HorizontalBarChart control (preview)

[This article is pre-release documentation and is subject to change.]

A horizontal bar chart is a chart that presents categorical data with rectangular bars with lengths proportional to the values they represent. This type of chart is useful when the intention is to show comparisons among various categories and the labels for those categories are long.

HorizontalBarChart control.

This code component provides a wrapper around the Fluent UI HorizontalBarChart control for use in canvas & custom pages.


  • This is a preview feature.
  • Preview features aren’t meant for production use and may have restricted functionality. These features are available before an official release so that customers can get early access and provide feedback.


Full documentation and source code found in the GitHub code components repository.


The control accepts the following properties:

  • Title - This value denotes title of the chart.
  • HideLabels - Set this option to true to hide labels on the chart.
  • BarHeight - This value denotes height of the bar presented in the chart.
  • HideTooltip - Set this option to true to hide tooltips on the chart.
  • CustomColors - Set this option to true to allow custom colors on chart if provided.
  • Variant - This option allows the chart to be shown in Absolute scale or Part to whole.
  • ChartDataMode - This option provides to show the value of each bar in Fraction or Percentage.
  • Items - The action items to render:
    • ItemTitle - The Display Name of the particular chart data (Item).
    • ItemLegend - The legend associated with the particular chart data (Item).
    • ItemValue - Set the value of the particular chart data (Item).
    • ItemTotalValue - The total value to be used for the particular chart data (Item).
    • ItemXPopover - The X-axis popover text for the particular chart data (Item).
    • ItemYPopover - The Y-axis popover text for the particular chart data (Item).
    • ItemColor - Set the color name or HEX value to be displayed for the particular chart data (Item).


  • Item color only applies if the CustomColors property is turned on.
  • Hide labels work when the type of chart is 'Absolute Scale'.
  • Hide tooltips works fine when the app is played (not in studio), but may not render while in studio.


  • AccessibilityLabel - Screen reader aria-label.


Map data values to the corresponding chart properties in the Items property of the control, as demonstrated in the following formula.

Enable the CustomColors property to define consistent colors.

        ItemTitle: "First",
        ItemLegend: "First",
        ItemValue: 40,
        ItemTotalValue: 100,
        ItemXPopOver: "10/2/2024",
        ItemYPopOver: "10%",
        ItemColor: "#00A892"
        ItemTitle: "Second",
        ItemLegend: "Second",
        ItemValue: 20,
        ItemTotalValue: 100,
        ItemXPopOver: "20/4/2024",
        ItemYPopOver: "20%",
        ItemColor: "#9A44FC"
        ItemTitle: "Third",
        ItemLegend: "Third",
        ItemValue: 120,
        ItemTotalValue: 100,
        ItemXPopOver: "10/6/2024",
        ItemYPopOver: "30%",
        ItemColor: "#3483FA"
        ItemTitle: "Fourth",
        ItemLegend: "Fourth",
        ItemValue: 90,
        ItemTotalValue: 100,
        ItemXPopOver: "20/4/2024",
        ItemYPopOver: "40%",
        ItemColor: "#EBA800"


This canvas component can only be used in canvas apps and custom pages.