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ISSN: 1795-6889
Volume 19(2), September 2023, 178–206
Abstract: This study aims to analyze the behaviour of IT users regarding their personal
protection against potential cybercrimes. The research data set is based on surveys
conducted by the European Commission in 2020-2021 for 35 European countries.
Canonical analysis revealed that 66.67% of cybercrime cases (Phishing, Pharming,
Online identity theft, etc.) determine individuals' choice of personal protection method
(using a security token, social media logins, electronic identification, etc.). Kohonen's self-
organizing maps were used to form 9 clusters of countries depending on the attitude of IT
users to personal cybersecurity. The map results showed that individuals behave less
responsibly using a security token, electronic identification certificate or card, pin code
list or random characters of a password, and other electronic identification procedures.
Users from Denmark, the Netherlands, Iceland, Norway, the UK, Austria, and Finland
were the most responsible Europeans in terms of personal protection, while people from
Bulgaria, Romania, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina were the
least conscientious about protection.
Keywords: cybercrime, IT user, Kohonen map, personal cybersecurity, responsible
behaviour, protection.
©2023 Hanna Yarovenko, Serhiy Lyeonov, Krzysztof Andrzej Wojcieszek, & Zoltán
Szira, and the Centre of Sociological Research, Poland
DOI: https://doi.org/10.14254/1795-6889.2023.19-2.3
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Hanna Yarovenko
Madrid University of Carlos III
Sumy State University
ORCID 0000-0002-8760-6835
Serhiy Lyeonov
University of Social Sciences
ORCID 0000-0001-5639-3008
Krzysztof Andrzej Wojcieszek
Academy of Justice,
Warsaw, Poland
ORCID 0000-0003-1047-8000
Zoltán Szira
Budapest Metropolitan University,
Budapest, Hungary
ORCID 0000-0002-7299-4695

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
The consequences of Industry 4.0 and the beginning of its new 5.0 phase have been influencing
the development of social life. Although the Fourth Revolution was focused on automating
many processes and simplifying their execution by a person, the next stage aims to achieve a
balanced interaction between humans and computer technologies based on artificial
intelligence and intricate robotic complexes. On the one hand, these processes positively
impact society, the economy, and the environment and ensure sustainable development. On the
other hand, rapid digitization and automation have given rise to new types of crime.
Cybercrimes are illicit actions conducted by a person or a group of persons aimed at individual
users, companies, governments, and even countries that use information and communication
technologies. They result in theft or leakage of personal data, especially financial data,
malfunctioning of mobile devices, computers, enterprise infrastructure, damage to software,
Statistics show that the level of cybercrime in the world is constantly increasing. In 2001,
six people per hour became victims of cybercrimes. In 2022, this number increased almost 15
times to 91 people, although the maximum number reached 97 victims per hour in 2021
(Surfshark, 2022). Comparitech research team estimated that approximately 71.1 million
people suffered from cybercrime annually (Bischoff, 2022). Every ten-thousandth resident of
the European Union became a victim of cybercrime in 2020 (Vasilyeva et al., 2022). A 2007
University of Maryland study found that a cyber hacker attack occurred every 39 seconds
(Cukier, 2007). However, according to the Internet Crime Complaint Center of the Federal
Bureau of Investigation, one successful attack occurred every 1.12 seconds in 2020 (Federal
Bureau of Investigation, 2020). This indicates that the frequency and effectiveness of
cybercrime is increasing. If cybercrime financial losses per hour in 2001 amounted to $2,055,
this figure increased approximately 572 times by 2022 and amounted to $1,175,799 (Surfshark,
2022). According to expert estimates, losses from cybercrime in 2018 reached 0.86 trillion U.S.
dollars; by 2022, they increased 9.8 times and equalled 8.44 trillion U.S. dollars. In 2027, they
may increase to 23.82 trillion U.S. dollars (Fleck, 2022).
The given data show that cybercrime has become a serious problem for ensuring the
sustainable development of society. At the same time, it has a peculiar, steady growth trend,
facilitated by a significant decrease in the price of computer technologies and an increase in
their availability for ordinary IT users. For example, the IT market offers cybercrime devices
that start at $1, making it easy for anyone to become a cybercriminal (Rapp & Hackett, 2017).
It is not for nothing that the World Economic Forum (2022) singles out the spread of
cybercrime among the ten most critical risks for the world. Thus, in ranking risks that have
worsened since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, cybersecurity mistakes leading to
the spread of cybercrimes occupy the seventh position. Among the risks that will become the
most serious threat worldwide in the next two years, it also ranks seventh, and among those
that will be critical in the next five years, it ranks eighth. That is why combating cybercrimes
is the prerogative of the cyber defense department. However, 88% of cybersecurity breaches
are caused by human factors, and since anti-virus software is only 50% effective, the IT user’s
behavior influences the success or failure of cyber attacks (MacKay, 2022). According to a
survey conducted by KPMG, 86% of respondents believe that it is IT users who are responsible
for data security. However, 90% identify the responsibility as government and 91% as business

