A downloadable game


From the producers of PETS RESCUE and ALPHARAY comes their biggest 8-bit production yet! Lykia is an epic quest for the C64 and expanded C16 + Plus/4 that spans 4 disk-sides! The beautifully presented adventure features lots of characters to interact with as you help Nora on her magical quest to find the lost island.

 ** STORY ** 

It's Nora's 16th birthday - but this was to be a birthday like none other!

Sent to pick apothia fruits by her mother something very strange and magical happened when Nora touched the fruit - an ancient spell was disturbed that affected all the people and animals throughout the land!

It also gave Nora special powers! And now it's up to you to discover what is happening and to help various characters that she encounters on her travels.


· Stunning cinematic intro

· Interactive soundtracks

· Absorbing storyline

· Inventory system

· Lots of characters to meet

· Huge map to explore

· Night & Day modes

· Game fills 4 disk sides

· C64 version is c64mini/maxi compatible

 ** CREDITS ** 

Main Coding: Stefan Mader

Lead Artist: Róbert Kisnémeth

Story: Olaf Nowacki

Music and SFX: Ronny Doll (Plus/4) Markus Jentsch (C64)

Additional Graphics: Rainer Mühr & Stefan Mader

Additional Code: Balázs SzabóImre SzéllChristian Bauer (and the Frodo staff)

Assistance: Lena Kilkka

Testing: Louie Dimovski & Jason Mackenzie

Box Art: Trevor Storey

LYKIA - THE LOST ISLAND will also be available to buy as physical editions from Psytronik Software & Protovision. Please visit their websites for details of how to order the game.

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(14 total ratings)
AuthorPsytronik Software
GenreAdventure, Role Playing
Tagscommodore, Commodore 64, Fantasy, plus4, Retro


Lykia V1.4 (.d64, .crt + SD2IEC) 23 MB

Install instructions


LYKIA - The Lost Island is a game for the Commodore 64 and Commodore Plus/4 computers. You can play the game in an emulator (we recommend VICE for the C64 and YAPE for the Plus/4 ) or you can port the game onto the real hardware if you have the resources to do so. The download file features the .d64 (disk version) of the game for the C64 & Plus/4.

Development log


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Impressive game! Is this the full version (the same I'll get when I purchase the physical edition)? If not - is there a purely digital version available for purchase?

Thank you.

Hi! This is just the digital version. There is a fully digital version included in the packaged version of the game. The shops currently don't supply them separately.

Hello. Yes, but is this one here the same digital version as the one you get together with the physical version when you buy it? Or is this here just a demo?

Awesome game, which once again pushes the Plus/4 and C64 to its technical limits and which offers far more than Zelda. Our German-language review of both versions can be found in our recorded livestream starting at 01:48:31. Subscription to our YouTube or Twitch channel is welcome. 🙂

Love this game, but am stuck with one coin left to give to someone and there's literally no-one else left to give a coin to. I've given out the other five coins but can't find the sixth person. Anyone know where I'm going wrong? 

Hi! Maybe look on the first continent for some DRUID one's.. At least that maybe an idea, if you didn't do that already..

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I'm wondering about the three flashing trees by the apogy fruit? They make a noise when Nora interacts with them, and then later in the game they stop flashing. Was I supposed to do something with them?

This game is so much fun and so cute! And I haven't even gotten to disks 3 or 4 yet! I can't wait to see what more adventures Nora encounters!

Just looked into the code.. It's supposed to show that the ghost is "somewhere near" that place.. Actually it was just to show that something magical is happening there, not much more intentions applied to that feature no need to interact with it. Have fun! 

Thanks for the reply!

--potential spoiler alt---

First of all id like to stress how much i like the game (with a full cinematic demo at the end). I hope you get through the turbulence with business going belly up here and there and everywhere and also the EU-sabotage on the carts and we'll see the start of a series to be known as finalfantasy64 heheh

But, im not sure if this is a bug and if you're still active on it (i can imagine motivation has taken a hit but scenoids never stop, right?) but it "made me look" and now i kinda half feel like i lost the game because i didnt look in every tree in every forest.

the thing is when i got back from dragonland (the old frozen world) i didnt get anymore encounters on the green lands and stuck with 4 coins (pay coins) i couldnt get more items so i think the item needed to de-freeze the guy was out of reach.

