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A member registered May 09, 2022

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Hi, i got here because of a reddit post. I havent play it yet but people are flipping out in the comments amd that's enough for me. Can someone tell me how many romance options are there? 

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Sending hitman

When I saw the name, Coffee Talk came immediately to my head. I really love that game and this one looked insanely good, the setting and atmosphere really has me hyped, and it didn't disappoint. I don't believe it's from the same developer since I read somewhere that he sadly died (don't know, might be wrong) but I'm sure that CT was an inspiration for this developer. And once again, I can't romance the beautiful cast of characters. Why?! It's like showing me my favorite snacks and telling me they're not for eating.馃槴馃槶(jk...kinda). Of course, the game itself it's amazing and I can't wait for it to be fully developed. My congrats to the chef. Will spread the word around to my friends to get you support.


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Yes. Yeeeees. It's all perfect then. I'll be expecting your future works with great excitement.

And also one last thing, I am greatly grateful to you and your team because I have discovered the beautiful lore that Scotland has. I have always being fond of Scotland mainly because the people's  accent is the best and I just love it. But now because of the Baird's tale book I have founded the beauty of Scotland's lore and the perfect content for my IF text-based game, I'm on Jessie's route and omg, the wulvers are the perfect solution for my predicament. 

I wanted to ask for your permission to include the name of the town in my book, just a reference  and homage of course, since you and the team have given me more inspiration that I thought it would be possible. If not, feel free to tell me to fuck off馃榿.

Well, that's all. I won't bother you with the constant messaging. You have better things to do than giving your attention to a deranged fan馃槄. My most deep love and I wish you luck in both your professional and personal life.鉂わ笍

I'd much rather have Bloodborne 2 or a PC port for 1. This however, will suffice.

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I'm very much satisfied with your answers. Thank you for taking your time to answer them. I'll check the instructions.

Also, I forgot to ask because I was so excited and sad with Grace's route, do you have other games planned? Maybe in the same universe , maybe not. Because I was reading The Bairds Book and... oh baby yeah, there's content here for other kind of games. 

Again, you made one of my absolute favorites and I can't wait to play the other routes. Thank you鉂わ笍

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I can't express with simple words how much I love this VN. You have made a masterpiece.

The music, the details, the Easter eggs (which I haven't found because I'm basically an idiot). The lore, the almanac The Baird's book, I love everything about this game.

I have three questions:

Is Grace's endings just those twos? I'm... really really sad. There's no happy ending for the both of them together? Please, tell me馃ズ馃ズ馃ズ

Second question: In the synopsis it says 3 romances amd more to come. I won't ask who and ow many but rather when can we expect them. 

Third question: At the end it says "Malcolm will return". Sequel?馃憗馃憚馃憗?

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Bro, telling an impatient person to be patient is like telling an angry person not to be angry馃ぃ. I get what you mean tho and I agree. The idiot that I had the displeasure of reading complaining that it's hasn't been updated since 3 months. Hurts my eyes. Like if the dev doesn't have a personal life and personal shit to deal with. 

Hi, got here for recommendations. If you don't mind me asking, how many hours does one playthrough on the current update has?

Maybe perhaps, i don't know, simply ask? Politely? I mean, i hate people who steal other people jobs but if the developer is using content from another person, either he know that developer, he asked for permission or he stole it, and oh surprise you obviously have no way to know which one and simply assumed it.

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When I read this I was like Wtf!? But then I  saw the user name it make more sense

The concept of work is abstract to you isn't it?

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Omg I agree with this person, I mean yesterday I drank water and it was too wet and liquid for my taste and the day before I was hungry and I went and  ate some food?! (face palms) stupid!!. Geez, life is so confusing  give me a break.

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Umm, options? I mean I'm bi so I enjoy both hot dogs and buns so I might be biased but you do know gay/bi people exist and they would like options in games like this right? Besides if i were a woman and took a lookt at Dalhia... I would become a lesbian ipso facto (that means by that very fact or act, in case your allergic to books too, beside gay stuff... too much? nah you deserve it) Also the game has a male RO called Abramar (I believe is the snake muscled four armed snake good-looking god dude in the 4th pic up there) so... not so gay if that bothers you? This isn't Netflix ma dude, you won't find forced inclusion here.

The author posted on Tumblr about it.


Thanks for the kind words.  It's just a working title but  it's called The Silver Moon Chronicles. 