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
(Orson & Stein, 2020). It follows from this that an individual’s behavior in cyberspace is
important in the personal security organization, forming his/her security environment.
What is responsible behaviour, and why is it so important today? It is a key issue surveyed
by the Geneva Dialogue on Responsible Behavior in Cyberspace. This project was launched in
2018 by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the Geneva Internet
Platform (GIP), the United Nations Institute for Disarmament Research (UNIDIR), ETH
Zurich and the University of Lausanne. The main goal was to identify the stakeholders - the
state, business entities and civil society - and their roles in using information and
communication technologies for security in global cyberspace. Within the framework of the
organized webinar “What is responsible behaviour in cyberspace?” it was determined that
responsible behaviour is “behaviour by a given actor in a given set of circumstances that can
be said to conform to the laws, customs and norms generally expected from that actor in those
circumstances” (Gavrilović, 2018). This concept does not fully reveal its essence and needs to
be clarified depending on the roles that various subjects perform in cyberspace. It especially
applies to the determination of the individual IT users’ behaviour, which should be based on
their attitude to protecting personal data and applying basic and particular actions to counter
cyber threats. For example, ignoring emails received in spam or from unfamiliar addresses,
regularly changing passwords, not disclosing personal, especially financial, information in
social networks, etc.
The Geneva Dialogue has proposed and implemented many initiatives related to the
responsible behaviour of states in cyberspace. 11 central voluntary UN norms define what
states can and cannot do as part of their responsible behaviour in cyberspace (Hogeveen, 2022).
However, to a greater extent, this activity is directed at the macro and global level of
cyberspace. As for ordinary IT users, a mechanism for increasing digital literacy on personal
security issues is proposed. Since it is very difficult to regulate the cyber protection of every
citizen at the state or global level, the spread of educational activities should deepen
individuals’ awareness in this area and motivate them to apply more advanced security
Based on the above, should society combat cyber threats? Sure, because the losses from
cybercrimes can be quite tangible for their victims. Who should be responsible for personal
safety? In most cases, each IT user should be responsible for personal cyber protection, but this
should also not abdicate the responsibility of companies, governments and international
organizations. How should an IT user behave in such cases? His/her behaviour must be
responsible, including applying a set of actions aimed at protecting personal data. Is this how
IT users behave today? This study will deal with the answers to this question.
Today, digitization and computerization processes are important factors in achieving the
benefits of the economy and sustainable development of the country for the long term
(Tiutiunyk et al., 2021; Millia et al., 2022). Thanks to them, the processes of convergence of
the cybersecurity system with the economy and business take place (Kuzior et al., 2022). For
example, some Internet users directly affect economic growth, especially in transition

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
economies (Remeikiene et al., 2021). Mobile technologies contribute to increasing the level of
human well-being (Rosenberg & Taipale, 2022).
The scope of application of modern information and communication technologies is broad.
Their features have been studied and continue to be studied for health care (Alimbaev et al.,
2021), construction (Popov et al., 2021), transport (Okunevičiūtė Neverauskienė et al., 2021),
finance (Mnohoghitnei et al., 2022) and the banking sector (Haddad, 2021), the hospitality and
tourism industry (Lustigova et al., 2021), small and medium-sized businesses (León-Gómez et
al., 2022), e-commerce (Kiba-Janiak et al., 2022), e-government (Kolosok et al., 2022). Despite
the field of activity, global, macro-, micro- or individual level, the key figure is always the
person who plays an important role in the digital transformation processes (Tran et al., 2022).
Therefore, the effectiveness of the information and communication technologies will depend
on its behaviour, which will affect the cybersecurity level, both personal and for enterprises,
the country and the world as a whole.
Where is the individual’s responsible behavior most important to ensure cybersecurity?
The current development of technologies is aimed at their evolution from being used in simple
calculations to playing the key role of a decision-maker in a company (Gladden et al., 2022).
Therefore, today, humanity wants to consolidate the role of the host in its interaction with
artificial intelligence technologies (Tugui et al., 2022). Beňo (2022) proved the existence of a
direct correlation between the number of highly educated and electronic workers, indicating
the intellectualization of work that requires the IT application. On the one hand, it contributes
to developing cybersecurity measures. On the other hand, it can lead to the future degeneration
of many professions since introducing technological innovations always leads to increased
unemployment (Lydeka & Karaliute, 2021). Some individuals have difficulty integrating into
digital technologies, such as the oldest generation and members of the younger generation
(Dečman et al., 2022). That is why they often become victims of cybercrimes because they do
not have enough knowledge to apply basic protection tools. However, the advantages of society
digitalization allow the use of electronic learning tools that help to increase the level of digital
and cyber literacy of users regardless of age, status, and type of activity (Davidovitch &
Eckhaus, 2022).
The global pandemic of COVID-19 contributed to the fact that most companies transferred
employees to remote work. On the one hand, it should have contributed to a significant
reduction in costs, but this factor may not be confirmed in practice (Navickas et al., 2022). On
the other hand, it led to the appearance of vulnerabilities in the cyber defence system due to the
influence of the human factor (Kobis & Karyy, 2021). In such cases, it is reasonable to create
virtual teams, which contribute to the development of human capital, ensure the organizational
sustainability of enterprises and can contribute to increasing the effectiveness of cybersecurity
measures (Capolupo et al., 2022). The experience of using virtual reality in tourism confirms
it (Florek & Lewicki, 2022). The information technology factor is not influential for knowledge
management in enterprises (Gad & Yousif, 2021). However, the exchange of knowledge
between company employees can affect the quality of information systems of companies,
forming the appropriate knowledge banks for countering cybercrimes (Zamir & Kim, 2022).
The vulnerability of IT users’ cybersecurity is noticeable in the electronic services of the
financial sphere. For example, electronic banking is firmly rooted among them and is the most
used by individuals. Their quality in general and security in particular directly impact the
satisfaction and loyalty of electronic customers of banks (Ahmed et al., 2021). Hassan & Lee

