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A member registered Feb 25, 2023

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i beat it in 6 minutes, didnt fall once, and was taking it slow

is there any reason why i cant jump onto the couch right after getting on top of the granite building with the pillars

ok so this is what ive gotten so far, lemme know if this is everything or not


  1. sour
  2. sweet
  3. spicy
  4. dry
  5. greasy
  6. mandelbrot
  7. nothing
  8. tinting
  9. crunchy
  10. gelatinous
  11. warm
  12. creamy
  13. filament like
  14. drooly
  15. slimy
  16. love
  17. horny

as for effects i got

  1. dry + greasy + mandelbrot = recursive bacon = thinner
  2. sour + tinting + crunchy = goth lemon drops = pee (gains warm item)
  3. dry + greasy + gelatinous = buta tallow = fatter (gains creamy item)
  4. greasy + gelatinous + creamy = bacon pancakes = calm
  5. crunchy + gelatinous + creamy = corrosive pudding = missing body parts
  6. sour + warm + creamy = golden yogurt = hair grow (gains filament item)
  7. sour + creamy + filament like = blue cheese = hair extension?
  8. sour + crunchy + creamy = radioactive cheese = horny (gains drooly item)
  9. sweet + gelatinous + drooly = ko-pudding = transform upper body
  10. dry + filament like + drooly = moustache wax = manly (gains slimy item)
  11. sour + mandelbrot + slimy = chicken nuggets = restore pregnant
  12. spicy + creamy + slimy = spicy yogurt = pregnant
  13. sweet + dry + drooly = sweet rum = alcohol (gains love item)
  14. sweet + dry + love = love crumble - more excited (gains horny item)
  15. dry + love + horny = aphrodite's kiss = cleans body
  16. crunchy + warm + horny = sour candy = wet pussy
  17. sour + nothing + love = sour cake drop = remove what wasnt here before

i cant get past the big cup, because when i hold the button too long, the beer just goes out the top and it counts as a loss

3 minutes, and i took it slow

would you be able to make a downloadable version for all of your games so far, id love to be able to play this even when the internet goes out

loved the game, didnt think itd take so long tho lol

love the game, maybe add some colors or something to the background so we can get a sense of scale and itd be even better


is there a downloadable version for this, the browser version isnt working for me for some reason

thank you so much

can you please make a downloadable version of this

love the idea, and the game runs smooth, in the future i hope to see more games like this one, maybe featuring some sort of fusion aspect, 10/10 will play more

love how it looks so far, and if you wanna ask for opinions or want any ideas for future updates, you can message me here or discord

so happy to see this here finally, this was one of the first porn games i ever played

itd be even better if you could toggle the censor, just imo

(1 edit)

first of all, collecting the pee of girls needs to be a feature in more games
secondly, as of now im having trouble, the poachers market only sold em stuff day one and they havent come back yet, and its day 40, is this normal?