Now i found thanks to 8bit flo (and some serious cursor keying) that i was actually one-click away from the end (o irony) but i really thought i was stuck b/c i couldnt unfreeze the guy , so

fyi : if its intentional its not a game-breaker since i could just finish it after seeing the final tree , if its not then its a bug (vice-windows, i cant run the .d64 on the sd2iec and the .d81 wont save tho on my sd2iec if i attach a .d64 then go to the c64 screen i CAN save files "10 print helllo" and stuff so not sure (its a sd2 drive from futurewas8bit.com)

thus ... thanks for the great game, maybe you'll try your hand on EOB2 or a meonlawel / briley witch style ... or a 1,8mb ultima 6 10 disk (nevermind)

i hope you continue, if just to the scene and that was my usual shorthand way of saying something fast 

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Hey guy! You don't need to unfreeze that guy. He just gives you a hint you could have completed the game easily without him. Just look for a special tree near a town and visit some person there.

Yes the game will be continued by us.

i do i did and i have , theres a lot of trees on the map tho :p 

thats good to hear, i hope to see more of your stuff too 

I love this game! Full of atmosphere and a nice story. However, I'm stuck not being able to find the 'villa'. I feel quite silly about it but I think I've walked around on the map many times now and I can't seem to find it.

(5 edits)

I am not sure.. Clouseau is using two time the word villa in the current source on my hd. However I can't imagine that we Olaf or me used this word there. Maybe it was Olaf he is firm in language and did all the texts (or atleast "translated" my "english" into propper "voicing").. I got in major trouble with my kind of expression and talkstyle I gave many of the characters. So it was much to simple in the raw versions.. I am programmer and no highly social conversational mastermind or something. Actually we meant the mansion, however we play a lot with words even these rather complicated "riddles". I just looked it up for you:

"In simple words, you can say that a villa is designed for a single family while a mansion is there to accommodate multiple families, thanks to its gigantic size."

_::_TEXTID mansionVisitNeeded_a # LN:52 "Go to the villa an talk to Clive!"

(8 edits)

EDIT: I have it all figured out! It was NOT a bug, just a problem with the cbmformat adding extra data at the end of the disk!

With the extra data: When I take a nap and it's night time, if I leave the house the game freezes on a black screen with music playing and the disk light on.

Formatting the disk properly fixes the problem and I can leave the house.

Thanks so much for an amazing game! Looking forward to the cartridge!

(3 edits)

Just an FYI, the sequence of events with the swan and the apogy fruit can be a little confusing: If you haven't yet talked to the swan but have the fruit (ie. you already know she wants the fruit) and then you bump into her—the exclamation mark appears—and you "use" the apogy fruit, it disappears from inventory. The swan says all of her first meeting dialogue, and nothing happens. Talking to her again, she reminds you to go find the fruit. If you look at your inventory, the fruit is back and can be "used" again. Then the swan is satisfied.

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I didn't found a better way to do that within our limits. Actually it's working, like you have also seen and shown. There are several points in the game where items get readd to the inventory after applying them to prevent them getting lost.

HI, I just got the plus4 version of the game... and...  I not know how to save! The instruction manual explain how to quit, how to load etc... but  I not found any information about the save.. someone can help me ? - Thank You!

Hi, you need to talk to Gomez to save the game - he appears very often in the game!

Excellent game now one of my favourites for the c64. Liked it so much have pre-ordered the cart version so will have it physically. Currently playing on the c64maxi but will be nice to play on my original system and have the physical goodies like the manual as well. Hope to see similar type games come out in the future.

(4 edits)

Wow... ein Wahnsinns Spiel mit schönen Sprites offener Welt und stimmungsvoller Musik. =)
Geht auf Erkundungstour, löst Aufgaben und verkloppt Gegner. Überzeugt euch selbst in meinem „Durchgespielt“
Besten Gruß, euer

Great game, I love it 👍‍

I downloaded and copied from the c64 folder






to my C64 Maxi which it says it is compatible with and try to load disk1 and when that did not work I tried to load prologue but it gets stuck while loading so the game does not start am I doing something wrong? Running the latest 1.61 firmware on my C64 Maxi.

