Microsoft Edge Mobile - Policies

The latest version of Microsoft Edge includes the following policies that you can deploy to configure how Microsoft Edge mobile runs in your organization. You can use the mobile device management (MDM) OS channel on enrolled devices (Managed App Configuration for iOS or Set up managed configurations for Android). Users aren't required to sign in to Microsoft Edge to apply the policies.


The MDM OS channel in Microsoft Intune is a Managed Devices App Configuration Policy (ACP). For more information, see Managed Devices ACP. If you're not using Microsoft Intune, consult your Unified Endpoint Management (UEM) documentation to learn how to deploy these policies through mobile device management.


For Microsoft Edge Browser policy reference, see Microsoft Edge - Policies

Available policies

These tables list all of the browser-related policies available in this release of Microsoft Edge. Use the links in the table to get more details about specific policies.

Edge specific

Policy Name Caption
EdgeNewTabPageCustomURL Homepage instead of New Tab Page experience
EdgeMyApps My Apps bookmark
EdgeDefaultHTTPS Default protocol handler
EdgeDisableShareUsageData Disable data sharing usage data for personalization
EdgeDisabledFeatures Disable specific features
EdgeEnableKioskMode Kiosk mode experiences on Android devices
EdgeShowAddressBarInKioskMode Kiosk mode address bar experiences on Android devices
EdgeShowBottomBarInKioskMode Kiosk mode bottom bar experiences on Android devices
EdgeSyncDisabled Manage account synchronization
EdgeNetworkStackPref Switch network stack between Chromium and iOS
EdgeImportPasswordsDisabled Disable the import of passwords
OverlayPermissionDetectionEnabled Enable Overlay Permission Detection
EdgeBrandLogo Configure Brand logo in New Tab Page
EdgeBrandColor Configure Brand color in New Tab Page
EdgeProxyPacUrl Specify a URL to a proxy auto-config (PAC) file
EdgeBlockSignInEnabled Block users from signing in to Edge
EdgeOneAuthProxy Specify a dedicated proxy to sign in to Edge in Android
EdgeLockedViewModeEnabled Edge locked view mode
EdgeLockedViewModeAllowedActions Configure allowed actions in Edge locked view mode
EdgeCopilotEnabled Enable Copilot in Edge
EdgeNewTabPageLayout Manage New Tab Page layout settings
EdgeNewTabPageLayoutCustom Manage New Tab Page custom setting
EdgeNewTabPageLayoutUserSelectable Manage whether the New Tab Page layout is selectable by users
EdgeSharedDeviceSupportEnabled Disable shared device mode

Proxy server

Policy Name Caption
ProxySettings Proxy settings

HTTP authentication

Policy Name Caption
NtlmV2Enabled Enable NTLMv2 authentication
AuthSchemes Supported authentication schemes
DisableAuthNegotiateCnameLookup Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication
AuthServerAllowlist Authentication server allowlist
AuthAndroidNegotiateAccountType Account type for HTTP Negotiate authentication
AuthNegotiateDelegateAllowlist Kerberos delegation server allowlist
AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins List of origins allowing all HTTP authentication

Content settings

Policy Name Caption
DefaultPopupsSetting Default pop-ups setting
PopupsAllowedForUrls Allow pop-up windows on specific sites
PopupsBlockedForUrls Block pop-up windows on specific sites
DefaultCookiesSetting Default cookies setting
CookiesAllowedForUrls Allow cookies on these sites
CookiesBlockedForUrls Block cookies on these sites
CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls Limit cookies from matching URLs to the current session

Default search provider

Policy Name Caption
DefaultSearchProviderName Default search provider name
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL Default search provider search URL
DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams Parameters for search URL which uses POST
DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs List of alternate URLs for the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderEncodings Default search provider encodings
DefaultSearchProviderImageURL Parameter providing search-by-image feature for the default search provider
DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams Parameters for image URL which uses POST
DefaultSearchProviderKeyword Default search provider keyword
DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL Default search provider new tab page URL
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL Default search provider suggest URL
DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams Parameters for suggest URL which uses POST

Password manager and protection

Policy Name Caption
PasswordManagerEnabled Enable saving passwords to the password manager

Idle browser actions

Policy Name Caption
IdleTimeout Delay before running idle actions
IdleTimeoutActions Actions to run when the computer is idle


Policy Name Caption
URLAllowlist Allow access to a list of URLs
URLBlocklist Block access to a list of URLs
SSLErrorOverrideAllowed Allow proceeding from the SSL warning page
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForUrls Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of URLs
CertificateTransparencyEnforcementDisabledForCas Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes
SavingBrowserHistoryDisabled Disable saving browser history
SearchSuggestEnabled Enable search suggestions
TranslateEnabled Enable Translate
InPrivateModeAvailability InPrivate mode availability
SmartScreenEnabled Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen
MicrosoftRootStoreEnabled Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates
ManagedFavorites Configure Favorites (bookmarks)
ExperimentationAndConfigurationServiceControl Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service
HideFirstRunExperience Hide the First-run experience
DefaultBrowserSettingEnabled Set Microsoft Edge as default browser

