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विकिपिडिया नं

नेपाल भाषायागु दुतावासय् लसकुस !
Welcome to the embassy of the Nepal Bhasa Wikipedia!
नेपाल भाषाको दुतावासमा स्वागत छ !
नेपाल भाषास्य दुतावासे स्वागतम्!
नेपाल भाखा दुतावासे सागत!
नेपाल भाषेतील दुतावास मध्ये आपले स्वागत आहे!
नेपाल भाषा का दुतावास मे स्वागत है!
नेपाल भाषा दुतावास पर सबके स्वागत बा!
नेपाल भाषा के दुतावासअस प्यठ स्वागत!
मिश्तो आविलयन काय नेपाल भाषायाको दुतावास!
Velkomin á Wikipedia Sendiráðið!

  • दुतावासयागु ज्या विभिन्न भाययागु विकिपिडियायागु दथुइ समन्वय व सहकाय देकिगु ख:| मेटाविकिय् छिं विकिपिडिया दुतावासतेगु सुची खना दि फै। नेपाल भाषा व मेगु भाषायागु समन्वययायेत क्वे छिं विकिपिडियाय् छ्येला दिगु मेगु भाययागु नां व छिगु नां च्वयादिसं|
  • Embassy serves to create co-ordination between wikipediae of different languages. The users (of other lanuguages) interested in conducting interlanguage coordination with Nepal Bhasa are listed below:

अन्तरभाषीय समन्वयकर्ता (Interlanguage Coordinators)



Bishnupriya Manipuri

Please also visit Bishnupriya Manipuri language embassy.


Thankyou for the visit to Tamil Wikipedia (Tamil Embassy) and the message. Just to let you know, the category of Nepal in Tamil Wikipedia is here. --Natkeeran 20:29, 4 November 2006 (UTC)



Link to Marathi Embassy


  • Zaheen - this links to my Bengali wikipedia user page


नामविश्व भाषांतरण

Dear Friends,
undersigned wants to put following request at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/ to programmers of MediaWiki software to make apropriate changes in Sanskrit Language Wikipedia.Undersigned requests openions or support from those who know Sanskrit Language.Please do reply at your earliest or post your comment directly at संस्कृत विकिपीडिया:ग्रामस्य चौपालम्
Mahitgar १५:०३, १ पौषमाघे २००९ (UTC)

Dear Wikimedia Programmers,
Since undersigned wants to create new articles in Sanskrit Language Wikipedia specialy in "Wikipedia" and "Help" Namespace;Correction in Namespace Names will help me and Sanskrit Language Wikipedia a Long way. We kindly request following localisation of Sanskrit Language Wikipedia at https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/
  • Namespace Current English Name 'Wikipedia' change the same to Sanskrit विकिपीडिया
    • Namespace Current semi-English Name 'Wikipediaसंभाषणं' change the same to Sanskrit विकिपीडिया संभाषणं
  • Namespace Current English Name 'MediaWiki' change the same to Sanskrit मिडियाविकि
    • Namespace Current English Name 'MediaWiki talk' change the same to Sanskrit मिडियाविकि संभाषणं
  • Namespace Current English Name 'Template' change the same to Sanskrit बिंबधर
    • Namespace Current English Name 'Template talk' change the same to Sanskrit बिंबधर संभाषणं
  • Namespace Current Sanskrit Name 'उपकार:'(stands for 'Help') change the same to Sanskrit साहाय्य
    • Namespace Current Sanskrit Name 'उपकारसंभाषणं' (stands for 'Help talk') change the same to Sanskrit साहाय्य संभाषणं
1)बिंबधर is a newly created applied term for Template.बिंब means an image that can transclude,and since a wikipedia template holds and helps transclude an image term created in sanskrit is बिंबधर
2)Help Namespace 'उपकार:' is being requested to be changed since 'उपकार:' means 'favour' where as right word for 'Help' in Sanskrit is available and is साहाय्य so this namespace change is being requested.
Please do reply at your earliest or post your comment directly at संस्कृत विकिपीडिया:ग्रामस्य चौपालम्

Mahitgar १५:०३, १ पौषमाघे २००९ (UTC)