CPU and RAM usage alerts

If your hardware is being maxed out then your video may not be processed and delivered fast enough to keep up with the real-time requirements of live video.

Each stream output quality adds significant CPU usage and slows down the overall generation of video segments. It’s generally advised to start with one output, and then add additional, one at a time, to see how it impacts your CPU usage.

If your CPU is being over-utilized, here are some steps you can try taking to resolve this.

  1. You may have too many video outputs defined in your settings. Try limiting yourself to a single output, and go from there.
  2. Change your settings to use less cpu.
  3. Experiment with reducing the bitrate and framerate of your video.
  4. If you’ve gone down to a single output, changed to using less cpu, and experimented with different qualities in your broadcasting software, it’s possible the server you’re running Owncast is just not powerful enough for the task and you might need to try a different environment to run this on.
  5. For your highest quality, match your Owncast server output bitrate exactly to what your broadcasting software is sending to minimize the amount of work your server has to do.
  6. If you find you cannot accomplish encoding of any sort due to your server hardware, you may want to experiment with enabling video passthrough, where your video is not re-encoded. However, this may not be a solution in all environments and there are often side effects. Read more.

In general, the easiest way to save CPU is to decrease the input size, decrease the output size, or both.

Buffering and video playback issues

Many things can be responsible for buffering and issues with the video playback. Here are some things to look into.

  1. Make sure your hardware is not maxed out as detailed above.
  2. Make sure your broadcasting computer is broadcasting live video reliably. If your own computer or network connection is having a hard time getting video to the internet then viewers will be stuck in a buffering state. Reduce the bitrate, resolution and/or framerate in your broadcasting software on your computer or mobile device if needed.
  3. Try increasing your latency buffer in your settings. This will start the user further behind live but give the client more playable video before it gets stuck waiting for the live edge.
  4. Change your video settings to use less cpu for encoding video. Possibly try passthrough.
  5. Reduce your stream quality settings to a single output and a lower bitrate. Experiment with increasing the bitrate and adding another optional stream output once you find settings that work for you.
  6. If some of your viewers have no issues, but others are, you simply might need to add an additional bitrate output to your video configuration to accommodate more network conditions. Some people are geographically further away from you and might be getting your stream slower than others. Adding a lower quality stream output for these people often helps a lot.
  7. If you are using external storage, make sure you’re able to upload to this storage service fast enough. See below.

To gain some insight into how your stream is performing for people, put your stream URL (https://yourserver/hls/stream.m3u8) into HLS Analyzer to get a nice overview. You can see any errors or warnings from the end user’s point of view by looking at its results.

Slow uploads to external storage

If you have a slow upload connection, or are uploading to an external storage service that is too far away, or not optimized for fast uploads, you may run into an issue where it takes too long to get the video segments uploaded, ultimately not making them available fast enough for them to be used.

  1. Determine if there’s another endpoint for your storage service that might be geographically closer to you.
  2. Use a storage service that’s as close (physically and logically) to where your Owncast instance is. For example if if you’re on an AWS machine, use a S3 bucket in the same region. If you’re on Digital Ocean, try DO Spaces. But maybe don’t use DO Spaces if you’re on a Linode machine, use Linode Object Storage instead. Run owncast with --enableVerboseLogging to see if you get any slow upload warnings.
  3. Try to increase your upload speed from your server provider.
  4. Find out if your storage service offers something like AWS’s Transfer Acceleration to (possibly) try to increase the speed of uploads.
  5. Reduce the quality of your video so the video segments are smaller and will take less time to upload. See the above tips for speeding up encoding.

Reducing the delay between the viewer and live

Try decreasing your latency level in the admin. This will keep the user closer to live, but give the client less playable segments to work with, possibly reducing the resiliency for errors and network speed issues. If you have a machine that is able to process video quickly you may be able to get down to only a handful of seconds of latency, but with little room for error.

It’s up to you to decide you want lower delays over less reliability or a more reliable stream with additional delay.

If you are using Video Passthrough in your video configuration it will likely increase your latency. Because you’re telling Owncast not to re-encode your video it can’t optimally segment your video into the sized chunks required to manage your latency. If you really want to micro-manage latency then you’re better off turning off Passthrough.

Chat is disabled

The chat is only enabled when a stream is active. This is to stop drive-by spammy chat messages by people when no stream is taking place.

If you’re using a proxy in front of your Owncast instance make sure it is configured properly to support websockets. By default some do not pass along the websocket properly. Read your proxy documentation to make sure websocket support is configured properly to support Owncast chat.

If you are immediately disconnected and your stream won’t begin.

  1. Make sure you’re running a supported version of ffmpeg. Download ffmpeg 4.1.5 or above.
  2. Look at your owncast logs in the console or your admin. There may be specific error messages to tell you what you can do next.
  3. Take a look at transcoder.log for detailed logging that you can provide when asking for help if you don’t see anything in the Owncast logs.
  4. Make sure your copy of ffmpeg was not installed via Snap packages, as the sandboxing of Snap distributed software isn’t compatible in this case. If you see the error Error: unable to open display in transcoder.log, this might be your problem.

Misc video issues

If you’re running into random video stability issues start by looking at some of the following:

  1. Make sure you have video passthrough disabled. I know you want to keep it on, but if you’re having issues TURN IT OFF. If that doesn’t fix it, then you can turn it back on later when you figure out the problem.
  2. Look at your Owncast logs as well as transcoder.log to see if there are any errors that might be helpful.
  3. To troubleshoot try a different source and/or a different player so when you ask for help you can know that it works for X but doesn’t work for Y. Your stream is available at /hls/stream.m3u8 so try putting that into VLC, Quicktime, etc.
  4. If you’re using a third party re-streaming, or web based streaming service, try streaming without it to see if it works. Again this helps when asking for help to let us know where the issue is.

Your software says your key is incorrect.

If your broadcasting software says your streaming key is incorrect, but you’re sure it’s not, verify you’re not using any URL-unsafe characters in your key. Characters such as [ ] { } ? | \ / ” % ~ # < > are particularly problematic as your broadcasting software may not be encoding them properly.

Your stream looks low-quality

Your stream, at the very least, is only as good as what you’re sending to Owncast. So make sure you’re sending from your broadcasting software at a quality that you’re happy with. You may also want to increase the amount of CPU being used to process the video on your Owncast server. As you go lower you will visibly see the quality degrade. However, make sure your server can handle more CPU being used or you’ll experience different problems.

Server is not showing up in the directory

If you’ve enabled the directory in your admin settings, look at some next steps if it’s not working.

Owncast directory was first supported in Owncast 0.0.3.

Streams without audio are currently not supported

If you’re streaming content that has no audio component (such as a camera with no microphone, for example) you may run into issues. You’re only likely to run into this if you’re building a stream manually through something like ffmpeg. And in this case you can insert an audio stream that’s empty to resolve the issue.

An example:

ffmpeg -input_format h264 -f video4linux2 -s 1920x1080 -i /dev/video0 -f lavfi -i anullsrc -c:v copy -c:a aac -shortest -f flv rtmp://

Resetting a lost stream key

If you change your stream key and forget to save it, or you lose it somehow, you can reset it on the command line by stopping owncast, and then running the following on the command line:

./owncast --streamkey yournewstreamkey

Restoring a backup

Owncast will backup its database periodically. You can keep these backups and restore them if needed. Learn more about backups.