Downloaded VICE on my Mac and disk 1 loaded from the same USB stick but I would of course rather run it from my C64 Maxi, on the C64 Maxi it is stuck here (see photo).

Hi, I recommend you play the .crt version on your C64Mini/Maxi. NOTE: Select CONTINUE GAME to start playing and make sure you save your progress using the C64Mini/Maxi save feature!

Any updates regarding potential SD2IEC save support?

Saving is not yet implemented for SD2IEC. There is simply almost no way to do this, without modification of the firmware. The Sams Journey SD2IEC loader could be a way to do this, but it only supports about 256 files on a single disc, which is too little for Lykia. Unfortunately, this feature is currently halted. I will inform you if there are updates on that matter.

Could saving work for the SD2IEC file-version (all files of the game in one folder) then? If yes, it could be integrated in this version. There is no file-limit, like the disc-version has it.

No, the Sams Journey Loader only supports a total of 256 files (file names are two digit hexadecimal numbers). I could ask Chester to upgrade the loader, but then the SD2IEC firmware would have to be patched as well. Currently there seems to be no way to do that. Happy Holidays btw..

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Hm, you mean, that one save-file more, would be a problem then, because then it would be more than 256 files?

Or do you mean, that the SD2IEC-fileversion of the game then will have a bug, sometime later in the game?

(18 edits)

The game has no problems at the moment.

There are about 500 files in a single folder and everything runs fine with that.

If we implemented saving with Sams Journey Loader, there would be the problem you describe. (about 300 files would be missing in the later game).

The Sams Journey Loader can only access 256 files. No matter if on a disk image or in a folder. It uses hexadecimal numbers for the file names like "1a", "ff", "ea" and so on. But these can only go from 0-255. So with Sams Journey Loader, only 256 files would be possible on the disc or in the folder.

We do not currently use the Sams Journey Loader. If we were to use it, we would run into problems. So saving is not possible at the moment. There is nothing we can do about that.

It is not a question of "file version" or "disk image" version.

If Krill's loader is ported (implemented in SD2IEC firmware) one day and supports saving, I may try the whole thing again with this loader (Krill's loader).

If you decide to use a loader system, the whole SD2IEC will stay in that mode (until a "reset" is done). There is not yet a widely supported (and fast) loader system that supports saving.

As I said, this feature is currently stopped. I will update this page here when there is news. There is nothing I can do about that. Saving to SD2IEC when using an IRQ loader has been a major problem for almost everyone out there for "ages". The forums are full of complaints about it and nobody knows a solution except to update the firmware with a custom patch.

You can write to "st dot mader at gmx de", I don't think it makes much sense to communicate about it here. The topic is too complex...

Nice game and also good, that it comes in a SD2IEC-compatible version as well. But i have one suggestion for improvement for this SD2IEC version of Lykia. In four d81-files this version was released at the moment, which is not really nice to use on SD2IEC, because normally all files together have less than 800kb in size, so they could be put on one SD2IEC easily. Also not all SD2IEC-models have buttons to switch disk-sides, that's the next point.

In the Lykia textfile is written, that putting all files in only one d81-file couldn't be realised, because the number of files would have been to much, to put them on one d81 file (because a disk-image can only contain so many files and so on). But a SD2IEC can also read single files directly from a SD-card when they are placed in a folder and then it can be as many files as you want. At the moment this don't work, because there are files with the same name, but different content, when users for example simply try, to copy together all files from the four d81 into one folder on the SD-card. These doubles then are the problem.

But when the programmers would adjust the names of the files, this would work, then users can copy everything together in ony folder and no diskchange is necessary again on SD2IEC. Or, and this would be even better, the v1.3 SD2IEC-version of the game directly comes as a folder named "lykia" for example, with already all single files inside. No need, for putting all files into a d81-diskimage and having to deal with the "image can only handle this or that number of files" problem then, because on a SD2IEC, these files also work as single files, directly in a folder on the SD-card.

That's my suggestion. The game is much better to use on the SD2IEC, when the users don't have to change the disksides and this could be quite easily achieved on this hardware, only the filenames must be adjusted in the gamecode and directly, so that no doubles with different content would exist finally. Hope, a V1.3 will come in the future.

