I’m Braven - a Friend! I am also CEO of Ankhe Entertainment, and a Game Developer, Gaymer, Psychic Medium Oracle, Musician, and more!
Ankhe Entertainment's goal is to provide loving, dynamic, and ultimately wholesome content which strives to teach many lessons regarding Love and the innate Magical Prowess which resides inside of each one of us!
I entered the game industry through Composing Music, which I went to college and secured a Bachelor's degree for. My specialty has been Orchestral music, though I'm branching out into Chiptunes and a more robust Audio Production pipeline with REAPER.
I've been getting into Sketching and Pixel Art more as well, and taking some more Programming and Coding lessons with C#, participating in more GameJams, and overall aspiring to be a skilled Generalist in time!
I've always loved Videogames, for how they have changed me and helped me to open my heart. I'm excited to finally be making them - so far I am proud of myself! These below are some games that I’ve worked on. Enjoy ☺️🙏🏻