Call to action


We hope you found the Resource Guide helpful in your journey to support CS education.

We encourage you to look at your notes and intended action items. Take a few minutes now to take the next step towards connecting your educational community with CS education.

What you do will be entirely dependent on your role as an educator, school leader, administrator of educational nonprofit, or parent/guardian.

Here are a few examples to get your ideas flowing:

  • Contact the TEALS Program to see if it operates in your area and could help you establish a CS program
  • Send one of the listed CS research websites to an educational advocate in your community
  • Complete a MakeCode tutorial to start learning how to code and plan how you could use with your students
  • Verify your institution has Microsoft 365 licenses and try out listed learning tools
  • Research curriculum options and see which might be good for your school
  • Share Microsoft scholarship and internship information with your institution’s career development office
  • Read the CS Recruitment Toolkit and make a plan to use a strategy to help you recruit students into your CS class
  • Contact a listed partner organization with a question you have about their programming

Best of luck on your journey to support CS education! This is important work that will help you connect the students in your community to the skills, jobs, and opportunities of the future.