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A member registered Jan 02, 2022

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Such a fun and interesting idea, well implemented as well. There are some things to change, like beign able to "fire" volunteers because otherwise i have a sheep on the room and can't make space for a new human to com e and convert it to cow. 

Anyway, thanks for uploading. This could make a very good game on steam if you polish those things and make it fullscreen. Also, for some it had too tiny letters, and for me (1360*720px) it was everything too big.

Hope to hear news about it soon!

I keep getting the "underpay" thing, even tho I read the "Up to g" chart correctly. It's weird, yeh. 
I'll be waiting for the update to look at it again. Thanks for sharing the game, it's awesome ^^

incredible game for a jam. Great job, man. 

Great tool!! I love it. I don't understand why isn't this the first thing to pop up when searching for "character sprite generator pixel art". It's awesome. Thank you for creating this and for releasing it free ^^

It was fun!!! Thank you for uploading it ^^

Hey! nice game!! I would just have loved to be able to move the furnitures >.< 

Great idea! You should take that "remove" button out of there, anyway. I misclicked it a couple of times... it's a clicker, after all, so people will try to click things quick.

Thank you so much. Love the game ^^

Wouldn't you like to explain wich button should i press in order to craft them? I have read the How-to-menu, but it doesn't say where exactly you should go, or wich button you should press. 

Yes, I had tokens. 

I did open the store. But even then, I couldn't find how to craft the spells ><

Great idea! It's very fun. But make the manual a bit bigger, i can't really play much like that. The table was impossible, it's too small for me ><

I couldn't get to craft anything. I pressed E, LMB and RMB on everything. Trust me, everything. How is it done?

Building was too difficult, and none of the disasters broke the little house :c

I really liked it! It's gameplay was a bit confusing at the beginning, tho. 

Also, I get the idea of a "relaxing" game, but waiting that long for the pieces to come up isn't so fun.

Even tho I liked the game so much, I feel it being kid of difficult. Maybe I'm just too dumb, but I would love to know how to even get some money to pass the first two months.
I would also like a more communicative developer >.<

Hi! I couldn't get to warm the water. How do I set that thing on fire?

Hi! I think it'd be difficult to get people to "test" the game if it doesn't have anything interesting to see. The "A game about building a world and making sure no one figures out they're in a simulation" description sounds pretty good tho, so I'll stay tuned to your updates ;)

I thought this amongus-like shape was on purpose.

Anyway, I liked it. I really like this way of making 3d worlds, but I can't find the way to make them. If you or anyone has an idea of how to look more info about it, please tell me. 

Thanks for the game and have a grat day, Sumao.

Buenas alva, y si le bajas el precio al apk? En argentina como que cuesta mucho, es literalmente 1/30 de sueldo mínimo. u.u

Aw, pues no hay de qué.  Gracias a vos por responder. 

Cuando pueda lo vuelvo a probar, tiene sentido lo de la rueda del ratón. Supongo que, con que agregues un mini tutorial (como cuando talas los árboles), sería suficiente. ^^

La versión portable agrega mucho, da mucha más confianza y seguridad a la hora de jugarlo.

Y, si lo de no poner opción para adelantar el tiempo fué a propósito, lo entiendo. Supongo que entonces está bien así, tampoco quiero que le cambies la escencia a tu juego. Mejor esperar a los demás feedbacks. 

Cute. ^^

It could end up being a really nice game. Keep with it!

I liked the experiment! I would love to see those mechanics in a game. Thanks for sharing c:

I just didn't like how it's arms are like following the mouse even if the robo-arm isn't being used. And I also dislike how the sceen goes dark every time it rains. 

I hope you keep devolping it. Good luck >.<

Keep output above is still broken.
Also when it says "keep security score above 11" I can´t do anything, because the lower I get is 9.95 u.u

I don't really understand so much.
Can I play it on windows...?

Thank you for adding it, now it's a lot clearer. 

Wish you luck with your project. c:

Hola! Me descargué la demo, y acá te dejo lo que me pareció:


  1. Guardado de partida. No se suelen ver muchos juegos con una opción para guardar partida, me alegra que este tenga eso. Es muy importante.
  2. Minijuego/mecánicas de tala. Es muy divertido talar! Lo hiciste muy bien. Hasta se ve como se mueven los arbustos y todo tiembla. >.<
  3. Gráficos y efectos de sonido muy lindos, me encanta, todo se entiende bastante bien.


  1. Sin intención de sonar para nada grosero, hay algunos errores en la gramática y ortografía, como oraciones que comienzan con minúscula, faltan muchas tildes, muchas comas, etcétera. Además, hay algunas palabras que están mal escritas, como "choza" (en el juego se la lee "chosa" en todos lados) y, aunque parezca una tontería, creo que eso le baja mucha calidad. Si necesitas ayuda con eso, puedes pedírmela, te ayudo con gusto. uwu
  2. Bug en minijuego de pesca. En el minijuego de pesca, no sé si estoy haciendo algo mal o qué, pero no puedo pescar por más que haga click en los peces o mantenga clickeado y eso. Es una lástima, porque cada vez que lo presino tengo que cerrar el juego a la fuerza y así perder mi progreso. :c
  3. No hay opción para pasar el tiempo más rápido. Es muy aburrido esperar cuando no tenés nada que hacer, supongo que si funcionara el minijuego de pesca no se notaría tanto.
  4. La necesidad de instalarlo. Siempre es mejor ejecutar juegos "portables", ya que instalar cosas de devolpers desconocidos es una opción muy arriesgada, y puede ser la única razón por la que nadie pruebe el juego. Pero bueno, supongo que no debe ser fácil hacerlo portable. Aún así, es un punto en contra.

Y de nuevo, muchas gracias por compartir el juego! Me divertí mucho jugando lo que pude, y si se arreglaran los dos puntos negativos principales (la gramática/ortografía y el minijuego de pesca) podría seguir jugándolo.

Espero que sigas desarrollándolo, mucha suerte y contá conmigo para lo que necesites!

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Hi, I really like the idea and where this is going to!

I'm just not so familiar with economics, therefore I'm not sure how every one of those things affects inflation, happiness of people and unemployement. 

Could you add a little "How to play"? Or, at  least, explain the basics (and not so basics) in the description of the game. 

Once some kind of "How to play" is offered, I would be happy to try the game again.

Thanks for sharing, I hope you can keep devolping on it. ^^

After turning on the power, you should go bach to the PC.

It worked for me and I got to the end of the game, But yeah, maybe it doesn't explain it very well.

I hope you can play and enjoy the game, it's such a nice experience. >.<

After turning on the power, you should go bach to the PC.

It worked for me and I got to the end of the game, But yeah, maybe it doesn't explain it very well.

I hope you can play and enjoy the game, it's such a nice experience. >.<

After turning on the power, you should go bach to the PC.

It worked for me and I got to the end of the game, But yeah, maybe it doesn't explain it very well.

I hope you can play and enjoy the game, it's such a nice experience. >.<

Well, I don't like how it makes me click on bad notes and I can't do anything about it. I just didn't like it, nor found it funny or interesting.

I understand that the idea is a "It's just he talking to himself" sort of thing, but I don't feel the game had any good message at all. I just feel very bad.

If that was your idea, good job. It's harsh enough to make me feel sad as well. Hope I could understand the message better, but it's okay. ><

(1 edit)

Looks good!
I just don't understand completely what every "sprite" mean, because the pixel art is pretty basic. But the atmosphere feels pretty nice. c: