Amitai Schleier (@schmonz) is a software development coach, legacy code wrestler, non-award-winning musician, and award-winning bad poet. He publishes fixed-length micropodcasts at Agile in 3 Minutes, writes variable-length articles at, and contributes code and direction to notable open-source projects such as notqmail, pkgsrc, ikiwiki, and NetBSD. Amitai’s ideas, prose, music, and puns have manifested mostly at a variety of software-focused venues, but also at the International Rachmaninoff Conference and (to great success, unfortunately) the Alfred Joyce Kilmer Memorial Bad Poetry Contest.
Or invite me to present internally for your organization.
Past Talks
- NYC Large Scale Scrum May 2024: Not So Extreme Programming
- Code PaLOUsa 2021: Two Midwesterners Politely Invite You To Explore Coding
- Legacy of SoCraTes: Inside-Out TDDDD
- Webinar March 2021: Inside-Out TDDDD
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Agile in 3 Minutes
- Agile in 3 Minutes 38: Camerata
- Agile in 3 Minutes 37: Listen
- Agile in 3 Minutes 36: Do
- Agile in 3 Minutes 35: Define
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Other Appearances
- Think. Design. Work Smart: Amitai Schleier - Music, Programming, Discipline
- JC-JUG December 2021: Bob Allen on Coaching Teams to Do the Impossible
- SoCTAgile November 2021: Esther Derby and Matthew Carlson on There Are No More Early Adopters of Agile
- JC-JUG November 2021: Pejman Ghorbanzade on Continuous Regression Testing Using Touca
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