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I believe this is the highest possible score.  Only a 50% chance of this scoring anything useful, but I got it on my second try.

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That's impressive!

But you know, as the dev, I know the highest possible points you can get in a turn is not this one ;)

First of all, it hurts to see the empty "diamonds" ability slot, which could increase your final points even more. Then also, for example, why use "Astronaut"? It multiplies the final turn points by at most x4x10 (where 10 should be the number of cards with a "LENGTH" symbol on the table, which is actually 9, not even 10 in your case), so at most by x40, which is a lot, but not the best you can do... What about, for example, using "Plumber" or "Bellboy" instead? I won't spoil what those abilities do here so I won't ruin the fun and joy of discovering it by yourself, but I can tell you they are better than "Astronaut" in this case... Getting rid of the "Astronaut" would also eliminate the constraint of having to use the 3 "x[LENGTH]" cards at the start of your equation if you get rid of the "FLASK" ability too, freeing both 3 card slots and the "clubs" ability slot, in favor of better cards and abilities maybe, just saying...

So, in the end, I'd say the quest for the highest possible turn score is not over (not even for this limited prototype version of the game). 

You want the high score? You can have it! I left everything I gathered together in one place, now you just have to find it!

Btw thank you for playing :)

Been having some fun with this, but is there a way to burn ability cards/get rid/disable ability cards? Had one I misunderstood 0 my score, and couldn't get rid of it since the shop didn't give me any new abilities of that type until I was out of money

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At the moment, there's no way to burn ability cards unless you replace them with a new one of the same type. The idea behind this "mechanic" was to encourage players to be more thoughtful when buying abilities in the shop (knowing they can't be easily removed later), but since others might run into the same issue you ran into, I'm still trying to figure out whether to keep this as it is or not...

This was my first run at this game. I do hope to see it improve overtime! Are there plans for a steam or android release?

Oh wow, 96 trillion in your first run is very good!

As for the Steam and Android release, the answer is yes. A lot of people are enjoying the game, so a Steam release feels like the most natural thing to do so that I can add achievements and leaderboards to the game, with also obviously more content and game modes to play. After that, I'd love to release the game for Android too, with the possibility to start a game on PC and continue it on mobile, or vice versa. 

Unfortunately, I'm not doing game development full time, so I have just a few hours a day to dedicate to the game, but more news and updates will be coming as soon as possible.

And by the way, thank you for playing the game!


I might have scored too high and broken the game when I finished the run lol (Thanks to Crimson406 for the LEN^LEN strat idea)

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Oh, wow, sorry for that... The game is perfectly capable of handling high scores, the problem here lies on the saving system for the scores I think...

Do you remember more or less how many points you scored in the end?

Edit: I found the bug, and it's now fixed

That was the final score - what I'd done was replace every card in my deck with a LEN^LEN card once those initial 4 cards came out, so I could guarantee the perfect setup. After that, future scoring was negligible. 

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Ok, thank you very much for reporting! 

I'll try to patch this as soon as I can.

The problem does not seem to be what I thought it would be, I'm currently investigating, do you remember if you specifically tried to look at the "turns" graph from the game over screen or if the error happened as soon as your game ended?

This happened as soon as I flipped my final card over and the points tallied up - I never got to the stats screen.

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I released another update, the problem should be fixed now. Thank you again for reporting this!

I'll have to wait for the next +Len^Len run to be 100% sure though :)


I can't wait for the update!! For now my record is 10^23, but i'm sure it will get MUCH higher after the update :)

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I just released a small update to fix bugs and introduce some useful player options, an update to add more content is also coming soon!

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I'm not sure how to error report for this, but I seem to have softlocked the game. I have 81 draws left, but I can't afford anything in the shop, have no flags, and clicking on the draw button doesn't do anything.

I _think_ I have overdone it with the randomization elements, perhaps.

 my abilities are Beet, Apricot, Flask, Builder Elephant.
My deck has a lot of x(7+D6), and about 70 shop refreshes.

I think I just have too many dice, and made too big a number?

Every time I click the draw card button, go into the shop, and back out again, the number I see in the top right for 'added to your total' changes, however my draws do not, and my cards do not visibly change.

Edit2: Spamclicking 'draw card' got me to the victory screen after I presumably drew all my remaining attempts. The cards I drew never updated however, and neither did my money available in the store. However, I ended up with 6.6e10, so that's something, I guess- though the ending graph also just cuts off, not showing my last 82 draws.

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It's unfortunately the builder ability that's "soft-locking" the game, I'm aware of the problem, and a fixed updated version of the game is coming in less than 24 hours. Thanks for the bug report!

Edit: the problem is now fixed starting from version 0.11


Chef carried me until the shop couldn't generate any more very expensive cards and the prices couldn't rise fast enough.

You made an entertaining game that scratches the itch of 'number go up' - well done! Hope there's more cards, mechanics and abilities to come. If I can make a suggestion I would love 'weighted die/coin' abilities - with a probability of x% the die will roll with a +1/the coin land on specific face. 


