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Stories from September 15, 2024
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1. How to succeed in MrBeast production (Leaked PDF) (simonwillison.net)
2080 points by babelfish 3 days ago | 1334 comments
2. How to Lead Your Team When the House Is on Fire (peterszasz.com)
394 points by kiyanwang 3 days ago | 204 comments
3. One in five genetics papers contains errors thanks to Excel (2016) (science.org)
404 points by redbell 4 days ago | 255 comments
4. Bitcoin puzzle #66 was solved: 6.6 BTC (~$400k) withdrawn (blockchain.com)
434 points by mrb 3 days ago | 390 comments
5. g1: Using Llama-3.1 70B on Groq to create o1-like reasoning chains (github.com/bklieger-groq)
333 points by gfortaine 3 days ago | 145 comments
6. Plain Text Accounting (PTA) (plaintextaccounting.org)
328 points by iscream26 3 days ago | 118 comments
7. Paraguay Loves Mickey, the Cartoon Mouse. Disney Doesn't (nytimes.com)
177 points by howard941 3 days ago | 125 comments
8. Open Source security camera on Raspberry Pi (github.com/tzuhuantai)
284 points by Sean-Der 3 days ago | 52 comments
9. Learn Git Branching (learngitbranching.js.org)
258 points by dsego 3 days ago | 132 comments
10. Lazarus Group laundered $200M from 25 crypto hacks to fiat (zachxbt.mirror.xyz)
268 points by noch 4 days ago | 207 comments
11. Show HN: Wordllama – Things you can do with the token embeddings of an LLM (github.com/dleemiller)
368 points by deepsquirrelnet 4 days ago | 36 comments
12. Founder Mode, hackers, and being bored by tech (ianbetteridge.com)
382 points by rpgbr 4 days ago | 222 comments
13. Hi-Tech Bifocals Improved My Eyesight but Made Me Look Like a Dork (gizmodo.com)
238 points by amichail 6 days ago | 104 comments
14. Tell HN: DanBC has died
472 points by in_memoriam 3 days ago | 77 comments
15. We're not going to run out of new anatomy anytime soon (svpow.com)
208 points by jfil 7 days ago | 100 comments
16. Randomness extractors: making fair coins out of biased coins (bytepawn.com)
105 points by Maro 3 days ago | 52 comments
17. CSSnano (cssnano.github.io)
108 points by tosh 3 days ago | 42 comments
18. CSCI 181G PO: Game Engine Programming (pomona.edu)
127 points by memkit 4 days ago | 20 comments
19. Jensen's Inequality as an Intuition Tool (2021) (moontower.ai)
95 points by sebg 6 days ago | 20 comments
20. Powerful, Open-Source, Programmatic CAD (implicitcad.org)
146 points by omeid2 4 days ago | 30 comments
21. Warewoolf: A minimalist novel-writing system/rich text editor (github.com/brsloan)
104 points by rcarmo 4 days ago | 52 comments
22. Why Scrum is stressing you out (rethinkingsoftware.substack.com)
430 points by aard 4 days ago | 446 comments
23. Using the Topics API (Chrome Only, Opposed by Firefox/Safari) (developer.mozilla.org)
97 points by kreyenborgi 5 days ago | 58 comments
24. Show HN: I made a digital circuit drawing and simulation game (github.com/lets-all-be-stupid-forever)
136 points by rafinha 4 days ago | 14 comments
25. The disunity of consciousness in everyday experience (schwitzsplinters.blogspot.com)
159 points by Hooke 8 days ago | 111 comments
26. Declarative Programming with AI/LLMs (codesolvent.com)
121 points by Edmond 3 days ago | 61 comments
27. Data Engineering Vault: A 1000 Node Second Brain for DE Knowledge (ssp.sh)
122 points by articsputnik 3 days ago | 19 comments
28. The Art Of Niwaki (2017) (fantasticgardenersmelbourne.com.au)
97 points by surprisetalk 6 days ago | 19 comments
29. USPS' long-awaited new mail truck makes its debut (apnews.com)
167 points by hbcondo714 7 days ago | 1 comment
30. Linux 6.11 Released (lwn.net)
296 points by jrepinc 3 days ago | 119 comments

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