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Coordinate Wikimedia's participation in GSoC 2022 and Outreachy Round 24
Closed, ResolvedPublic


More about these programs





Before the program starts
After the applications open
  • Promote Wikimedia's participation in GSoC and Outreachy
  • Optional: Participate in the Outreachy Twitter chat
After the application deadline
  • Start an email thread with mentors and facilitate the selection process
After the results are announced
  • Send accepted participants a congratulations email and instructions to join Zulip, community building, etc. (Did this via Zulip)
  • Send rejected participants an email with opportunities to stay involved
  • Update the program page on MediaWiki with necessary information (accepted candidates, next steps, etc)
  • Organize a welcome call for mentors and interns
During the program -
  • Remind students to continue working on projects and write reports
  • Outreachy contract renewal
After the program -

Event Timeline

@srishakatux Would T273109 be suitable for this round? Would require a student who knows Lua already, since I couldn't teach that myself.

@Mike_Peel Yes, absolutely. I think it would be a great addition to the collection of projects for GSoC for 2022.

@srishakatux For Outreachy round 24, would T300207 work? It would be jointly mentored by me and @Pigsonthewing and builds on the work we've been doing for .

@Mike_Peel Yes, works :) Also, are you still considering to promote T273109 via GSoC?

@srishakatux I'd like to be an Outreachy (co)mentor, although not during this round, as I feel I'm very much still onboarding myself. If there's any other (less time-intensive) way I could still be of help, please let me know!

@Slst2020 That sounds awesome! Will keep an eye on projects that require a co-mentor. Also, I would love to see Toolhub team promote a project as well in the future that you could take the lead on :)

@Slst2020 That sounds awesome! Will keep an eye on projects that require a co-mentor. Also, I would love to see Toolhub team promote a project as well in the future that you could take the lead on :)

Yes -- I think Toolhub would be ideal for Outreachy as it uses a modern tech stack and doesn't require very in-depth knowledge about the wider wikiverse. Also, it could be a good way to foster collaboration with other teams, e.g. UI/UX, design

@Mike_Peel Yes, works :) Also, are you still considering to promote T273109 via GSoC?

Sorry for the delay with that, now posted at T302098.

Hi, I am interested in applying for Outreachy and I have got my initial application approved. I am interested in the project 'Build a Python library to work with Wikipedia’s HTML-dumps' and looking forward to contributing to it. But I am not able to access the task links : and When I click the link, it says 'Access Denied: Restricted Task: You do not have permission to view this object.
Users with the "Can View" capability:'.

How can I access these phabricator tasks?

@SakshiKaushik Thanks for your interest! We just made the tasks public. You should be able to access them now.