it's a good one) after all the difficulties that they went through during the creating process. And well it definitely brings hope to those that aren't very confident on their skills. :D So thank you! Maybe one day I'll give it a real try!!

And. As you already know I really enjoyed your game (both the puzzles and the story background), it was a pity really that it was disqualified but now you know how it works and there's always the next contest! I'll be looking forward to trying any future projects you might release definitely! ^^ Good luck!!

I tried the game demo today and I was really impressed with it! ^^
The characters look so gorgeous and I love that we can style our recruits as we want too!
The story so far seems really interesting too. I can't wait to see what else you have planned for us! Those portraits look amazing. I really love the art in the game! 
Good luck! Oh and happy belated birthday! And also happy holidays! haha

Ah I can't use the lag excuse, the game runs pretty well on my laptop. No stuttering at all. XD
Well, I can't remember if I had seen the cutscene or not.. but I did the reset thing 3 times and seen it now. I was able to pass the stage with that hint. phew! It was the fifth stage so I was able to proceed to the next gate! I didn't know you didn't need to complete every single stage! That's awesome for those that kind of suck at some of these puzzles. haha
But.. I got stuck again in the next part.. lol T___T I can't seem to find a way to pass stages 13, 17 or 18. I've seen all cutscenes too for the hints but nope. >_< It's a pity because I was really into it. And I kind of know what I need to do but I just don't know how to go about it. XD But for now I give up! Those last stages are pretty hard! XD (And did I mention before how much I hate those fire imps? Well add those ice thingies to the list! haha)
Still I have to mention again that I really like the game, it's really well made and the puzzles are a good kind of challenge. It's pretty rare that I find a game that actually makes me spend hours on end trying to think up a way to finish it. Usually I get irritated when puzzles are too hard, but maybe because the characters are kind of lovable (or I was liking the whole scenario of being a player inside of a rpg game lol) I just kept trying and trying. It was fun! I'm curious about that 'golden ending' too but for now I'll give it a break! :P
Maybe I'll give it another try in a few days. ^^

I had time to finally play your game today! lol I liked it! It was fun! Too bad it was too short! The puzzles were nice too, they weren't too easy and not too hard too. 
The ending was unexpected too.. I was expecting an epic quest and instead.. haha
For a game made in 6 days it was pretty good. I did come across some map tiling errors, like being able to walk over the cake in the gluten chief room and some random spots in the maps but it was nothing too bad. I look forward to see  your next game! A much longer one, I hope! ^^ Good luck!

That would be a good option too! ^^ 

Ahh your game drives me insane!!! XD I decided to give the new version a try but now I'm stuck without being able to complete stage 7 and 12. Those fire imps! I hate them! >_< I think I already tried everything and died horribly every time (esp. in stage 12 :O)... Any hints you can give me? 

I'm really liking the puzzles tho! Now this is a real challenge!

Oh and I came across a bug in the stage 3 again. Not sure how or why. But when I entered that stage and pressed escape accidently the fire imp ball froze just as it hit the wall, I was looking around the stage menu at the reset and exit items so I didn't notice right away, it was when I went back to do the puzzle that I noticed. lol I could just move everyone without worries to finish that stage. XD
When I entered the stage again after that everything was back to normal tho. It was very weird. lol
PS: I also noticed that the saves from the previous version of the game didn't work. I had to start the game all over again. Just thought to let you know.

I gave your game a go today and I'm really enjoying it!
I saw a few spelling mistakes here and there but nothing that was too bad. (I remember one of them was a "thier" instead of their, but I don't recall where sorry. XD)
The story progression is really nice, I liked how we go about exploring and eventually meeting new allies! 
I liked that the dungeons weren't too big to explore, the encounter rate was set just right for me, the battles were well balanced too.
One little suggestion: It was a bit of a pain to backtrack after we were done with the dungeon. I'm a bit of lazy gamer so I didn't get to get the reward from the poltergeist because just thinking about going all the back to the inn made me want to cry.. lol An item that would get us to the start of the dungeon or to one of the villages we visited before would have been nice! ^^
I'm looking forward to the full release of the game now. This was really fun and I can't wait to see what else you got planned for us next! Good luck! :)

Ah I decided to give your game a go today. It looks gorgeous (snowy maps!!) and the story sounds so interesting!! But I can't go very far into it, there's a bug with the quest that tells you to talk with 15 villagers. I completed the quest (the quest tracker suddenly doesn't even show anymore)  but the lady that gave us the quest still says we haven't talked with everyone. :(
I hope you'll find a way to fix it and upload a new version because the game looks so nice. I really want to continue it and I'm sure I'm not the only one! ^^