Edge website typo protection settings

Policy Name Caption
PreventTyposquattingPromptOverride Prevent bypassing Edge Website Typo Protection prompts for sites
TyposquattingAllowListDomains Configure the list of domains for which Edge Website Typo Protection won't trigger warnings

HTTP authentication

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Enable NTLMv2 authentication

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset turns NTLMv2 on.

Setting the policy to Disabled turns NTLMv2 off.

All recent versions of Samba and Microsoft® Windows® servers support NTLMv2. This should only be turned off for backward compatibility as it reduces the security of authentication.

  • true = Turn NTLMv2 on
  • false = Turn NTLMv2 off

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Supported authentication schemes

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy specifies which HTTP authentication schemes Microsoft Edge supports.

Leaving the policy unset employs all 4 schemes.

Valid values:

* basic

* digest

* ntlm

* negotiate

Note: Separate multiple values with commas.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Disable CNAME lookup when negotiating Kerberos authentication

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy to Enabled skips CNAME lookup. The server name is used as entered when generating the Kerberos SPN.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset means CNAME lookup determines the canonical name of the server when generating the Kerberos SPN.

  • true = Disable CNAME lookup during Kerberos authentication
  • false = Use CNAME lookup during Kerberos authentication

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Authentication server allowlist

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy specifies which servers should be allowed for integrated authentication. Integrated authentication is only on when Microsoft Edge gets an authentication challenge from a proxy or from a server in this permitted list.

Leaving the policy unset means Microsoft Edge tries to detect if a server is on the intranet. Only then will it respond to IWA requests. If a server is detected as internet, then Microsoft Edge ignores IWA requests from it.

Note: Separate multiple server names with commas. Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Account type for HTTP Negotiate authentication

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 118


Specifies the type of accounts provided by the Android authentication app that supports HTTP Negotiate authentication (such as Kerberos authentication). This information should be available from the supplier of the authentication app. For more details see, Write a SPNEGO Authenticator for Microsoft Edge on Android.

If you disable or don't configure this policy, HTTP Negotiate authentication on Android is turned off.

If you enable the policy, Microsoft Edge will use the value to specify the Android authentication app

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : No
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:


Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):

Back to top


Kerberos delegation server allowlist

Supported on:

Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy assigns servers that Microsoft Edge may delegate to. Separate multiple server names with commas. Wildcards, *, are allowed.

Leaving the policy unset means Microsoft Edge won't delegate user credentials, even if a server is detected as intranet.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


List of origins allowing all HTTP authentication

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy specifies for which origins to allow all the HTTP authentication schemes Google Chrome supports regardless of the AuthSchemes policy.

Format the origin pattern according to this format ( Up to 1,000 exceptions can be defined in AllHttpAuthSchemesAllowedForOrigins. Wildcards are allowed for the whole origin or parts of the origin, either the scheme, host, port.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:

List of strings


Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):

Back to top

Content settings

Back to top


Default pop-ups setting

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy to 1 lets websites display pop-ups. Setting the policy to 2 denies pop-ups.

Leaving it unset means BlockPopups applies, but users can change this setting.

  • 1 = Allow all sites to show pop-ups
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to show pop-ups

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Allow pop-up windows on specific sites

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 120
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 120


Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that can open pop-up windows. * is not an accepted value for this policy.

If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultPopupsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android):
Example value (iOS):




Back to top


Block pop-up windows on specific sites

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 120
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 120


Define a list of sites, based on URL patterns, that are blocked from opening pop-up windows. * is not an accepted value for this policy.

If you don't configure this policy, the global default value from the DefaultPopupsSetting policy (if set) or the user's personal configuration is used for all sites.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android):
Example value (iOS):




Back to top


Default cookies setting

Supported on:

Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Unless the RestoreOnStartup policy is set to permanently restore URLs from previous sessions, then setting CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can and can't set cookies for one session.

Leaving the policy unset results in the use of DefaultCookiesSetting for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies. URLs not covered by the patterns specified also result in the use of defaults.

While no specific policy takes precedence, see CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesAllowedForUrls. URL patterns among these 3 policies must not conflict.

  • 1 = Allow all sites to set local data
  • 2 = Do not allow any site to set local data
  • 4 = Keep cookies for the duration of the session

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Allow cookies on these sites

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Allows you to set a list of url patterns that specify sites which are allowed to set cookies.