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
(2021) prove that a key factor in the perception of e-commerce is consumers' level of trust in
this type of service, which can undoubtedly influence the personal cybersecurity measures they
use in online payments. Fülöp et al. (2022) found a positive impact of Fintech Accounting and
Industry 4.0 technology on increasing trust in digital accounting services. Blockchain
technologies and smart contracts increase the reliability of partners and contribute to the
competitiveness of enterprises, although they can act as a source of information vulnerability
for cybercriminals (Chen et al., 2022).
Speaking about information technologies and their impact on society, business, and
individuals, one should remember the ethics of this issue (Constantinescu & Edu, 2022). It is
because disclosing personal data online can become a vulnerable link and create favourable
conditions for cybercriminals. Therefore, companies and governments should pay attention to
implementing tools that ensure this issue's ethical side.
The possibilities of information and communication technologies are powerful. The
introduction of artificial intelligence, industrial robots, blockchains, smart contracts, smart
cities, etc., makes life easier and contributes to the country's economic development. At the
same time, they create opportunities for cybercriminals. Therefore, the level of cybersecurity
will depend on the company employees’ behaviour, as well as users of relevant services and
technologies. It includes digital literacy, quality of services, intellectualization and
virtualization of work, knowledge exchange, cyber ethics, etc.
The article used data from surveys conducted by the European Commission in 2020-2021 for
35 European countries. Two sets of data were used in the study. The first set includes eight
indicators characterizing the number of respondents who have encountered cybercrime cases
(Eurostat, 2022c). The second set concerns the interviewees’ answers regarding appropriate
measures of personal cyber protection.
The first data set identifies the relationship between cybercrime incidents and responsible
behaviour. It included an indicator “Fraudulent credit or debit card use” showing what
percentage of respondents had fallen victim to fraudulent credit or debit card use. This type of
cybercrime is social engineering, which assumes that a fraudster misleads a person and
voluntarily gives information related to his/her bank cards. A second indicator “Online identity
theft” is the number of individuals who have had their personal information stolen online,
allowing the criminal to impersonate the victim and gain some benefit. A third indicator
“Phishing” shows the number of respondents who became phishing victims, i.e., received
fraudulent messages from cybercriminals. A fourth indicator “Pharming” is the number of
victims of pharming, i.e., they were redirected to fake websites that asked for personal
information. The fifth indicator “Misuse of personal information available on the Internet” is
the number of respondents who experienced abuse of their personal information online,
resulting in discrimination, harassment or bullying by cybercriminals. The sixth indicator
“Social network or e-mail account being hacked” is the number of victims of social network or
email account hacking, as well as posting or sending content without the knowledge of

