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A member registered Nov 23, 2023

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They are, but it is tied to a specific event path.  There is a box marked Hints in your sidebar.  One of the hints is regarding that very thing.  It's titled 'The Best Friend'.  Follow it's recommendations & you will get there.

It's you.  Do you know what world seed you used?

Yes, when the skill turns blue it won't improve any more that day.

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While punching them could indeed be satisfying, I was actually thinking of something that would hurt even more, their feelings.  Something like getting right in their face with a comment like 'Did you actually see this playing out any other way?  REALLY?!'  Or the ones that go with something sexual if you fail get something like you shoving them up against the wall, getting right in their personal space & whispering in their ear 'Lets be honest with ourselves, it wasn't about the money, WAS IT?'  and then just walk off, leaving them with their failure & conflicting emotions...

As to the other, that would be great, but you (the player) has no control over what you (the character) picks in those situations.  I mean if we could start choosing, that would be great, but right now my Physical skill 10 Football player is always choosing vids about working out & his 'on the short side' English Major gf really has no interest, so maybe something about 'Nerd Stuff' or Dancing?...

Incidentally, thank you so much for putting the 'throw the match' option in, were you holding onto the making breakfast for the 'Official Relationships' expansion, or is it just more complex coding?

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I have noticed when you try to shove past an 'Extortionist-in-a-Box' but don't have the Physical skill to pull it off, there are consequences.  Why are there no consequences for them when they clearly haven't got a hope in hell of blocking you?

Unrelated; when you are in a 'just chill' hang-out or date & you pick something to watch that reflects one of your interests but not theirs, is there a way to keep it from being something you choose later on with them?

So Who is everyone's fiercest Rival & why and how is it always Jacqueline Pierce?

'Tell me you've never encountered a woman in real life who's aggressive & willing to ignore social mores & boundaries without telling me you've never encountered a woman in real life who's aggressive & willing to ignore social mores & boundaries...'

Quickieburger, you have technically hit your max raise.  That said, keep working there & you will eventually meet the labor Organizer who is trying to get better pay for everybody.  That will lead to an event chain.  Here's a hint regarding the event chain; the Charisma, Physical & Exhibitionism skills will all be useful, so get them up now, rather than later.

The other stuff, I don't know.

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The encounter with the Classroom Admirer, in the doorway of the Classroom after class; do they ever remember what they wanted to say?

Completely unrelated; if you decide not to go the trash human route with the 'Rich Kid' all the guys from his hall who previously seemed decent enough do a heel turn.  Do any of them not do that?  Like maybe if you have gotten their friendship up to actual 'friends' rather than just acquaintances?

Related to THAT; While I love that you now know what major an NPC has after interacting with them enough, will it ever be possible to add what their Residence hall is (even if it isn't yours) and who their Roommate is (again, once you have interacted with them enough)?

The Coaches for all the teams are modifiable.

E-girl/E-guy (I don't know for certain they switch if you are a different gender, but I figured I'd hedge) is actually a team member of the Esports team.  They are a fellow student at the school.  The other narrative NPC's for the Esports team are the Coach & the '360 no-scoper', aka the team Captain.

Hey, does anything happen if you've been co-streaming with the e-girl/e-guy & then you start doing your own streams?  I know you're 'anonymous' when you stream & you technically aren't when you are streaming with them, but I wondered if there were things that happen.

So, as I posted a few days or so ago, this is less a new way to improve Intellectual & more another way to 'in-game' direct people to the Library.  I'm posting it here because I have seen no indication that you (Calla Creations) or Anarchothaumaturgist have seen my previous post.

So my idea is that instead of just yelling at & insulting the MC when they fail the Intellectual test, the Coach throws a playbook at them & tells them 'Read it!'  If they do so, it counts as Intellectual training & they then get a notification on their phone that it is property of the school & needs to be returned to the school Librarian in the Library.  When the MC does so, the Librarian tells them they can find similar books upstairs if they are interested.  This then lead to a digression on my part about how we have a whole game about a sex-crazed university & we don't have a 'sexy-Librarian' NPC yet, but that's all I'm going to say about that.

