Monitor environmental impact with the Executive dashboard

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The Executive dashboard in Microsoft Sustainability Manager provides an overview of total emissions, revenue intensity, and renewable energy categorized by scope, geography, organizational unit, and facility.

To view the dashboard, select Executive dashboard under Analytics on the navigation pane.

Screenshot of the Executive dashboard.

Filter your results

You can filter this dashboard by Reporting year, Accounting method, and Organizational hierarchy.

The options for Accounting method include:

  • Location Based: Reflects the average emissions intensity of grids on which energy consumption occurs.
  • Market Based: Reflects emissions from electricity you purposefully chose.

If your organization turned on Data approval management (preview), you can also set the Data approval (preview) toggle to Include pending data.

Screenshot of the filters you can set in the Executive dashboard.

View summary statistics

The tiles at the top of the dashboard let you quickly assess the following metrics:

  • Emissions: Total emissions, together with a breakdown by scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3.

  • Revenue intensity: Revenue intensity score, together with a breakdown by scope 1, scope 2, and scope 3. (Revenue intensity equals emissions divided by revenue.)

  • Renewable energy (%): Renewable energy as a percentage of total energy, together with a breakdown by renewable energy source.

These tiles include comparison bars that compare each metric to previous reporting periods in a trend chart.

Screenshot of the summary tiles in the Executive dashboard.

The bottom tile has three tabs that show a graphical representation of emissions, revenue intensity score, renewable energy, and water production intensity.

  • Emissions: This tab has a toggle that lets you view either total emissions in a trend line chart or emissions by scope. Emissions by scope appear in column charts for the three scopes that show emissions over time.

  • Revenue intensity score: This tab has a toggle that lets you view either revenue intensity in a trend line chart or revenue intensity categorized by scope. Revenue intensity by scope appears in column charts for the three scopes that show emissions over time.

  • Renewable energy: This tab has a toggle that lets you view either renewable energy as a percentage in a column chart over time or renewable energy breakdown by source. Renewable by source data appears in a column chart for each source showing the percentage of renewable energy as a percentage of total energy over time.

  • Water production intensity: This tab shows values for water production intensity consumed, discharged, and withdrawn. Water production intensity is the total amount of water used in relation to the total weight of products produced.

Screenshot of graphical representations of emissions data in the Executive dashboard.

View data by country/region, organization unit, or facility

On the right area of the dashboard, you can select three tabs: By country/region, By organizational unit, and By facility. Each tab shows total emissions, revenue intensity score, and renewable energy for the corresponding delineation of data.

If your organization set a carbon fee, you can also view the carbon fee on each tab.

Screenshot of the By country/region tab in the Executive dashboard.