
Cloud-Native New Year - Azure Kubernetes Service

Join the Azure Kubernetes Service Product Group this New Year to learn about cloud-native development using Kubernetes on Azure computing. It is time to accelerate your cloud-native application development leveraging the de-facto container platform, Kubernetes. Discuss with the experts on how to develop, manage, scale and secure managed Kubernetes clusters on Azure with an end-to-end development and management experience using Azure Kubernetes Service and Azure Fleet Manager.


  • 00:00 - Introduction
  • 02:00 - How can AKS and Azure Simplify my development process using Kubernetes?
  • 04:25 - How can I use AKS to lower my TCO and operational costs?
  • 07:30 - What is bin packing?
  • 09:54 - Any idea if flexible VM scale sets will come to AKS?
  • 13:09 - Any plans to support Descheduler for Kubernetes to kelp keep node costs down?
  • 17:40 - Will AKS help me reduce my carbon footprint?
  • 22:19 - How can a secure supply chain be accomplished with AKS and Azure?
  • 25:40 - Will the AKS office hours come back?
  • 27:35 - Do you have any large-scale best practices in AKS?
  • 29:15 - What's next for AKS?

Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)