That was a pretty good game!
The story so far is really interesting (I'm dying to know what happens next!!) 
I didn't find anything too bad with the dialogue.  Just one part really, when the miner talks about getting a torch. I was left a bit confused not understanding if it was the woman in the next room the one supposed to give it to you or if it was in that locked house next door. haha When I entered the mine I figured out where the torch was though. Not that I needed it however because I picked the witch! ♥ 
But considering you aren't an english speaker the story flows pretty well :) 
The characters portraits/sprites and the maps also look really nice. 
I don't really like random encounters so I was a bit annoyed with how high the encounter rate was, but I could win every fight so it wasn't too bad. XD But I think you could try to balance the battles a bit more, I felt, in particularly, that the bats in the mine had the atk way too high. They would hit my witch for about 20 hp every time :O while the rats would just do about 7 hp. 
Overall: I thought the game as it stands it's pretty solid. It was really fun and I do hope you'll continue with the story because I got really want to know if we'll be able to  save those guys that lost their souls in the mine. >_< lol
Good luck!

I decided to give your game a go (vers. 1.1) but I'm getting loading errors in battle (Failed to load: img/animations/cure4.png). You should play test the game a bit before you try to upload it again.. ^^' 

Ah I see, well for a game made in one week this was really good!
I can only imagine what you could do if you had enough time to make it exactly as you wanted. ^^
I do hope you'll continue making games like this and I'm definitely going to one of those people that will be looking out for a new game in the series! :P OR any other rpg games like this. haha
Good luck!

I really loved this! The puzzles were really a challenge.. at first I was soooo lost on those to move the blocks with the right numbers.. I spent like 10 minutes stuck while running around trying to figure out how to do those puzzles! XD But when I did figured it out! Damn! That was really clever! ^^
I thought the maps with the moving ball were a bit too big, I had to keep moving my character across the screen so I could see where the ball stopped and if it stopped right where I wanted it before I got it moving again. That got annoying surprisingly fast. >_<
I did love the map style you used and the Diana was really cute! ^^ The end surprised me a lot too.. it was a bit bittersweet because I had a feeling I knew where those notes were going but I still wanted to be certain.. and the last note.. just wow.. I wanna know what happened to her after she went through the exist so bad! T_T
I hope you'll do more games about Diana and the other subject..? Maybe they were/will be saved before they are executed?? 
I didn't get to play this game for the contest unfortunately. I would have definitely voted for your game too. Oh well. I hope you had fun making this and that you'll continue making awesome games like this one! 

This was a lot of fun! Good job! 
I really like this type of game where we need to investigate everything and then work through each obstacle correctly with what we have learned. 
I though the game was really well put together and visually it looked alright though it looked a bit plain to me. I was a bit sad that not all the people inside the bank responded back to the player too. It made everything a bit easier like that though. xD
I liked the game over endings a lot too. Especially the ones from upstairs! haha
I hope you'll continue with this series of yours! This was really fun to play! :D

Yay! I'll give it a go when I have some time! Thanks for letting me know! ^^

Ah everything sounds so awesome!
I'm already looking forward to play the new version! :)

This was such a nice game. The story and the maps were really good.
The puzzles were real challenges, some were so hard that I was screaming my head off! haha
The only thing I didn't like too much was the portrait for the goddess.. I thought it didn't match the game.. 
The oil paintings were a nice touch too. I loved looking at them! You should add a gallery so we could see them again after completing the game. ^^

I look forward to see all those features in the game.
This was one of the games that made a big impression on me from all the IGMC entries I played for fun. I thought the game was hard but still it was so interesting that I kept playing ^^
Good luck with the development and thank you for keeping us updated! 

No problem! I hope you'll be able to make the better even more awesome! ^^

Oh.. well tbh the game kind of lacked some excitement.. I picked the vampiress as a character and I liked talking with the villagers and seeing their reactions (esp. the little girl that went to hide in her bed haha). But the random battles and the dungeon were a bit boring. 
For example those skeletons you put there, it would be cool to see our character reaction to them.
I was a bit sad that my awesome vampiress only had one skill! I'm so used to vampires having some sort of draining skills too.. xD
Moving around the dungeon was a pain tbh. It was huge and it had a lot of paths. 
I thought the seal keeper boss was a bit weak too.. I won that fight in like 4 or 5 rounds and only his strongest attack (that took away 400 hp!!) was a surprise. lol
The ending made all this worth it somehow though.. it was short but so unexpected! 
It got me curious to know where the story is going! :P 

Some errors and bugs I came across:
- Right at the beginning, when you are reading the description to the vampiress, at one point the portrait that shows is the one for the male vampire.
- In the world map if you enter that little house next to the village and then leave, you end up in a different spot in the map from where you were (you end up in the house across the bridge in the map actually). And then entering the house in the map next to where you end up takes you to the musician house in the village again but you stuck inside without being able to move (gotta fix this!)