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
individuals. The seventh indicator “Data loss due to a virus” is the number of individuals who
lost personal information (documents, videos, images, etc.) due to a virus attack and infection
of a computer or other device. The final indicator “Identity theft, receiving fraudulent messages
or being redirected to fake websites” is the percentage of respondents who experienced
financial loss as a result of having their personal information stolen, receiving fraudulent
messages, or being redirected to fake websites.
The second data set includes 16 indicators reflecting the percentage of individuals who
demonstrate behaviour in the information environment in the form of their implementation of
specific cyber protection actions. These are the following indexes: “Using simple login with
username and password”, “Using a social media login”, “Using a security token”, “Using an
electronic identification certificate or card with a card reader or an app”, “Using a procedure
involving the mobile phone”, “Using a single-use PIN code list or random characters of a
password”, “Using other electronic identification procedures”, “Using at least 4 identification
procedures”, “Individuals know that cookies can be used to trace the movements of people on
the Internet”, “Changing the settings in the internet browser to prevent or limit cookies on any
devices”, “Using software that limits the ability to track activities on the Internet”, “Reading
privacy policy statements before providing personal data”, “Restricting or refusing access to
the geographical location”, “Limiting access to profiles or content on social networking sites
or shared online storage”, “Rejection of using personal data for advertising purposes”,
“Checking the security of the website where personal data is provided”. The data from the first
to the eighth indicator were taken from the results of the survey conducted by Eurostat (2022a),
and from the ninth to the sixteenth, from Eurostat (2022b).
Several stages are foreseen in the study. In the first stage, linear dependencies are studied, and
the relationships between two sets of variables are identified. One of them is formed by
variables characterizing the number of respondents who have encountered cybercrime cases.
The second is represented by indicators that determine the responsible behaviour of IT users.
For this stage, canonical analysis is used to assess the influence of one set on another and
substantiate its statistical significance. The canonical analysis will reveal a group of factors and
individual factors of greatest influence. The statistical significance of the correlation between
groups of indicators and the statistical significance of canonical roots will be checked using the
χ2 distribution. The calculated value χ
is compared to the critical one. If it is smaller, the value
of the correlation between groups of indicators is statistically significant. At the same time, the
p-value is also estimated, which should not exceed 0.05, confirming statistical significance.
In the second step, data standardization and assessment of the multicollinearity of the data
array is carried out. Standardization will help scale the data to the value of the variance and
cancel out the effect of the averages. For this purpose, Z-score normalization is used (Kreyszig,
1979). For checking the array of data for the presence or absence of multicollinearity, 𝜒
is used
which will be calculated based on the data of the entire array. The obtained value is compared
with the critical value if
𝑚(𝑚 − 1) – freedom degrees and the corresponding level of
significance 𝛼. If χ
2 > χ
, there is multicollinearity in the array of variables, otherwise it is

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In the third step, the principal component method is used to reduce the dimensionality of
the data and eliminate multicollinearity. This procedure will help to avoid the influence of this
phenomenon when justifying the number of clusters.
In the fourth step of the research, the number of clusters is substantiated using the
Silhouette technique. Most researchers use the Elbow method to perform this task, but it only
calculates the Euclidean distance. The Silhouette method considers various features -
dispersion, asymmetry, the difference between maximum and minimum values, etc. This
method was proposed by Rousseeuw (1987) to check the consistency of data in clusters using
visualization. Its main purpose is to calculate the silhouette coefficient for all observations of
the sample and for the cluster as a whole, taking into account the average distance between the
group and the average distance to the nearest cluster. Silhouette scores are calculated according
to formula (1) (Rousseeuw, 1987):
𝑠(𝑖) =
𝑘(𝑖) − 𝑙(𝑖)
𝑚𝑎𝑥{𝑘(𝑖), 𝑙(𝑖)}
𝑠(𝑖) = 0, 𝑖𝑓 |𝑂𝐼| = 1
, 𝑖𝑓 |𝑂𝐼| > 1,
where 𝑠(𝑖) is a silhouette score for 𝑖-th observation from the data sampling; 𝑘(𝑖) is the
average distance between 𝑖-th observations and other cluster observations; 𝑙(𝑖) is the shortest
distance between 𝑖-th observations in the cluster to other observations of other clusters; |𝑂𝐼| is
a set of observations of one cluster. Accordingly, the average and shortest distances are
calculated using formulas (2) – (3) (Rousseeuw, 1987):
𝑘(𝑖) =
|𝑂𝐼| − 1
∑ 𝑑(𝑖,𝑗)
𝑙(𝑖) = min
∑ 𝑑(𝑖,𝑗)
where 𝑑(𝑖,𝑗) is the distance between 𝑖-th and 𝑗-th observations.
Since the Silhouette score is used to justify the number of clusters in this methodology, the
corresponding scores will be calculated for their different number. To make a decision, it is
necessary that 𝑠(𝑖) → 1. The estimate close to one indicates that the distribution of
observations on a given number of clusters is the most effective.
In the fifth step, self-organizing Kohonen maps, a technique of unsupervised machine
learning allowing to create a two-dimensional data representation in the form of maps while
preserving the data structure, are built. Maps are formed from neurons or nodes associated with
a vector of weight estimates determining their position in space. The learning process consists
of moving the weight estimates in such a way as to reduce the distance between neurons. First,
the input vector of weights is chosen randomly. Then, there is a transition from neuron to
neuron. This process is accompanied by determining the similarity of the input vector and the
vector of weight estimates corresponding to a node on the map. The neuron with the smallest
Euclidean distance value is assigned the matching unit. Based on this knowledge, the weight