Ooh!  On the sexy Librarian/Dominance/Submission training route idea...  New Job!  Library assistant.  You have to be able to pass a Study or Intellectual test to get it but once you have it you have possibly two options every so often 'Work Harder' which improves your Submission, or 'Work Smarter' which improves your Dominance.  Of course, this kind of Dominance edges over into the more intellectual/emotional rather than brute physical, which is kind of how Dominance has been portrayed in-game so far...

To my knowledge, at this point in time, the only ways to improve your Dancing skill are:  Dancing stream (erratic, irregular), 'Dance to the music' at the Friday night party (still erratic & irregular), and now Cheerleader practice (only meets daily cap on Friday practice if you work hard every time).  Are there any others of which I am unaware?  In particular, are there any others which provide the reliability of working out at the Gym for Physical.  I have a Cheerleader character & I have been holding off on regular Physical workouts other than during practice because I am trying to keep the two reasonably balanced & the Cheerleader practice is the only consistent, reliable way to improve Dancing.

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At the moment, there are no PC long-term relationships.  That is future content.  The BFF to SO content is long & somewhat convoluted.

1)Whenever possible take the 'talk about sex' option when hanging out with them.  You can hang out any night but Friday, from six to eleven.

2)Find out the 'Friday night Party Secret'.  Mostly  this is just a matter of going to the party regularly & spending time there.  Once you know it, you have to share it with your BFF & deal with the fall out.  This takes two consecutive parties to complete.

3)Keep taking the 'talk about sex' options as they are available, it feels as though they are somewhat less frequent with the new patch, but that could just be that there is so much MORE to do now...  Eventually, you will reach a 'tipping point' moment, choose wisely.

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Football is deceptive.  To make it onto the field you have to be able to pass an Intellectual skill test as well as the Physical skill tests.  To improve your Intellectual skill, go to the second floor in the Library & browse the bookshelves.  I recommend getting your Intellectual skill up to at least 3.

As a possible 'in game' option, having the Football coach throw a playbook at the PC after they fail the Intellectual test, reading the Playbook counts as an Intellectual test & then they have to take it back to the Library where the librarian shows them where they can find others (i.e. browsing the bookshelves upstairs).  On that note, we're in an oversexed University & we have yet to encounter a sexy librarian?!  WTF?!  just kidding, although thinking about it, that would be an amusing location/NPC for Dominance or Submission training (if you know, you know...)

Mostly the Virginia comment was in fun.  I really am curious about what is what with Rivals though, particularly the ones who are also showing lust.  Yes, I know Hatefuck is a thing, but it usually loses it's amusement value after a while.  Though I will admit, after certain interactions with Cheerleaders, a part of me is tempted to see if I can't get one of them triple full, but with Dislike, Lust & Romance instead of Friendship, Lust & Romance & just what the hell THAT unholy abomination would look like...

So, seriously, what is the deal with Rivals?  Is it just once they reach a certain level of Dislike?  I mean, I get that your Roommate hates you because you are a reminder that their SO is trash & the rich kid hates you because you are a potential risk to his incredibly stupid 'operation', but everyone else?  Am I unintentionally cockblocking them or something?  A simple 'Yo dude/babe, you're blockin' my play with [X] here.  Help a brother/sister out' would suffice.  I mean, I get that the game treats actual communication with other characters as a sign of weakness, but seriously...

Also, how dare you flip one of my character's best friends like that?  In every other playthrough of this game Virginia Swanson has almost always been one of my character's besties, almost before we even knew each others names!  Now she can't stand them & I don't even know why?  She still wants to fuck my character though, which is confusing as hell.

All that said, still giving this game WAY too much of my free time & thank you for implementing one of my ideas.

Once you learn the secret, you have to tell your BFF, then follow through on the consequences of that.  It takes two  weeks/two quad parties, then try & make every 'talk about sex' event you can afterwards.

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Question(s) regarding the Classroom Admirer; how far CAN you go with them?  I have full-barred all three (Friendship, Lust, Romance) and the furthest I have gotten is that if I have a reputation for lewd activities (letting people see my genitals or performing Oral sex) they will ask me about it after a study session & I can initiate some foot/hand play if we go on a date to the movies or dinner(it has to be a DATE, not a hang out).  Is that their current limit?  They are kind of adorable & I want to give them all the orgasms, but they don't seem to be letting me.

