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What's with the main menu tune, it sounds like something you'd put for a sleeping baby or something;

No remapping of keyboard/mouse buttons, or even an in game image showing what key does what;

Does the game start loading as soon as you click Start or Continue? It sure feels like it just hangs in there for 3-4 seconds before actually loading the game;

During the tutorial, at the swimming part, it says that "move mouse to aim" or something like that for aiming your dude while charging. The mouse does nothing, you aim with W/S (up, down);

Screen transitions feel overly long. A 1 second fade-in/fade-out would probably work better;

ESC doesn't work during the tutorial, can't go back to the main menu from there;

Having wives at your camp will consume your boxes. The tutorial never mentions this;

There's no indication of when you can leave the home map. If you do manage to trigger a map transition when you shouldn't, like moving during the night transition, the game will softlock with a black screen;

There's no reason to show the inputs to interact with your hut (sleep, ♥) during the night, as those simply won't work;

Finding resources as complete RNG when going to the right map is terrible game design;

If you start to build a wall and cancel it (R.Mouse button), you won't get your resources back;

Enemies can often hit you without attacking. Their attack collision boxes can trigger while they are blocking or even idle;

Enemies always stagger you, you never stagger enemies. Couple this with them hitting you without attacking, combat feels terrible.

If you are sleeping in your hut when night comes, enemies can still hit you inside the hut.

The progress bar looks nearly invisible during the day. White bar on nearly white background (clouds);

While interacting with the build pile, R.Mouse is the only button that cancels  and closes the small window without doing anything.

NPCs' key prompts get mirrored with them. When a normal caveman comes by, it shows "3" when they're facing left and "E" when facing right. This is more noticeable if you get captured by the big slime, SPACE becomes 3CAPS;

How exactly does the throw logic work? Because if I grab something and throw, it'll be in a upward arc. If I grab and throw again, it'll throw downwards. The next 3 times will often be in a upward arc again;

While fucking the bandit's slave, the audio can desync with the animation quite easily;

How do i beat the boss, any attack i do just doesnt get to him

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Soft lock after defeating the troll boss and picking up the cowgirl. Walking to the left side of the screen with the cowgirl results in a black screen that never ends.

I do hope you find some room to develop this further, it's a unique concept.

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Here you'll find the walkthrough for the new content. WARNING : SPOILERS AHEAD !!!!!!

  • Wait for the caravan to arrive at your camp. It can take up to a few days, depending on RNG. Talking to the girl is useless at this stage.
  • Talk to the bandit and accept his offer.
  • You can now use the caravan, but talk to the girl before that.
  • At night, the caravan will leave. Just wait for it to come back on another day (should not be very long).
  • Repeat above instructions 3 other times.
  • One day, the caravan will come back, but the girl will be alone. She will ask for help. Your choice will affect the endings. (see below if you want to know).
  • Depending on your choice, the story will be different. Just go with the flow and choose your fate !

Endings detail:

  • Choosing to leave her behind when she comes for help will trigger the bad end.
  • Choosing to free her at the end of boss fight wll trigger the good end.
  • Choosing to keep her with you after the boss fight will trigger the slave end, which is the most complete.
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will this come to mobile eventually?

Probably not. Sorry. I don't have the knowledge, nor device to test on mobile. Maybe eventually, but not in the near future.

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the controls are a bit weird.. For example keybinding 'R' is Left Alt. If there is a possibility to adjust key bindings it would be much appreciated. Overal its pretty okay. The ability to jump would have upgraded this comment. For now and the content i would not recommend.

But it is promising for sure.

Hi, thank you for your opinion on the game. I dont understand your problem with keybinding, though. Could you be more specific ? "R" corresponds to no specific action and left alt is a secondary command for grabbing... Could it be a keybord localization problem ? I'm currently working on an update so I'd like to know. 

Okay, oops my bad. it is R mouse button. thank you for your fast response

found the controls. the fond mislead a bit. it's functioning as intended i think. apologies

No problem The tutorial is not the best. I'll add a panel for keybord controls in the settings. If I find the time, I'll try to add a system to change keybindings...

This is a very interesting and fun premise! I am potentially interested in the paid version but I would like to know (if you are okay with answering!)
How many scenes are there? is it one scene/position or are there multiple?

There are 8 scenes with alternate animations for finishing inside or outside of your captives.

I could'nt hide it, even if I wanted ! XD