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are you still working on this

Nah, I dont. There's a github link if you want to do anything with the project but I'm currently working on other projects


idea: mineshift+. mines shift by random amounts each time. this is actually a positive as you can now distinguish between two separate part-mines and one whole shifted mine

i feel like mine armor should be more powerful

i suggest generating the minesweeper after the player chooses a block so i dont die immidiately to 3 consecutive mines at the very start
normal minesweeper always ensures the first square is a blank 0, connected to some numbers like 1 2 and 3
working with just 1 block or mine at the very start is not good

I see, I heard somewhere that in the old minesweeper game the center cell is safe, so in this one if your grid is 9x9 the center cell will be either a number or a blank, yet this could indeed be not enough to start a round


I love this so much. 
maybe you could turn this into a sort of MS rogue-like?
either way, ill be playing this a LOT.

Thanks! I made it open source so I hope I'll have some time to work on it one day