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
vectors of neurons are updated in combination with the best matching unit (formula (4),
Kohonen & Honkela, 2007):
𝑊𝑣(𝑟 + 1) = 𝑊𝑣(𝑟) + 𝜃(𝑢, 𝑣, 𝑟) ∙ 𝛼(𝑟) ∙ (𝐵(𝑡) − 𝑊𝑣(𝑟)),
where 𝑊𝑣(𝑟 + 1) is the updated vector of weights of the neuron taking into account 𝑟–
iterations of updating the weights; 𝑊𝑣 is the current vector of neuron weights; 𝜃(𝑢,𝑣,𝑟) is a
neighborhood function that defines the distance between two neurons – 𝑢 and 𝑣 on the step 𝑟;
𝑢 is the index of the best matching neuron score in the map; 𝑣 is the index of the neuron in the
map; 𝛼(𝑟) are limitations of the learning process or a monotonically decreasing learning
coefficient; 𝐵(𝑡) is the vector of input weights.
After updating the weight vector, the iteration step 𝑟 is increased. The procedure is
repeated until it reaches the final limit of the iteration. As a result of applying the unsupervised
machine learning technique, a Kohonen map is built, demonstrating the distribution of the
analyzed elements according to the corresponding clusters. It helps to analyze the elements
grouped according to the similarity of their characteristics.
At the first stage of the proposed methodology, a canonical analysis was performed
between the two data sets using the STATISTICA analytical package. Figure 1 presents the
obtained results.

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Figure 1. Results of the canonical analysis.
[Source: calculated by the authors]
Figure 1 shows a high value of the canonical correlation (𝑅 = 0.95865), indicating that
there is a strong correlation between the set of selected cybercrime cases (Left Set) and
indicators characterizing the responsible behaviour of IT users (Right Set). The statistical
significance of the correlation coefficient is confirmed by the high value of the Pearson test
2 = 155.70), the significance level of which does not exceed 0.05 (𝑝 = 0.04877). The
redundancy value for the left set is 66.7662%; i.e., the right set variables, which correspond to
IT users’ responsible behaviour indicators, explain 66.7662% of the changes caused by
cybercrime cases. In two out of three cases, the user's vulnerability in the network depends on
incorrectly or insufficiently correctly chosen personal cyber protection tools. In turn, the cases
of cybercrimes explain by 48.9594% the variability of the IT users’ behaviour regarding
Canonical Analysis Summary
Canonical R: .95865
Chi²(128)=155.70 p=.04877
No. of variables
Variance extracted
Total redundancy
Fraudulent credit or debit card use
Using a simple login with username
and password
Online identity theft
Using a social media login
Using a security token
Using an electronic identification certificate or card
with a card reader or an app
Misuse of personal information available
on the Internet
Using a procedure involving the mobile phone
Social network or e-mail account being
Using a single -use PIN code list or random
characters of a password
Data loss due to a virus
Using other electronic identification procedure s
Identity theft, receiving fraudulent
messages or being redirected to fake
Using at least 4 identification procedures
Individuals know that cookies can be used to
trace the movements of people on the Internet
Changing the settings in the internet browser to
prevent or limit cookies on any devices
Using software that limits the ability to track
the activities on the Internet
Reading privacy policy statements before
providing personal data
Restricting or refusing access to the
geographical location
Limiting access to profile s or content on social
networking sites or shared online storage
Rejection of using personal data
for advertising purposes
Checking the security of the website
where personal data is provided