If this policy is left not set the global default value will be used for all sites either from the DefaultCookiesSetting policy if it is set, or the user's personal configuration otherwise.

See also policies CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls. Note that there must be no conflicting URL patterns between these three policies - it is unspecified which policy takes precedence.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings


Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Block cookies on these sites

Supported on:

Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can't set cookies.

Leaving the policy unset results in the use of DefaultCookiesSetting for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies.

While no specific policy takes precedence, see CookiesAllowedForUrls and CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls. URL patterns among these 3 policies must not conflict.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings


Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Limit cookies from matching URLs to the current session

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Unless the RestoreOnStartup policy is set to permanently restore URLs from previous sessions, then setting CookiesSessionOnlyForUrls lets you make a list of URL patterns that specify sites that can and can't set cookies for one session.

Leaving the policy unset results in the use of DefaultCookiesSetting for all sites, if it's set. If not, the user's personal setting applies. URLs not covered by the patterns specified also result in the use of defaults.

While no specific policy takes precedence, see CookiesBlockedForUrls and CookiesAllowedForUrls. URL patterns among these 3 policies must not conflict.

For detailed information on valid url patterns, please see * is not an accepted value for this policy.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings


Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top

Default search provider

Back to top


Enable the default search provider

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy to Enabled means a default search is performed when a user enters non-URL text in the address bar. To specify the default search provider, set the rest of the default search policies. If you leave those policies empty, the user can choose the default provider. Setting the policy to Disabled means there's no search when the user enters non-URL text in the address bar.

If you set the policy, users can't change it in Microsoft Edge. If not set, the default search provider is on, and users can set the search provider list.

  • true = Enable the default search provider
  • false = Disable the default search provider
  • not set = Enable the default search provider and allow users to modify the search provier list

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Default search provider name

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderName specifies the default search provider's name.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderName unset means the hostname specified by the search URL is used.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):
My Intranet Search

Back to top


Default search provider search URL

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSearchURL specifies the URL of the search engine used during a default search. The URL should include the string '{searchTerms}', replaced in the query by the user's search terms.

You can specify Google's search URL as: '{google:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}&{google:RLZ}{google:originalQueryForSuggestion}{google:assistedQueryStats}{google:searchFieldtrialParameter}{google:searchClient}{google:sourceId}ie={inputEncoding}'.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):{searchTerms}

Back to top


Parameters for search URL which uses POST

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams specifies the parameters when searching a URL with POST. It consists of comma-separated, name-value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, such as '{searchTerms}', real search terms data replaces it.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderSearchURLPostParams unset means search requests are sent using the GET method.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


List of alternate URLs for the default search provider

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs specifies a list of alternate URLs for extracting search terms from the search engine. The URLs should include the string '{searchTerms}'.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderAlternateURLs unset means no alternate URLs are used to extract search terms.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Default search provider encodings

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, setting DefaultSearchProviderEncodings specifies the character encodings supported by the search provider. Encodings are code page names such as UTF-8, GB2312, and ISO-8859-1. They're tried in the order provided.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderEncodings unset puts UTF-8 in use.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Parameter providing search-by-image feature for the default search provider

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderImageURL specifies the URL of the search engine used for image search. (If DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams is set, then image search requests use the POST method instead.)

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderImageURL unset means no image search is used.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:

Android: String


Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Parameters for image URL which uses POST

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams specifies the parameters during image search with POST. It consists of comma-separated, name-value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, such as {imageThumbnail}, real image thumbnail data replaces it.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderImageURLPostParams unset means image search request is sent using the GET method.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Default search provider keyword

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderKeyword specifies the keyword or shortcut used in the address bar to trigger the search for this provider.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderKeyword unset means no keyword activates the search provider.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Default search provider new tab page URL

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL specifies the URL of the search engine used to provide a New Tab page.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderNewTabURL unset means no new tab page is provided.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Default search provider suggest URL

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURL specifies the URL of the search engine to provide search suggestions. The URL should include the string '{searchTerms}', replaced in the query by the user's search terms.

You can specify Bing's search URL as: '{bing:baseURL}search?q={searchTerms}'.

specify Google's search URL as: '{google:baseURL}complete/search?output=chrome&q={searchTerms}'.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):{searchTerms}

Back to top


Parameters for suggest URL which uses POST

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


If DefaultSearchProviderEnabled is on, then setting DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams specifies the parameters during suggestion search with POST. It consists of comma-separated, name-value pairs. If a value is a template parameter, such as '{searchTerms}', real search terms data replaces it.

Leaving DefaultSearchProviderSuggestURLPostParams unset unset means suggest search requests are sent using the GET method.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top

Edge specific policies

Back to top


Homepage instead of New Tab Page experience

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


Edge for iOS and Android allows organizations to disable the New Tab Page experience and instead have a web site launch when the user opens a new tab.

