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: Linux >> Internet

  All Categories: Linux >> Internet

  Sub Categories:

   Browser (14)
   Document (52)
   FTP (82)
   Firewall (1)
   HTML (9)
   HTTP (322)
   IRC (100)
   Mail (92)
   Miscellaneous (92)
   News (6)

Category Highlights

Jsmtpd (0.5)
Jsmtpd is a compact SMTP daemon (Email server), entirely written in Java. Jsmtpd project is basicly able to receive E-mail following the SMTP protocol, described in RFC 821. Each others functionnalities are implemented as plugin modules, allowing the core to remain small and easily understaindable.
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now

Gnome-Sshman (0.5.1)
Gnome-sshman is an ssh session manager for Gnome.
License: Shareware
  01/15/2019 Download Now

WebMacro Servlet Framework (2.0b1)
WebMacro is a 100% Java open-source template language that enables programmers and designers to work together while promoting the ModelViewController pattern.
License: Shareware
  01/20/2019 Download Now

gnubiff (2.1.5)
gnubiff project is a mail notification program that checks for mail and displays headers when new mail has arrived.
License: Shareware
  02/11/2019 Download Now

sYnergy Groupware (2.0.1)
sYnergy is a Web-based groupware and communication solution for use with an intranet. sYnergy Groupware includes email mailboxes, a fax viewer and sending function, contact lists, an appointment and task management function, a picture database, and a function for listening to voice messages.
License: Shareware
  01/09/2019 Download Now

rawdog (2.4)
rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur. Written in Python, it uses Mark Pilgrim's feed parser to read RSS 0.9, 1.0, 2.0, CDF and Atom feeds.
License: Shareware
  03/05/2019 Download Now

SQLgrey (1.6.6)
SQLgrey is a Postfix greylisting policy service with auto- whitelisting and an SQL database as storage backend.
License: Shareware
  01/27/2019 Download Now

LibTorrent (0.7.3)
LibTorrent is a BitTorrent library written in C++ for Unix. LibTorrent library is designed to avoid the redundant buffers and data copying that most (all?) other BitTorrent implementations suffer from.
License: Shareware
  02/12/2019 Download Now

SMC anti-spam milter (1.7)
SMC non-context E-mail filter - is an software application designed to significantly reduce the amount of SPAM/UCE (junk-mail) you receive. SMC uses a dynamic local and DNS based remote "whitelists" (for known/trusted senders), DNS based "blacklists" (for undesired senders), and an original "autoauthentication" system (for unknown, but legitimate senders).
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now

GOfax (1.0.3)
GOfax provides an extensible fax solution and works in conjunction with Hylafax. User information is held in LDAP trees to provide centralized administration.
License: Shareware
  03/12/2019 Download Now