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
personal cyber protection, i.e., in approximately 50% of cases, the choice of the appropriate
person’s behaviour regarding its protection depends on the type of cybercrime.
For further analysis, it is necessary to select those canonical roots that are statistically
significant. The result of the obtained roots and verification of their statistical significance is
presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2. Evaluation of statistical significance of canonical roots.
[Source: calculated by the authors]
Figure 2 shows that the Chi-square in the first row, corresponding to the analysis without
root removal, is statistically significant because 𝑝 < 0.05, so, at least one canonical root is also
statistically significant. When it was removed, the authors found that the remaining roots were
statistically insignificant. Therefore, the result is one statistically significant root, i.e., it is
appropriate to consider one pair of canonical variables. To confirm these conclusions, the
authors demonstrate the factor structure and redundancy (Appendix A, Figures 1-2).
The largest factor loadings have indicators to the first root, both for the left and right set,
confirming the previous conclusion. Since the factor loadings represent correlations between
the set indicators, the responsible IT users’ behaviour indicators demonstrate average, above-
average and significant correlations. Only the variable related to “Reading privacy policy
statements before providing personal data” shows a very weak relationship, which indicates
the insignificance of this responsible behaviour type for countering cybercrimes (Appendix A,
Figure 1, Row 12). “Using at least 4 identification procedures” and “Using a procedure
involving the mobile phone” is the most correlated (Appendix A, Figure 1, Rows 5 and 8).
Users who apply multiple cyber protection tools are more likely to use a mobile phone to
confirm their actions on the Internet. These measures are the factors reducing the vulnerabilities
of users’ security and affecting the number of cybercrime cases.
The least correlated cybercrime cases are those related to losing personal information due
to a virus attack (Appendix A, Figure 2, Row 7). The highest level of communication is
demonstrated by "Fraudulent credit or debit card use" and "Identity theft, receiving fraudulent
messages or being redirected to fake websites" (Appendix A, Figure 2, Rows 1 and 8). It
suggests that IT users who were victims of fraudulent use of credit or debit cards may also have
experienced identity theft. At the same time, phishing cases have a weak connection with other
cases of cybercrime.
Canonical weights were determined to understand which responsible behavior measures
and cybersecurity cases are the most important (Appendix A, Figures 3-4). The value of
Chi-Square Tests with Successive Roots Removed
155.6953 128
101.6590 105

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
canonical weights, taken by the module, determines the contribution of each indicator to the
formation of canonical variables. The greatest contribution to the responsible behaviour of IT
users will be made by “Using at least 4 identification procedures” (|0.397156|), “Using a
procedure involving the mobile phone” (|0.360203|), “Restricting or refusing access to the
geographical location” (|0.351491|), “Limiting access to profiles or content on social
networking sites or shared online storage” (|-0.2732531|), “Checking the security of the website
where personal data is provided” (|-0.2598138|), “Individuals know that cookies can be used
to trace the movements of people on the Internet” (|0.2342221|) (Appendix A, Figure 3). “Using
other electronic identification procedures” (|-0.004255596|), “Using a single-use PIN code list
or random characters of a password” (|0.008669309|), “Using software that limits the ability to
track the activities on the Internet” (|-0.01907673|), “Using an electronic identification
certificate or card with a card reader or an app” (|-0.041001|), “Using a simple login with
username and password” (|0.06513116|), “Rejection of using personal data for advertising
purposes” (|0.04041022|). Positive variables indicate that increasing these measures will
effectively increase the cases where IT users become victims of the respective cyber threats
(Appendix A, Figure 3). Negative values indicate a decrease in the effectiveness of applying
these measures under such conditions.
All values are significant when it comes to cybercrime cases. The biggest contribution will
be made (Appendix A, Figure 4) by “Misuse of personal information available on the Internet”
(|0.6336418|), “Online identity theft” (|-0.4745117|), “Fraudulent credit or debit card use”
(|0.374483|), “Data loss due to a virus” (|-0.3130664|), “Identity theft, receiving fraudulent
messages or being redirected to fake websites” (|0.2306303|). These variables will strongly
influence the responsible behaviour of IT users. Positive values indicate that as cybercrime
cases increase, the number of users applying personal security measures will increase. The
negative values show feedback. The growth of such cybercrimes affects the decrease in IT
users who will install appropriate security measures. It occurs because the security measures
in this study that shape the individuals’ responsible behaviour are not effective enough to
counter these cyber threats.
The next part of the study defines clusters of countries where the respondents are more or
less responsible for personal protection. For this purpose, it was determined whether
multicollinearity exists in the array of variables. The calculated value of the determinant of the
correlation matrix is equal to 3.8493Е-09. Its value approaches zero, i.e., there is
multicollinearity between the explanatory variables. Accordingly, the calculated value of the
Chi-sqr criterion is equal to 𝜒
2 = 539.2813 and exceeds its critical level (𝜒2
= 146.5674),
defined for 0.5𝑚(𝑚 − 1) freedom degrees and significance level 𝛼 = 0.05. It confirms the
multicollinearity in the array of variables.
For ist eliminating and reducing the data dimensionality, the principal component method
performed using Python programming was applied. Its results are presented in Figure 3, where
it can be seen that the first component explains 57.6619% of the total variation, the second –
11.0215%, the third – 7.2305%, and the fourth – 5.0867%. The other components explain less
than 5% of the total variation each. Therefore, the authors decide that the first four components
should be chosen for further calculations and justification of clusters, which together explain
Silhouette Scores were used to determine the potential number of clusters (Figure 4). The
results show that the most similar objects correspond to 11 clusters. Since the studied data set