While this is a supported scenario, Microsoft recommends organizations take advantage of the New Tab Page experience to provide dynamic content that is relevant to the user.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


My Apps bookmark

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


By default, users have the My Apps bookmark configured within the organization folder inside Edge for iOS and Android.

  • true = Shows My Apps within the Edge for iOS and Android bookmarks
  • false (Default) = Hides My Apps within Edge for iOS and Android

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Default protocol handler

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


By default, Edge for iOS and Android uses the HTTPS protocol handler when the user doesn't specify the protocol in the URL.

Generally, this is considered a best practice, but can be disabled.

  • true (Default) = Default protocol handler is HTTPS
  • false = Default protocol handler is HTTP

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:


iOS: Boolean

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Disable data sharing usage data for personalization

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


By default, Edge for iOS and Android prompts users for usage data collection to personalize their browsing experience. Organizations can disable this data sharing by preventing this prompt from being shown to end users.


  • true = Disables this prompt from displaying to end users
  • false (Default) = Users are prompted to share usage data

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Disable specific features

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


Edge for iOS and Android allows organizations to disable certain features that are enabled by default. To disable these features, configure the following setting:

  • password = Disables prompts that offer to save passwords for the end user
  • inprivate = Disables InPrivate browsing
  • autofill = Disables "Save and Fill Addresses" and "Save and Fill Payment info". Autofill will be disabled even for previously saved information.
  • translator = Disables translator, as of version 112
  • readaloud = Disables Read Aloud, as of version 112
  • drop = Disables Drop, which lets you send documents and messages to different devices directly from your browser, as of version 112
  • developertools grays out the build version numbers to prevent users from accessing Developer options (Edge for Android only), as of version 112
  • coupons = Disables coupons/shopping feature, as of version 117
  • extensions = Disables extensions (Edge for Android only), as of version 122

To disable multiple features, separate values with |. For example, inprivate|password disables both InPrivate and password storage.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):
inprivate | password

Back to top


Kiosk mode experiences on Android devices

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111


Edge for Android can be enabled as a kiosk app with the following settings:


  • true = Enables kiosk mode for Edge for Android
  • false (Default) = Disables kiosk mode

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:


Example value:

Back to top


Kiosk mode address bar experiences on Android devices

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111


Edge for Android address bar in kiosk mode can be hidden with the following settings:


  • true = Shows the address bar in kiosk mode
  • false (Default) = Hides the address bar when kiosk mode is enabled

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:


Example value:

Back to top


Kiosk mode bottom bar experiences on Android devices

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111


Edge for Android bottom bar in kiosk mode can be hidden with the following settings:


  • true = Shows the bottom action bar in kiosk mode
  • false (Default) = Hides the bottom bar when kiosk mode is enabled

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Manage account synchronization

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 111

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


By default, Microsoft Edge sync enables users to access their browsing data across all their signed-in devices.

The data supported by sync includes:



Addresses and more (autofill form entry)

Sync functionality is enabled via user consent and users can turn sync on or off for each of the data types listed above.

For more information see Microsoft Edge Sync.

Organizations have the capability to disable Edge sync on iOS and Android.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Disable the import of passwords

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 117


Edge for iOS and Android allows users to import passwords from Password Manager. Admins can disable import passwords with the following settings:


  • true = Disable the import of passwords
  • false (default) = Allow the import of passwords


In the Password Manager of Edge for iOS, there is an Add button. When the import passwords feature is disabled, the Add button will also be disabled.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



#### Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Switch network stack between Chromium and iOS

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 111


The layers of the network architecture are called the network stack. The layers of a network stack are broadly divided into sections, such as Network Interface, Network Driver Interface Specification (NDIS), Protocol Stack, System Drivers, and User-Mode Applications.

By default, Microsoft Edge for both iOS and Android use the Chromium network stack for Microsoft Edge service communication, including sync services and auto search suggestions. Microsoft Edge for iOS also provides the iOS network stack as a configurable option for Microsoft Edge service communication.

Organizations can modify their network stack preference by configuring the following setting.

  • 0 (Default) = Use the Chromium network stack
  • 1 = Use the iOS network stack

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:


Enable Overlay Permission Detection


This policy allows administrators to enable or disable the detection of overlay permissions in Microsoft Edge.

If any app on the device has overlay drawing permissions, then Microsoft Edge will display an error message stating, "This site can't ask for your permission. Close any bubbles or overlays from other apps, then try again" when the browser requests any device permissions.

If enabled or left unset, Microsoft Edge will turn on this detection feature to remind users of potential risks.

If you disable this policy, Microsoft Edge will turn off this detection feature.

