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A member registered Oct 21, 2019

Recent community posts

The school vibes makes way more sense, thanks for the answer! Good luck with your project!

This absolute gooner can't even be bothered to use renders without botched fingers. Not even for the main image. 

People will do anything to make a quick buck. 

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"Inspired by games like Persona and Yandere Simulator"

I....what? In what way? In what possible way did this draw inspiration from Persona? 

Thanks for getting back to me so fast! That was an absolutely fantastic step by step walkthrough that was both concise and professional! That all said, it sadly did not fix the issue. After walking through the steps, the application didn't run any differently no matter how many times I rebooted or even toyed with the new settings file myself. I also placed the "settings.json" file in every other subfolder just to see if anything happened. I also removed the brackets from the code and, again, no change. Typed the name and code out manually once to ensure that something didn't go wrong while copy-pasting, and again, no change. 

If it helps at all, no settings file existed to begin with, nor was one created after deleting the entire Carnal Witch folder and relaunching the game. Sadly, it seems like creating one had no effect at all. Sorry to trouble you with such a strange issue! The browser version works perfectly fine, thankfully, so I was still able to play your delightful little game all the same. 

For whatever reason, the game shrinks to impossibly small scale whenever it boots. I'm on a 1080p monitor and, for about 1 full second, it is almost full screened. Then, it immediately shrinks upon loading the logo screen. None of the usual tricks work for sizing it up, either. The exe is effectively unplayable for me. 

Always a good day when a new vore game comes to itchio! Doubly so when it has art to go with it! Godspeed with the development, hero. Godspeed. 

(1 edit)

I get that money helps and we all have bills, but you spend as much time talking about money as you do describing your game. That's a terrible way to actually get people invested in this. It makes it seem like you care less about telling a story than you do about making money off it. You're also immediately after an insane amount of patrons. 2000? That takes most people years to get. Months if they're incredibly lucky and making very, very high quality stuff. 

Not a promising start or look. Feels like something you'll abandon if it doesn't make enough money. I'd highly advise reworking your approach, being more professional, and for the love of god, being more passionate.

There are some mods you can find on the wiki that add some futa stuff. Well, at least one mod. 

As fair a reason as any! Thanks for the update! 

That's not weird at all or anything

Man has really cheaped out so much, sunken so far, that he's using AI art on his Patreon now. That's beyond hilarious. There really are no depths this urchin is not willing to sink. 

How is sub 50% still "good"? That's a failing grade by most metrics. That means it has, numerically, more things bad than good. 

Forever shall we wait, my liege. 

In your name do we kneel. 

I know, right? It's hard enough to find femboys in games, but ones with vore? Practically nonexistent! 

No audio is rough. It can really harm an otherwise great game. There are a lot of really good, free to use (with credit given) audio packs for most purposes. Lewd, vore, etc. I've seen quite a few released here on itch in the past year, so thankfully, you're not going to be breaking the bank to add it if you search around a bit!

I have never seen a dev actually respond to a review on here. Wish more people were active like this. Great communication!

Nice! Always great to see a dev listen to feedback! 

Now you've got my attention. 

Images of the actual game will help draw in players. I advise adding at least 3. 

RIP another promising project. 

9.6k$ a month on Patreon

Last update: 3 months ago. 

Patreon cringe strikes again. 

(5 edits)

It does make sense, and If that method keeps you creating, then stick with it! Hell, it makes the turn out all the more impressive since you made it while just going with the flow. The poem at the end specifically is really the only thing I'd critique. Rather than have it given all at once, I think it would have better served the experience to feed it passage by passage throughout the entire experience. I think the pacing for the distorted images was handled well, but would have served as a prime opportunity to add in the story piecemeal. Perhaps something along the lines of having the text appear when the player tries to choose an option, then disappear once the passage is displayed, allowing the player to actually make their choice and progress. 

As some extra spice, I think having the player click their choice beforehand to no effect at all would be effective, too. Have a sound cue so they know the game was registering their input, but to no avail. After the second or third click, the passage would then display. Using that anymore than twice would lead the player to expect it, so less would be more here, but I think it would add well to the atmosphere. Overall, I think this would help to better pace out the delivery of the story while also further disjointing the normalcy of progression through the questions. It also would have fit with the delivery of the police call, I feel. 

When the majority of the story is given right at the end, it just makes it feel at odds with the otherwise slow and steady build up of the rest of the game. It goes from letting the player speculate about what may happen to simply telling them directly without any kind of stopgap. Some of the best analog horror I've seen over the years, along with much of the ones found wanting, are seperated largely in part by this. Obviously, that's just my take, and I hope I'm not coming across as rude. 

I definitely get that it would be hard to work that smoothly into the experience as it is at present, given its length. If your next project has similar things, those would be the only recommendations I really have on offer. Hope it helps or gives you an idea or two! 

Man, I just eat this stuff up. I think it's lacking a bit of the subtlety that separates the good from the great, but it's hard to really nail that in such a short experience. Fantastic work all the same. 

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That's a dangerous amount of power you're giving someone...

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You should really add more screenshots and a better description. 

We will watch your career with great interest...

>Art is stolen cub nsfw

>No pics of supposed """game"""

>No description of what the """game""" is

Yeah, this seems legit. 

You spent so, so much of your free time...making this? For free? 

I wish you nothing but the best in life, you glorious, magnificent, talented individual. May success follow you wherever you go. 

(1 edit)

I absolutely adore the idea of this, but for me, at least, it just doesn't really get me there. It constantly almost gives me exactly what I want, but then I'm hit with what amounts to a fetch quest...or, I guess Faustequest. Eh? Eh? Anyways. It seems really, really weird to have a hypnotist that you pick, but then you are JUST doing tasks for them, and that's it. They play no other role. I get the whole subtle guiding thing with the spirals being the focus, but for me, the actual instruction from the hypnotist is what I favor. I loved when they were there, speaking, but then it was just killing time until they came back. Even if they would just pop up every now and again to repeat a set 10 or so instructions, it'd have added a lot. 

Still, very fantastic for a free project you put out there, and I adored the characters and personalities of each. Shame this seems more or less on hold indefinitely. 

" torturing annoying f95 users, who criticize my main project"


This has to be the most productive bout of petulant anger at being criticized I've ever seen. At least you kinda made something, I guess. 

Afraid to say that you've forgotten to actually provide a way to play the game. There is no download nor browser play. 

>Posts "Game" on website for posting games

>Not actually a game, just an ad for a game that doesn't exist

>No demo, no screenshots

>Only haughty claims without anything to back them up

Awesome, man. Great work. So cool. 

Unfathomably based response

Human faced furries will never not be deeply unsettling

Genuinely some of the best, if not outright the best, VA I've heard in a porn game. Let alone one focused on vore and currently free. The ability to go right into vore is nice, and the wholesome route of a nice date is really sweet. 

As for criticisms, I think the vore is actually the weakest part of the entire thing. It's lacking in description and is very, very short. The writing as a whole is rather succinct and lacking in extra detail or flair, mainly just getting the point across. It sadly does boil down to "Emotionless player goes on date". We see very little personality from Cristina, other than that she is a bit of a nerd girl. 

For a 0.1 release, it's a great start, but I definitely think it could be improved. Not just expanded, but rewritten with a bit more time put into it. Make her feel a bit less two dimensional, maybe add in some slightly meaningless options that let the player both feel more engaged and also get more responses from your date, and so on. 

That all said and done, fantastic work. One of very few porn VNs I actually took the time to read rather than just skipping through. 

B r u v 

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You should really add some real screenshots so we have an idea of what to expect. I'm not downloading something that could just be stick figures and google translated dialogue.