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Avy amin'i Wikibolana — Rakibolana malagasy malalaka

Kitsoà (Quechua)




  1. zavatra mateza, mivelatra, miovaova



  • Lauer, Matthew Taylor (2005) Fertility in Amazonia: Indigenous Concepts of the Human Reproductive Process Among the Ye’kwana of Southern Venezuela[1], Santa Barbara: University of California, page 224: “ancu”
  • Guss, David M. (1989) To Weave and Sing: Art, Symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, →ISBN, page 108, 137–139, 145: “aunko”
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy anku tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)

Anarana iombonana


  1. fantsona
  2. fotony
  3. hamafin'ny
  4. lalan-dra
  5. liana
  6. tady, karavasy
  7. tendon, nerve



  • Lauer, Matthew Taylor (2005) Fertility in Amazonia: Indigenous Concepts of the Human Reproductive Process Among the Ye’kwana of Southern Venezuela[2], Santa Barbara: University of California, page 224: “ancu”
  • Guss, David M. (1989) To Weave and Sing: Art, Symbol, and Narrative in the South American Rain Forest, Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press, →ISBN, page 108, 137–139, 145: “aunko”
  • Ity pejy ity dia nadika avy amin'ny pejy anku tao amin'ny Wikibolana amin'ny teny anglisy. (lisitry ny mpandray anjara)