A detailed description of the project can be found here.
Our original DWG-format files can be found here.
Update: in December 2011, Maurice Fallon and Hordur Johannsson cleaned up, reorganized and converted these models into PLY and RWX formats. There are three directories of new files:
Here are the PLY-format files.
Here are the RWX-format files (floorplans but no ceilings).
Here are the RWX-format files (floorplans with ceilings).
We are grateful to Kaustuv DeBiswas of the Architecture Department for helping us get started with AutoLISP inside AutoCAD; to CSAIL's TiG group; to MIT's Department of Facilities for the 2D floorplans with which we started; and to Frank O. Gehry and Associates for the CATIA data.