Please note that disabling overlay permission detection may increase the risk of malicious overlays or pop-ups gaining access to sensitive information without user consent. Therefore, it's recommended to use this policy with caution and only in trusted environments or when there's a specific need to bypass overlay detection.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

Android: boolean

Android restriction name:


Example value:

Back to top

Configure Brand logo in New Tab Page

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 120
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 120


Pull your organization's brand logo into Edge for iOS and Android. You need to maintain your organization logo and brand color via steps. Banner logo will be used as your organization and Page background color will be used as brand color. To apply brand logo, users need to sign in to Edge with work account.

  • true = Show organization's brand logo
  • false (Default) = Do not show organization's brand logo

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

Android:Boolean iOS:Boolean

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Configure Brand color in New Tab Page

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 120
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 120


Pull your organization's brand color into Edge for iOS and Android. You need to maintain your organization brand color via steps. Page background color will be used as brand color. To apply brand color, users need to sign in to Edge with work account.

  • true = Show organization's brand color
  • false (Default) = Do not show organization's brand color

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

Android:Boolean iOS:Boolean

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Specify a URL to a proxy auto-config (PAC) file

Note: This policy is in public preview and might be removed.

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 120


Specify a URL to a proxy auto-config (PAC) file

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:


iOS restriction name:

Example value (iOS):

Back to top


Block users from signing in to Edge

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 121

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 121


By default, users are allowed to sign in to Edge with their personal accounts or work accounts. You can enable this policy to block users from signing in to Edge.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh: Yes

  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:


Example value (Android and iOS):


Back to top


Specify a dedicated proxy to sign in to Edge in Android

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 121


A Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) is typically configured in the VPN profile. However, due to platform limitation, the PAC cannot be recognized by Android WebView, which is used during Edge sign-in process. Users may not be able to sign in to Edge in Android.

You can specify dedicated proxy for users to sign in to Edge in Android.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:

Android: String

Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):

Back to top


Edge locked view mode

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 117

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 117


This policy allows organizations to restrict various browser functionalities, providing a controlled and focused browsing experience.

  • The URL address bar becomes read-only, preventing users from making changes to the web address
  • Users are not allowed to create new tabs
  • The contextual search feature on web pages is disabled
  • The following buttons under the overflow menu are disabled
Buttons State
New InPrivate tab Disabled
Send to Devices Disabled
Drop Disabled
Add to Phone (Android) Disabled
Download Page (Android) Disabled

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

Android: Boolean

iOS: Boolean

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Configure allowed actions in Edge locked view mode

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 122

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 122


By default, users are not allowed to create new tabs in locked view mode. To allow tab creation, set policy EdgeLockedViewModeAllowedActions.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes

  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

Android: String

iOS: String

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 123.2420.90
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 123.2420.90


By default, users can use Copilot in Edge mobile. You can disable Copilot by configuring the policy to false.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Manage New Tab Page layout settings

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124.0.2478.71


The Custom layout is the default one for the new tab page. It shows top site shortcuts and news feed with wallpaper. Users can change the layout according to their preferences. Organizations can also manage the layout settings.

focused = Focused is selected
inspirational = Inspirational is selected
informational = Informational is selected
custom (Default) = Custom is selected, top site shortcuts toggle is on, wallpaper toggle is on, and news feed toggle is on

Note that EdgeNewTabPageLayout policy is intended to set the initial layout. Users can change page layout settings based on their reference. Therefore, EdgeNewTabPageLayout policy only takes effect if users do not change layout settings. You can enforce EdgeNewTabPageLayout policy by configuring EdgeNewTabPageLayoutUserSelectable=false.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:

Android: String

Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):

Back to top


Manage New Tab Page custom setting

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124.0.2478.71


By default, topsites, wallpaper and newsfeed are turned on in the custom setting. Organization can manage the custom setting. This policy only takes affect when EdgeNewTabPageLayout is configured as custom.

topsites = Turn on top site shortcuts
wallpaper = Turn on wallpaper
newsfeed = Turn on news feed

To configure multiple features, separate values with |.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:


Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):
topsites | newsfeed

Back to top


Manage whether the New Tab Page layout is selectable by users

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124.0.2478.71


By default, users can change their settings on their own. Organization can manage whether the New Tab Page layout can be changed by users.

  • true (default) = Users can change the page layout settings
  • false = Users cannot change the page layout settings. The page layout is determined by the values specified via the policy or default values will be used

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:

Android: Boolean

Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):

Back to top


Disable shared device mode

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 127
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 126


By default, Edge for iOS and Android starts in shared device mode when the devices are enrolled with shared device mode. You can disable shared device mode even in shared devices.


  • true (default) = Shared device mode is enabled in shared devices.
  • false = Shared device mode is disabled in shared devices.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:


Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top

Proxy server policies

Back to top


Proxy settings

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy configures the proxy settings for Chrome and ARC-apps, which ignore all proxy-related options specified from the command line.