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
contains observations for 35 countries, using many groups contributed to obtaining those with
only one country. Therefore, it was decided to form 9 clusters since this value corresponds to
the next highest Silhouette Score. Later, this distribution turned out to be optimal, confirmed
by the analysis of average values for each cluster.
Figure 3. The results of the principal component method.
[Source: calculated by the authors]

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
Figure 4. Results of cluster significance assessment using Silhouette Score.
[Source: calculated by the authors]
The Viscovery SOMine analytical package was used to obtain Kohonen maps. Under this
process, various methods of its construction were experimentally tested. As a result, a map with
1000 nodes and an automatic ratio of 51:21 was trained. A Normal training schedule with a
voltage of 0.5 and temperature of 0.2 was also used. The Ward (hierarchical) method with 9
clusters was chosen as an algorithm for initial clustering. The indicator weights, taken from the
canonical analysis results, were set. Based on the given features, clusters of countries were
obtained, grouped by the level of responsible behaviour of IT users towards personal cyber
protection (Figure 5).
Figure 5. Map of Kohonen.
[Source: calculated by the authors]
The lowest level of responsible behaviour of IT users characterizes the clusters on the right
in Figure 5. Thus, the third cluster (C3) includes six countries: Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia,
Albania, North Macedonia and Bosnia and Herzegovina (Figure 5, yellow cluster). Analyzing
the average values (Appendix B, Table 1), it can be concluded that this group has the lowest
level of responsible behaviour of IT users. This means that the respondents from these countries

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pay little attention to personal protection in carrying out activities using computers and mobile
devices. The first largest cluster (C1) includes eight countries - Montenegro, Lithuania, Greece,
Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Poland, and Kosovo (Figure 5, turquoise cluster). Their averages
(Appendix B, Table 1) show that the number of respondents who used the analyzed personal
security tools is more significant than for the third group, i.e., IT users are more responsible for
their protection.
The share of respondents from the countries in the left clusters in Figure 5 is the highest,
indicating their high level of responsibility for personal cybersecurity. So, cluster 6 (C6)
includes three countries – Denmark, Iceland, and Netherlands (Figure 5, pink cluster), cluster
8 (C8) – United Kingdom and Norway (Figure 5, blue cluster), cluster 9 (C9) – Finland and
Austria (Figure 5, brown cluster). Their average values (Appendix B, Table 1) for most
indicators are the highest, confirming the conclusion about the high level of responsible
behavior of IT users from these countries.
As for the other clusters, closer to the centre of Figure 5 (green cluster – C4, red cluster –
C2, purple cluster – C5, olive cluster – C7), they are characterized by moderate behaviour of
individuals regarding personal cyber protection. This conclusion is confirmed by the average
values for each indicator under the created group (Appendix B, Table 1).
The authors analyze the Kohonen maps for each of the selected indicators. The map
generated for “Using a simple login with username and password” (Appendix C, Figure 5a)
shows an exemplary distribution by clusters. IT users from Norway, Great Britain, the
Netherlands, Iceland, the Czech Republic and Germany prefer this tool. Respondents from the
third cluster and Montenegro countries use this security measure less actively. Figure 5b in
Appendix C shows the behaviour for “Using a social media login”. According to this indicator,
the distribution is uneven for some clusters. For example, in the first cluster, respondents from
Kosovo preferred this protection method more than respondents from other countries. Users
from Luxembourg and Belgium have diametrically different attitudes towards the use of this
measure for working on the Internet.
The map showing the distribution of clusters according to the indicator “Using a security
token” (Appendix C, Figure 5c) also has certain exceptions for Croatia, Luxembourg,
Montenegro, Malta, etc. This type of cyber protection is most popular among IT users in
Norway. It is the least popular for the third cluster countries. Such discrepancies indicate that
this tool is quite specific, and perhaps not enough people are ready to use it for security
purposes. Figure 5d of Appendix C shows the behaviour regarding using an electronic
identification certificate or card with a card reader or an app. The results of distribution by
clusters are also heterogeneous. It can be clearly observed in Iceland, Sweden, Estonia and
Lithuania. Although this security measure is quite famous for calculation in various Internet
services, for the respondents from most countries, there is no suitable application for personal
The map created for “Using a procedure involving the mobile phone” (Appendix C, Figure
5e) shows a reasonably weighted distribution by clusters, clearly visible in the example of the
sixth and eighth clusters countries, using this security measure the most. It is the least popular
for residents of the third cluster. Figure 5f of Appendix C shows the behaviour for “Using a
single-use PIN code list or random password characters”. The colour gradation of the map
indicates the uneven application of this measure for most clusters. Residents of Denmark and
Finland give the greatest preference to its use. IT users in the vast majority of countries limit