Also, their Artistic skill seems to be all over the place hypothetically (the current one is quite skilled in that regard; others, less so) but they don't seem to improve, even if you are socializing/sketching with them.  Will it ever be possible to help them get better at Art?

So they are no more or less likely if you sleep nude or in just your underwear or the like?

Asking for a friend.

Are there particular circumstances that are necessary for THAT to happen?  I've only had it happen with one character & at the time my character was leaning heavily into the 'Oh god THEM?!  I don't want to hear THEM having sex!

Sadly, I have since deleted that character & none of my other characters have come close so I'm wondering if there is something else that needs to happen first.

At present, the only reliable (though not very) means I have found to improve your Dancing skill is to have a computer & a Livestreaming account & put on Dancing streams.  When Dancing became something you could do at the Friday night parties, I was very happy, until I also noticed that even successful Dancing tests there don't seem to advance your Dancing skill.  I hope that is just a bug that will get fixed eventually.

As I mentioned in an earlier post, the 'Romancing your Best Friend' route ISN'T a quick thing.  Also, how you first become aware of the Friday night Party secret is different depending on if you are playing a guy or a girl.  Hypothetically, you might not get the clue at all if you are playing a Girl character who is sexually abstinent (and that is the last I am going to say on the subject).  If you are playing a guy, you will probably be due for the initial clue here in the next party or so, pay attention to your interactions with your hosts.

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Certain circumstances can cause clothes to become 'soiled'.  When that happens, the only way to get them un-'soiled' is to wash them in the Laundry.  For verisimilitude, I wash all my clothes once a week 'just because', but so far as I can tell,  you only 'need' to wash them if they become 'soiled'.

Honestly, at this point I should really just get on the Dischord, because I would be fairly surprised if my questions haven't been asked before.  But I'm not great with making changes to my routine...

When you are Playing With Someone in the Lounge, you have the option of letting them win.  But, if you do & they then decide to make it 'a little more interesting' & you go for the non-fiscal option, you have no choice but to play to win after that, even if you ACTUALLY would prefer to 'lose', if you know what I mean...
Will it ever be possible to throw THAT match as well?

Completely unrelated, if you have the Cooking skill advanced to the point of like Eggs or Pancakes, will it ever be possible to make breakfast for you & your date/booty call if you spend the night over at their place?  That 'Hi' you get from them when you wake up the next morning shakes me every time (in the best way possible, absolutely not a complaint) & I just really want to keep that vibe going.  Also, if it's a Class day that is almost the only way to have something to eat  before the first class unless you are just being an anti-social slob.

Finally (well, for this post), so if you are being a trash human & going the 'Dominate THEM' route with your Classroom Harasser, is there anything more that happens after 'Following them into the Bathroom' & 'Showing them a lesson'?  Or is that something that will have to wait for further down the line?  Is it ever possible to have a Booty Call with THEM?  I noticed for a while you could text them, though it looks like now you can't any more...

Sex with your Best Friend is opened up by 'completing' their relationship storyline.  So far as I know, that is the only way to accomplish it.  It's not quick.  I think my 'speed run' was like basically the entier first 'semester'.  Part of this is because it also involves the 'Friday night Party Secret', you'll know it when you encounter it & you have to bring that to a close as part of bringing the relationship to a climax.  Besides that aspect, you also need to choose the 'Sex Talk' option whenever it comes available when hanging out with them.  It only becomes available occasionally as it also requires that your best friend's roommate not be there when you go to visit.  you can talk with your best friend in their dorm once a night, every night except Friday, between six & ten.

Yeah, three weeks, you would only see noticeable change if you were exercising regularly enough to hit your daily Physical skill cap every day.  Even then, you would likely only go down one 'build' so to speak.  the OP was describing a consequence of probably daily skill capping for several skill levels & that generally takes more like months.  Which will definitely burn the plumpness away as well if you don't eat up to maintain your girlish figure.

Simple answer; whenever you eat, always overflow your food need bar.  More complicated answer, try to keep you Food need bar at full or near full at all time & always overflow it when eating.  The Quickieburger job is your friend in this.  I was basically taking a break every two hours to nom down a quickieburger with cheese while just motoring the job.  This assumes you've already resolved the [redacted] there first so you're earning $15, but I think even at $7 hourly it is worth your while.