I put off buying and playing this for multiple months and now I'm writing this on a short break from pacing around my apartment and ranting incoherently to my roommate. There exists a woman so wonderfully awful that it will rewire your brain chemistry in under an hour (maybe. I was too absorbed to keep track of time). She's in here. Go join Ysme army. Loic is very sweet and compelling and I'm not sure he deserves all this but thank god it's happening to him anyways.
Sensible half of the review is this: really good pacing, music, and use of sound effects. World building and magic system is interesting and genuinely pretty novel, which is hard to come by these days. The two main characters are both complex and flawed in pretty interesting ways, even this early on. This thing's got Notes and Flavors. If you've read LoTS you know which ones. I will not elaborate for the sake of not ruining the surprise(s).
If you're on the fence about getting this, do it. I'm off to shill this relentlessly to everyone and think about them until my brain shorts out.
A member registered Mar 15, 2020