Wikimedia list article (E450)

language codelabeldescriptionaliasesedit
enWikimedia list articleschema of things that are a Wikimedia list articleedit
PREFIX wdt: <>
PREFIX wd: <>

# Example SPARQL query: select * where { ?x wdt:P31 wd:Q13406463 } limit 5
# Invalid items SPARQL query: select * where { ?x wdt:P31 wd:Q13406463 . MINUS { ?x wdt:P360 [] } } limit 5

start = @<#list>

<#linkedList> {
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q13406463 ] ;

<#list> {
  wdt:P31 [ wd:Q13406463 ] ;
  wdt:P360 IRI + ; # at least one 'is a list of'
  wdt:P1889 @<#linkedList> * ; # optionally, a 'different from' another list
  wdt:P155 @<#linkedList> ? ; # optionally, a single 'follows'
  wdt:P156 @<#linkedList> ? ; # optionally, a single 'followed by'