We are working on a version 1.4 with the "file name correction" you suggested. Turns out we had to use extra petscii characters for this, so you might have to copy the d81s together yourself when the fix is ready (on your c64/plus4 setup). I'll ping you back soon. Thanks for the good idea/suggestion.

That's good to hear, that a new version is planned. As i already wrote, it's not necessary at all, to copy the files together in one d81, because all these files can also be used on a SD2IEC, when they single files, that are all together in only one folder. Then the SD2IEC uses these single files, which are directly on the SD-Card and not in an image. Looking forward to V1.4. Good work, your game is great, by the way.

We have a new version (version 1.4) on https://puls4r.de/portfolio/lykia, if you have problems with it, you can write to "st dot mader at gmx de".


Nice! I tried it out and have written an Email some minutes ago, because there is still a problem left, with level-names that have special-characters included, when these files were copied in a folder on the PC harddrive. Solution is simple, i wrote everyting in the Email, please have a look.

Any updates on this?

As someone not very familiar with the Commodore 64 and Commodore Plus/4 microcomputers, what are the differences between the two versions of the game?

(2 edits) (+2)

The C64 has an excellent sound chip, while the plus/4 has one of the simplest sound chips I know. The C64 has built in sprites which makes it much easier to make games with the C64, on the plus/4 you have to create the sprites of the opponents/players with your own and therefore slower routines. But. The plus/4 offers about 121 unique colors (expandable to about 200), while the C64 only supports 16 built-in colors. The plus/4 is said to have a faster processor, but because of the more expensive graphics, it is not much faster than the C64's (in reality only around 1.25x). Both computers use the same instruction set, it should not be an unsolvable problem to convert games from one to the other, since almost all the code for it can remain just the same.

Im stuck in the black tower and i dont know how to pass the bridge. THere are 6 switches  but i dont know the combination. Help me

Hello Luca! In the Dark Tower, you'll get a message from Nora if you've flipped the right switches. So you don't have to leave the room to check if the switches worked with a good result.

Deleted 2 years ago

Hello! thanks, although now i have a new problem. I went back to my village after taking the boat, and I handed over the 6 coins. now I wander aimlessly and I don't know what to do ... help me !!!!!
(1 edit)

You can watch the longplays on youtube. Some guys already uploaded some longplays there. I hope you are able to finish the game. Actually there is just one "small city" location left for you somewhere on the big map. Good luck!

I have a similar problem in that I have given out 5 coins and there seems to be someone else I've not been able to locate to give the last coin to. Not sure what that empty box is all about either. 

very good

Bellissimo gioco! Sto giocando sul thec64 con la versione 1.1. Riuscirò a completare il gioco o ci sono bug determinanti eliminato nella nuova versione? Grazie!

Solo la versione sd2iec non può essere completata nella versione 1.1

Thank you, great!

Now 1.2 is out, is there an easy way to move over to playing that  version if you’ve gotten a long way into playing on 1.1 on disk?

No, you would have to play the game from the beginning. Sorry, but 1.1 is pretty much the same like 1.2, except that some (mostly non-critical) bugs have been ironed out. The main bugs of version 1.1 are broken saving of some Easyflash devices and not finishable SD2IEC version.

WOAW, incredible game on a C64 <3
I'm only playing on emulation, i have no C64 ...
But i love to have a beautiful menu with my games. Have you plan to share with us the front cover un 1080p ? Ang maybe the back cover and the manual in PDF format ?
Thanks a lot for all your work


We'll release a commercial version somewhen soon.. There will be a lot of additional content in that version (zip and box). We will not put out additional stuff with the free version.

I'm trying seriously to play Lykia (version 1.1 - EasyFlash) but the saving is causing trouble for me. No matter on which platform I try (U64, Vice or 3dsVice) each time I select "Continue" from the start menu or "Load" from the Run/Stop menu I invariably get the "Wake Up Nora" screen instead of starting where I left off. Am I doing something wrong or is saving just not working?

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If you downloaded version 1.1 from here, saving to Easyflash may not work. You can go to www.puls4r.de and download version 1.2 or wait here until version 1.2 appears and then try again. Saving is done via Gomez, a guy you meet in the village who secretly follows you through the game. However, you have to solve the very first quest before Gomez can save your progress (using version 1.2 of Lykia, of course).