Leaving the policy unset lets users choose their proxy settings.

Setting the ProxySettings policy accepts the following fields: * ProxyMode, which lets you specify the proxy server Microsoft Edge uses and prevents users from changing proxy settings * ProxyPacUrl, a URL to a proxy .pac file * ProxyPacMandatory, which prevents the network stack from falling back to direct connections with invalid or unavailable PAC script * ProxyServer, a URL of the proxy server * ProxyBypassList, a list of hosts for which the proxy will be bypassed

The ProxyServerMode field is deprecated in favor of the ProxyMode field.

For ProxyMode, if you choose the value: * direct, a proxy is never used and all other fields are ignored. * system, the systems's proxy is used and all other fields are ignored. * auto_detect, all other fields are ignored. * fixed_servers, the ProxyServer and ProxyBypassList fields are used. * pac_script, the ProxyPacUrl, ProxyPacMandatory and ProxyBypassList fields are used.

Note: For more detailed examples, visit The Chromium Projects (

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android restriction name:

Example value:
ProxySettings = {
 "ProxyBypassList": ",,https://internalsite/",
 "ProxyMode": "fixed_servers",
 "ProxyServer": ""

Back to top

Password manager and protection policies

Back to top


Enable saving passwords to the password manager

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy to Enabled means users have Microsoft Edge remember passwords and provide them the next time they sign in to a site.

Setting the policy to Disabled means users can't save new passwords, but previously saved passwords will still work.

If the policy is set, users can't change it in Microsoft Edge. If not set, the user can turn off password saving.

  • true = Enable saving passwords using the password manager
  • false = Disable saving passwords using the password manager

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top

Idle browser actions

Back to top


Delay before running idle actions

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 122
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 122


Triggers an action when the computer is idle.

If this policy is set, it specifies the length of time without user input (in minutes) before the browser runs actions configured via the IdleTimeoutActions policy.

If this policy is not set, no action will be ran.

The minimum threshold is 1 minute.

"User input" is defined by Operating System APIs, and includes things like moving the mouse or typing on the keyboard.

Supported features

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data type



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Actions to run when the computer is idle

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 122
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 122


List of actions to run when the timeout from the IdleTimeout policy is reached.

If the IdleTimeout policy is unset, this policy has no effect.

When the timeout from the IdleTimeout policy is reached, the browser runs the actions configured in this policy.

If this policy is empty or left unset, the IdleTimeout policy has no effect.

Supported actions are:

  • 'close_tabs': close all open tabs and create a NTP (New Tab Page).
  • 'clear_browsing_history': clear the browsing history.
  • 'clear_cookies_and_other_site_data': clear browsing history and other site data.

Supported features

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data type

Android: List of strings

iOS: List of strings

Android and iOS restriction name:


Example value (Android):



Example value (iOS):



Back to top

Additional policies

Back to top


Allow access to a list of URLs

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy provides access to the listed URLs, as exceptions to URLBlocklist. See that policy's description for the format of entries of this list. For example, setting URLBlocklist to * will block all requests, and you can use this policy to allow access to a limited list of URLs. Use it to open exceptions to certain schemes, subdomains of other domains, ports, or specific paths, using the format specified at ( ). The most specific filter determines if a URL is blocked or allowed. The URLAllowlist policy takes precedence over URLBlocklist. This policy is limited to 1,000 entries.

This policy also allows enabling the automatic invocation by the browser of external application registered as protocol handlers for the listed protocols like "tel:" or "ssh:".

Leaving the policy unset allows no exceptions to URLBlocklist.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android):
Example value (iOS):

Back to top


Block access to a list of URLs

Supported on:

  • Android System WebView since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy prevents webpages with prohibited URLs from loading. It provides a list of URL patterns that specify forbidden URLs. Leaving the policy unset means no URLs are prohibited in the browser. Format the URL pattern according to this format ( ). Up to 1,000 exceptions can be defined in URLAllowlist.

You can block javascript://* URLs. However, it affects only JavaScript entered in the address bar (or, for example, bookmarklets). In-page JavaScript URLs with dynamically loaded data aren't subject to this policy. For example, if you block, then can still load using XMLHTTPRequest.

Note: Blocking internal edge://* can lead to unexpected errors or may be circumvented in special cases. Instead of blocking certain internal URLs, see if there are more specific policies available.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android)
[ file://*]file://*,
Example value (iOS)

Back to top


Allow proceeding from the SSL warning page

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS) since version 113


Setting the policy to Enabled or leaving it unset lets users click through warning pages Microsoft Edge shows when users navigate to sites that have SSL errors.

Setting the policy to Disabled prevent users from clicking through any warning pages.