Overall: The game was actually not bad, but I think the game could gain if you worked a bit more on the dungeon to make it more exciting to explore, same with the houses in the map, they were pretty much useless.
Good luck and I look forward to see a follow-up game to this one day! :)

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I only had the chance to give your game a try today and unfortunately today was a bad day so I didn't have a lot of time to play it but I liked what I've seen so far from it. Story and visuals are there. But. You need to find a better way to connect the story with the gameplay.
While the story is really interesting (I love having to fight demons! for humanity!), I kind of got lost when the introduction ended. >_< And the old man that said would speak to us if we were to seek revenge kind of went missing? Where he go? lol 
I find it funny that I kept finding the same books in all bookshelves.. even when in other inns in other cities.. You need to change that up a little, to make it interesting
I kept moving around the map trying to figure out where I had to go after that but the only clue I had was that I needed to buy some weapons and then later to find a mountain pass? All good.. except I got no clue where that mountain pass is and I'm dirt-poor.. haha (You could have given us at least a few potions! So I could sell them back for some money.... xD)
I ended up fighting some monsters in the world map (and getting enough money to buy the best weapon I could find) while exploring but I always felt like I was missing something.
I think your game would gain if you were to add a quest log to it maybe, just to remind the player of what they need to do and where they need to go. In the objectives you could even add some guidance about where is the locations we need to go to. (Some signs in the world map to guide us would be nice too >_< )
Another thing I noticed in the towns (I could enter) was that there were a lot of houses that had no door? And we still couldn't enter like 90% of them. I felt that was a bit disappointing. What's the point of so many buildings if we can't explore the inside of them? I was also sad we couldn't visit the Academy where we studied (and the other one too) and not even the Castle? :( The guy that welcomes the injured people says if we are wounded we could go to the Castle for healing! False advertising! :P
The battle system looked balanced, I thought the monsters' strength was just right, they were not too hard and also not too easy. The skill set I tried looked nice too! ^^
PS: In Minich'i when you try to enter the houses the faceset that shows up in the dialogue sayin you can't enter is from younger Komui (when we are already older and hotter lol). You gotta fix that

Overall: It looks like you have the game all set, you just need to find a way to connect all dots better. The story is there flowing nicely, the maps are all set, but you need to find ways to get the players interested in playing it and then keep them playing.. while working on that you can also improve your maps, make them a bit different from each other (because the inns are pretty much all structured the same xD)

Good luck and keep working in the game because it does look interesting! :)

PS: The crystal in the intro is really pretty.. ♥

Hmm.. I just played version 0.91 but it's still pretty bugged.
After getting to the village and roaming around looking around I started to get a loading error every minute "failed to load: img/pictures/people3_8.png". The only way to make it go away was to restart again.
I loaded my last save, and I dunno if it was because of that, but it seems like the events were kind of switched around. After Hans joins me and we are to go hunt, I get a dialogue saying it's late and I need to go home. When I enter the house I got an event scene that I think was supposed to happen after Cent kills the behemoth. And then when the scene ends a new event started right away but it was the event I got when I first entered Cent's house and we saw his sister for the first time.
I was able to continue the game from there on though. I was able to get through the whole battling the behemoth and the "Unleashed Cent" events. But after Hans showed up with the head huntsman and Cent blacks out I got a black screen and nothing else. Everything is black. I can hear music and if I press esc I see the menu, but that's about it. >_< 
The game does look good though. The maps look nice and the story seems good too.
I don't particularly like seeing custom facesets mixed with default ones.. but I did love the little shopkeeper girl (don't take her awayyy! haha)
What I've seen of the battle system made me really like it too. It looks a bit complex but pretty unique! I would love to play with it a bit more! :)
I hope you'll fix the bugs and upload a more stable version of the game. I would love to give it another go sometime! ^^ Good luck!

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Ah.. I like this a lot. The story looks interesting! The characters are so cute! Lovey-dovey? haha
However what made me love this was that you have to actually strategize a little in battles. The little hints the characters give before the battle are a nice touch too! :)
Atm I'm stuck in the battle against the guys inside our house but I'll keep trying! 
Edit: Forget those guys!
Emma is the real boss! SO HARD!
And she has some poison attack?! >_<
I give up.. XD