More cards, abilities, features, and most importantly game modes are coming soon for sure. Thanks for the suggestions too, the idea of weighted dice/coin abilities based on certain probabilities are very nice, could be an alternative to the clover and horseshoe cards which always guarantee a certain output from dies or coins.

Thanks for playing, glad you liked the game!


Order of magnitude better, still an order of magnitude short for the next slot


I wish I could play on iOS :(

Hi, iOS is not currently in the plans for the next updates, but I'm considering porting the game to mobile, so maybe also iOS in the future.

By the way, thank you for playing!


A mobile port would kill my work productivity for a while, please do it!

Deleted 2 days ago

DNA works fine for me:

The card should add +6^5 so it's +7776, with DNA it's ร—4, so it's +31.104

Maybe it's another ability?

Anyways, thank you for playing and for reporting!


quickly changes from a fun little distraction into confusing calculations that consist of mostly worthless cards that have 90% of your draws worth nothing

Thank you for the feedback! 

I'll try to give the player options to maintain the game a fun little distractions if they don't want to do confusing calculations in future updates.

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If you could use Elephant to stack a whole bunch of the (extremely rarely generated) +LEN^LEN card, you should be able to get absolutely absurd score values.


I think it works

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Wow, that's amongst the highest I've seen so far, cool strategy, and thank you for playing too obviously!


Omg, i read that so wrong, i thought you were thanking them for "playing too obviously" not "playing too, obviously" haha! Nice game, i accidentally replicated his run but used some MAXDIG^6 while also using LAN^LAN and x(9+D)'s


I have notice that picking up the builder ability seems to prevents you from drawing any more cards or gain any score.

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Yes, it doesn't always happen, only when you have other specific cards with the builder, but this is a bug indeed. It's already fixed in the build for the next version, but updates for the game are frozen for a few more days because the game jam voting period is still ongoing. Thanks for the feedback btw!

Edit: the problem is now fixed starting from version 0.11


Thank you for the game. I saw a video about it in my youtube recommandationand I decided to give it a try. It was quite fun. 

My build was centered around the horseshoe with kohlrabi ability and the elephant to get a good amount of *Coins.

Good run! The strat is indeed very good :)


This was really fun, had a deck using mostly multiplier cards earning a lot of money. Can't wait for this to be expanded!


Good job on the score!

An update for the game is definitely coming in a few days with new content, stay tuned :D


Thanks, there are a few bugs I would like to report!

The dromedary doesn't actually make the cards free, and doesn't make the cards more expensive, it only looks like it.

The same kind of thing is happening for me with the rabbit.

Those are all I have now!

I can't wait! :D


I'll investigate on these asap, thanks again


I found some weird things happening when I would accidentally stop having it full screen, some cards would not be able to be highlighted even if I returned to full screen, so I had to play the rest of the run in windowed mode.

Thanks, I suspect this is a bug caused by the way the game engine exports the HTML build of the game, but I'll investigate it and possibly fix this in the next update.


Score = 16 011 164 209 784

Just a little under the GDP of China.


Unsure how I'm getting 0 here. The Min DGT = 4? So therefore for scale the corresponding symbol value is 4?

So it should be adding 4096 x 5 = 20,480? 

Really enjoying the game.

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You are absolutely right, in the 0.1 (JAM) version the "Scale" ability is not working properly. I fixed this for the next update (coming in a few days).

Thank you so much for reporting this, and glad you are enjoying the game!

after anothr replay I encountered an error: I click Draw, hear the drawing sound, nothing visual happens, when i enter shop and go back to table screen i see the "+XXX" under total score changed but the total and table state remains the same

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Thank you for the feedback, this happens when there is an error with the next card you draw because of the combination with some other card in the game. I encountered this bug multiple times before publishing the game and fixed everything I found to be causing it, but it seems like I missed one in this case... I don't know which card may be causing the error, but it's probably an ability, since I added abilities only later on in the game and I didn't have much time to test if all of them worked properly with all other cards (given the almost infinite combinations of cards and abilities you can have in the game). I'll investigate onto this, if by chance you remember if you had any ability equipped and which ones they were it would be very helpful. 

Thanks again for reporting this :D

Edit: the problem is now fixed starting from version 0.11

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i reached (new score) 6035917 -cumulated: 7767054. in 1 turn, 1121780




Nice idea but : as not native english speaker, i couldnt understand bonus cards. These appeared even worst by "+1". I think bonus cards and "multiplications bonus" must be redesigned.

Thanks for the feedback!

I plan on expanding the game more by adding more game options (for example, customize the number of cards you can draw before the game ends) and more game modes, so I'll probably also include more languages support.

Also, for "bonus" (ability) cards, there are good ones and bad ones, some of the bad ones are not good by themself, but become good when you combine them with other abilities to create strategies.

Thank you again for the feedback and for playing the game :)