  • true = Allow users to click through SSL warning pages
  • false = Prevent users from clicking through SSL warning pages

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of URLs

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy turns off Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for the hostnames in the specified URLs. While making it harder to detect misissued certificates, hosts can keep using certificates that otherwise wouldn't be trusted (because they weren't properly publicly disclosed).

Leaving the policy unset means that if certificates requiring disclosure through Certificate Transparency aren't disclosed, then Microsoft Edge doesn't trust those certificates.

A URL pattern follows this format ( ). However, because the validity of certificates for a given hostname is independent of the scheme, port, or path, Microsoft Edge only considers the hostname portion of the URL. Wildcard hosts aren't supported.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:

List of strings


Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Disable Certificate Transparency enforcement for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109


Setting the policy turns off enforcement of Certificate Transparency disclosure requirements for a list of subjectPublicKeyInfo hashes. Enterprise hosts can keep using certificates that otherwise wouldn't be trusted (because they weren't properly publicly disclosed). To turn off enforcement, the hash must meet one of these conditions:

* It's of the server certificate's subjectPublicKeyInfo.

* It's of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a Certificate Authority (CA) certificate in the certificate chain. That CA certificate is constrained through the X.509v3 nameConstraints extension, one or more directoryName nameConstraints are present in the permittedSubtrees, and the directoryName has an organizationName attribute.

* It's of a subjectPublicKeyInfo that appears in a CA certificate in the certificate chain, the CA certificate has one or more organizationName attributes in the certificate Subject, and the server's certificate has the same number of organizationName attributes, in the same order, and with byte-for-byte identical values.

Specify a subjectPublicKeyInfo hash by linking the hash algorithm name, a slash, and the Base64 encoding of that hash algorithm applied to the DER-encoded subjectPublicKeyInfo of the specified certificate. Base64 encoding format matches that of an SPKI Fingerprint. The only recognized hash algorithm is sha256; others are ignored.

Leaving the policy unset means that if certificates requiring disclosure through Certificate Transparency aren't disclosed, then Google Chrome doesn't trust those certificates.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings


Android restriction name:

Example value:

Back to top


Disable saving browser history

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy to Enabled means browsing history is not saved, tab syncing is off and users can't change this setting.

Setting the policy to Disabled or leaving it unset saves browsing history.

  • true = Disable saving browser history
  • false = Enable saving browser history

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Enable search suggestions

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy to True turns on search suggestions in Microsoft Edge's address bar. Setting the policy to False turns off these search suggestions.

Suggestions based on bookmarks or history are unaffected by the policy.

If you set the policy, users can't change it. If not set, search suggestions are on at first, but users can turn them off any time.

  • true = Enable search suggestions
  • false = Disable search suggestions

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Enable Translate

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 109

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 109


Setting the policy to True provides translation functionality when it's appropriate for users by showing an integrated translate toolbar in Microsoft Edge and a translate option on the right-click context menu. Setting the policy to False shuts off all built-in translate features.

If you set the policy, users can't change this function. Leaving it unset lets them change the setting.

  • true = Always offer translation
  • false = Never offer translation
  • not set = Allow the user to decide

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes
  • Can Be Recommended : Yes

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


InPrivate mode availability

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 116

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 116


Specifies whether the user may open pages in InPrivate mode in Microsoft Edge.

If 'Enabled' is selected or the policy is left unset, pages may be opened in InPrivate mode.

If 'Disabled' is selected, pages will not be opened in InPrivate mode.

If 'Forced' is selected, pages will be opened ONLY in InPrivate mode.

Note: On iOS, if the policy is changed during a session, it will only take effect on relaunch.

0 = InPrivate mode available 1 = InPrivate mode disabled 2 = InPrivate mode forced

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes

  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:



Back to top


Configure Microsoft Defender SmartScreen

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android and iOS) since version 119


This policy setting lets you configure whether to turn on Microsoft Defender SmartScreen. Microsoft Defender SmartScreen provides warning messages to help protect your users from potential phishing scams and malicious software. By default, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned on.

If you enable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned on.

If you disable this setting, Microsoft Defender SmartScreen is turned off.

If you don't configure this setting, users can choose whether to use Microsoft Defender SmartScreen

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:

Android:Boolean iOS: Boolean

Back to top


Determines whether the Microsoft Root Store and built-in certificate verifier will be used to verify server certificates

Supported on:

Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 118


When this policy is set to enabled, Microsoft Edge will perform verification of server certificates using the built-in certificate verifier with the Microsoft Root Store as the source of public trust.

When this policy is set to disabled, Microsoft Edge will use the system certificate verifier and system root certificates.

When this policy is not set, the Microsoft Root Store or system provided roots may be used.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : No
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:


Android restriction name:


Example value :

Back to top


Configure Favorites (bookmarks)

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 119
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 119


Setting the policy sets up a list of bookmarks where each one is a dictionary with the keys "name" and "url".