Thanks! That helps. I think that's where my main problem lies: solving the first quest. I was assuming the game was saving my progress when it flashes the cartridge symbol. But I guess it's just accessing.  

Awesome experience playing this game but stuck after you come back via boat with 2 coins left to give but no idea where those characters are to give to? Any assistance would be appreciated

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For Eliona you need to find a place on the map (Pories in Tronden may have a clue), Gerda is also one of the women you should check.

Thank for the answer. 

My issues are more technical now. 

Im using retro arch and have been unable to save direct to disk since the beginning (failed to save)and there is no option to save to a user disk, so i have been using save states but I need to load so i can go back to gerda and load disk 3 data. 

Any help would be appreciated as I can't seem to find a solution elsewhere 

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This seems to be a dead end. Version 1.2 will be released here today. The Easyflash support is now fixed in version 1.2, it is now saving propperly on all known Easyflash devices. And e.g. SD2IEC is now completeable (Gerda preselected on SD2IEC). Easyflash has now saving so the problem is gone for the crt.. Did you use the crt, or the disc version? I'm very sorry, but if saving fails, there is no way to finish the game with the old version. I really have no idea how to fix the bug in the old versions :( Sorry for the big inconvenience!

Absolutely amazing release. Thank-you for supporting the retro scene and taking the time to produce such a polished and stunning game. Looking forward to the physical version. Expect to see a full review in the next Reset :-

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Love the easyflash ver for load times. 969K cart...damn! I see you fixed a bug with crt saving recently in the tracker so waiting for the next release. Great work!

we publish updated versions on www.puls4r.de.. However, the last versions were buggy. You can expect a version 1.2 in the next week...

Thanks so much for an easyflash version! Is saved function  meant to work? I get a 'I couldn't save your game' error using my Kung Fu flash.

Just tested the Easyflash support on Vice (emulator) and it works fine, no problems with saving there. It has been reported to work fully on several real Easyflash devices already. Maybe you need the latest KungFuFlash firmware? If there are further problems, you can use the bugtracking.txt files link in the zip file, or write to the eMail address given on top of that linked GoogleDoc.


Hi guys, the download bundle has now been updated to include an SD2IEC compatible version of the game along with a .crt easyflash version. Enjoy!

This is great! Thanks!

I can't get it to work with my flat C128 + 1571.  The same disks and C128 work with a 1541 drive, however.

Is it possible for a d81 image with all files to be made, so disk swapping is not needed on an emulator?

Common D81 disks feature a maximum of 296 files. This is far too few for Lykia.

Didn't know of the file # limit, however, the .crt file does work as desired.

Which C64 program can I use to write the D64s to disk? All the D64 writers I could find can't copy 40 track disks :(


I've used CBMTransfer (part of the OpenCBM suite) along with a XUM1541 type hardware interface to read and write D64 disks before.

Any chance a BackBit compatible version might be released?

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Absolutely amazing. It's so cool that we're getting story driven games of that kind of beauty and epicness for our beloved old home computers! After recently enjoying Briley Witch Chronicles, and now this,  I can't put into words how delighted I am! Most games for the old machines have always been platformers or shooting games, and therefore I celebrate this release ten times as much, even for just being a story based roleplaying game! And while I still hopefully await a good strategy title like, (8 Bit Battle Isle or Advance Wars/Famicom wars, the hope never dies--) this is so goood, too!! :3

Yeah I'm planning on buying the physical release as well! :3


Quite possibly the most beautiful Plus/4 game I've ever seen! I've added the game to my Homebrew Games Database and made a video of the Plus/4 game on Youtube!

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Can't get the game to work on TheC64 Maxi. I open "lykia_disc1", after the "loading" page appears, it gets stuck. Am I doing something wrong? Edit: a CJM-File with th accuratedisk command seems to solve the problem.

NTSC + SD2IEC, great game however it seems if I watch the entire intro the game hangs up. If I skip the intro it continues into the game fine.


This looks great! I love a good Zelda-esque game :-)


Wow! Thanks :D


Featured this right on cue! NICE :D

very good


Awesome game! Small gamplay:

Great! Thanks for the gameplay video!

In the video you can see "Nathan's Journey" (a small demo for Lykia that was released in advance).