Sorry for the delay answering. I checked this out and, yes! They do have links. Thanks for bringing it to my attention 

OMG this is amazing thank you. Is very detailed and has everything I need. You're a life saver

God? Is that thou? Lol 

Thank you so much馃榿馃榿馃榿

You have no idea how I've been looking for a person like you, you're like Moses, guiding us through the desert called "I'm clueless about coding and I want to die". On a more serious note, I always wanted to use Sugarcube because for some reason I liked it more than other formats and whatnot. And I started using Harlowe because someone told me it was more beginner friendly and it is but it still needs coding and I haven't found a simplified guide like yours about it. And I can do a lot of stuff in Harlowe, like make my words move, shine, give them colors, put them backwards and even make them blurry. My question is, can I do these stuffs with Sugarcube aswell or not? If yes, how?

You dear one are a savior and I would be sure to give my thanks to you once I publish my book/game and become famous (pfft, what a smug little shit innit?)

Hey, I don't mind. As long as you keep the beautiful drawing and writing and those oh so sexy scenes, I'll be there to worship you all. Jesus, what a simp. Ugh

Thanks. Will do.

P.S: O_O I'm actually scared now. 

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Thank you so much Lili, for answering, it just like you say, it's very hard to start and being oblivious to coding doesn't help. At all. And you're kind enough to offer your help which you'll come to regret in the near future because I will ask. A lot. Its very hard to have a story, a world and characters in my head and not give them shape with words. I actually wanted to make a visual novel with the story i have but due to certain factors in my life, including the drawing skills of a neanderthal, I can't. But Twine is the perfect alternative. Thank you again for showing me the way. You're my personal Gandalf lol.

P.S: No romance with siblings? You're not evil... And I don't like it 馃槖 (jk)

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Amazing work. Really amazing. It has a really interesting world and even more interesting characters. And since I'm something of a masochist myself is perfect because I will suffer not knowing when it will be completed. But good things happen to those who wait so... patience. I wanted to ask, I have had a story in my head for some time and finally I found Twine, a tool that will help me giving it shape. The problem is that a have the coding and programming skills of boomer. Where can I find information about it? A video, document, anything. Thank you, and wish you all the luck in the world in both your personal life as in the writer one.

P.S: When you said that some romances were controversial, you don't mean... My brothers did you? If so you're evil... And I like it >:)

The Unity whole thing is a stupid mess of corporate greed.  It's not the only engine out there but damn, is sad nonetheless to see so many content creators, from the most beautiful and sexy visual novel to the exquisite and very well done masterpieces like Cuphead. Truly a shame. Hope you guys don't get affected by it

No problem, happy to help  luv馃榿

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Hi there, i just started and im loving it so far. There's a typo in the scene where our mother absolutely bitchslaps the shit out of me. In case you wanted to fix it


Possibly a Spoiler!!!!!!

Ok I'm calling it right now. Keko is one of Vidarna's followers, possibly the mastermind behind all.

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Oooh that sounds interesting. Outstanding. Thanks for replying. Best of lucks luv馃榿

Ok, that was awesome. This is easily my top 5 interactive games so far. So good and, thankfully, mature. And like so many other of my top 5 is a slow and painful process aka WIP. I hate when a games is in WIP status. But I digress, my question is for you and for any fellow readers that might know about coding, do you have any link to a video, guide book or anything that might help to develop games in twine? I have the coding skills if 80 year old boomer and I get frustrated because I have an amazing story in my head but I can use a tool as extent as Twine. Please help 馃檱馃檹馃檱

I have a question. Is this part of a saga? Or is it a full game?

There is a God after all

Amarantus communityReplied to ub4q in A guide
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I just love how you guys have told me a lot and at the same time nothing at all lol. That's some Malkavian shit right  there.  I'm going to try that out. Thanks for replying 馃榿馃槡. Oh, almost forgot, does your team have a future game in development? 

Amarantus communityCreated a new topic A guide

I just love this piece of work. The drawings are beautiful and the background pictures reminds me of the drawing I'd found in a history book, wich I love.  I do have a problem tho, I want the Major. I want her so bad, but since I'm basically an idiot, I can't choose correctly and trigger  her story line. Is there a guide or would you consider making one. Either way, I still love this visual novel and I can't wait to see future projects. Best of lucks.

So this is the island that where Aelfnod lived?