These keys hold the bookmark's name and target. Admins can set up a subfolder by defining a bookmark without a "url" key, but with an additional "children" key. This key also has a list of bookmarks, some of which can also be folders. Microsoft Edge amends incomplete URLs as if they were submitted through the address bar. For example, "" becomes

Users can't change the folders the bookmarks are placed in (though they can hide it from the bookmark bar). The default folder name for managed bookmarks is "Managed bookmarks" but it can be changed by adding a new sub-dictionary to the policy with a single key named "toplevel_name" with the desired folder name as its value. Managed bookmarks are not synced to the user account and extensions can't modify them.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes

  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:


Android and iOS restriction name:


Example value (Android):

    "toplevel_name": "My managed favorites folder"
    "name": "Microsoft",
    "url": ""
    "name": "Bing",
    "url": ""
    "children": [
        "name": "Microsoft Edge Insiders",
        "url": ""
        "name": "Microsoft Edge",
        "url": ""
    "name": "Microsoft Edge links"

Example value (iOS):

    <string>My managed favorites folder</string>
        <string>Microsoft Edge Insiders</string>
        <string>Microsoft Edge</string>
    <string>Microsoft Edge links</string>

Back to top


Control communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 121

  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 121


The Experimentation and Configuration Service is used to deploy Experimentation and Configuration payloads to the client.

Experimentation payload consists of a list of early in development features that Microsoft is enabling for testing and feedback.

Configuration payload consists of a list of recommended settings that Microsoft wants to deploy to optimize the user experience.

Configuration payload may also contain a list of actions to take on certain domains for compatibility reasons. For example, the browser may override the User Agent string on a website if that website is broken. Each of these actions is intended to be temporary while Microsoft tries to resolve the issue with the site owner.

If you set this policy to 'FullMode', the full payload is downloaded from the Experimentation and Configuration Service. This includes both the experimentation and configuration payloads.

If you set this policy to 'ConfigurationsOnlyMode', only the configuration payload is downloaded.

If you set this policy to 'RestrictedMode', the communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service is stopped completely. Microsoft does not recommend this setting.

If you don't configure this policy on a managed device, the behavior on Beta and Stable channels is the same as the 'ConfigurationsOnlyMode'. On Canary and Dev channels the behavior is the same as 'FullMode'.

If you don't configure this policy on an unmanaged device, the behavior is the same as the 'FullMode'.

Policy options mapping:

  • FullMode (2) = Retrieve configurations and experiments

  • ConfigurationsOnlyMode (1) = Retrieve configurations only

  • RestrictedMode (0) = Disable communication with the Experimentation and Configuration Service

Use the preceding information when configuring this policy.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes

  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Hide the First-run experience

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 124


If you enable this policy, the First-run experience will not be shown to users when they run Microsoft Edge for the first time. If you disable or don't configure this policy, the First-run experience will be shown.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:


Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top


Set Microsoft Edge as default browser

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 124


If you set this policy to True, Microsoft Edge always checks whether it's the default browser on startup and, if possible, automatically registers itself. If you set this policy to False, Microsoft Edge is stopped from ever checking if it's the default and turns user controls off for this option. If you don't set this policy, Microsoft Edge lets users control whether it's the default and, if not, whether user notifications should appear.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:



Android and iOS restriction name:


Example value (Android and iOS):

Back to top

Edge website typo protection

Back to top


Prevent bypassing Edge Website Typo Protection prompts for sites

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124


This policy setting lets you decide whether users can override the Edge Website Typo Protection warnings about potential typosquatting websites.

If you enable this setting, users can't ignore Edge Website Typo Protection warnings and they are blocked from continuing to the site.

If you disable or don't configure this setting, users can ignore Edge Website Typo Protection warnings and continue to the site.

This will only take effect when TyposquattingCheckerEnabled policy is not set or set to enabled.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : No

Data Type:


Android restriction name:

Example value (Android):

Back to top


Configure the list of domains for which Edge Website Typo Protection won't trigger warnings

Supported on:

  • Microsoft Edge (Android) since version 124
  • Microsoft Edge (iOS and iPadOS) since version 124


Configure the list of Edge Website Typo Protection trusted domains. This means: Edge Website Typo Protection won't check for potentially malicious typosquatting websites.

If you enable this policy, Edge Website Typo Protection trusts these domains. If you disable or don't set this policy, default Edge Website Typo Protection protection is applied to all resources.

This will only take effect when TyposquattingCheckerEnabled policy is not set or set to enabled.

Supported features:

  • Dynamic Policy Refresh : Yes
  • Per Profile : Yes

Data Type:

List of strings

Android and iOS restriction name:

Example value (Android):
Example value (iOS):

Back to top

See also