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
the use of this security measure, possibly due to the difficulty to remember complex random
passwords and the loss of further access to their account.
The map showing the distribution of clusters according to the indicator “Using other
electronic identification procedures” (Appendix C, Figure 5g) shows some exceptions for the
Netherlands, Spain, Denmark and Hungary. In general, a situation shows the unpopularity of
other security measures. In most cases, IT users apply well-known traditional tools; a relatively
low percentage try to use other additional ones. Figure 5h of Appendix C shows the behaviour
of using at least four identification procedures. The colour distribution of the map indicates the
uniformity of this security measure in the middle of individual clusters. At the same time, it is
preferred by Iceland, the Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Great Britain residents. The
lowest level of responsibility in this case is demonstrated by IT users of countries belonging to
the third cluster.
Figure 6a of Appendix C shows the behaviour of individuals who know that cookies can
be used to trace people's online movements. The colour gradation of the map indicates a good
balance of the distribution of values for most clusters. This type of behaviour is one of the
popular activities among others. It is preferred by respondents from those countries that belong
to high-responsibility clusters. It is the least popular among users of the third cluster. The map
shows A fairly even distribution for the indicator “Changing the settings in the internet browser
to prevent or limit cookies on any devices” (Appendix C, Figure 6b). But some clusters have
intra-group differences, for example, fifth, seventh, sixth and ninth.
The map in Figure 6c of Appendix C shows the cluster distribution according to the “Using
software that limits the ability to track the activities on the Internet” indicator. Generally, it
shows a balanced formation of clusters, although there are exceptions for Belgium, Malta and
Cyprus. At the same time, this tool is the most popular among individuals from Belgium and
the least - from Cyprus. If we compare this measure with others, users give it a much lower
preference than “Using a simple login with username and password”, “Using a procedure
involving the mobile phone,” or “Individuals know that cookies can be used to trace the
movements of people on the Internet”. Figure 6d of Appendix C shows the distribution by
group for “Reading privacy policy statements before providing personal data”. Most
respondents from Finland, Austria, Germany, and Cyprus chose this type of protection. Not
preferred by IT users from Luxembourg, Belgium and Albania.
Figure 6e of Appendix C demonstrates the behaviour of individuals who restrict or refuse
access to the geographical location. The colour gradation of the map shows a fairly even
distribution of values for most clusters. This security measure is preferred by users of countries
grouped into clusters with the highest responsibility. It is not famous for clusters with a low
level of responsible behavior. The map in Figure 6f of Appendix C characterizes the
distribution according to the indicator “Limiting access to profiles or content on social
networking sites or shared online storage”. Some clusters have within-group differences, such
as the third, fourth, and ninth. In general, this security measure is quite popular among IT users
of different countries.
The map in Figure 6g of Appendix C refers to the behaviour of individuals to reject of
using personal data for advertising purposes. One should be noted the balanced distribution of
countries by this type of personal cyber protection, but there are exceptions for Iceland, Kosovo
and Latvia. This measure is famous for the countries of the left-hand cluster (Figure 5) and the
Germany-Cyprus-Croatia sector. The countries of the third cluster do not prefer it. Figure 6g

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
of Appendix C demonstrates the behaviour of individuals who check the website's security
where personal data is provided. IT users in the Netherlands apply this tool more often than
others. Respondents from Albania prefer him less than individuals from other countries.
The issue of cybersecurity behaviour is an understudied area of research to date, as evidenced
by Oliveira & Baldi (2022). But despite the limited information on this problem, Pollini et al.
(2022) believe that human components of sociotechnical systems are its weakest and most
vulnerable component. Therefore, their responsible behaviour in the computer environment
affects the level of personal, corporate or state cybersecurity. This statement is synchronized
with the obtained results of this article. Although there are many best practices today, IT users'
application of the most effective security and privacy methods remains relatively low (Krsek
et al., 2022).
People's awareness of cyber threats strongly influences proactive cybersecurity behaviour,
especially after the global pandemic (Alsmadi et al., 2022). Therefore, increasing the level of
responsible behaviour should occur for different population categories. Witsenboer et al.
(2022) investigated the issue of personal cybersecurity in the school system, and based on the
results, they suggested that cybersecurity education should start in elementary school, as the
lack of relevant knowledge can affect them and the organization to which they belong. Also,
students' awareness of cyber threats and risks has a positive effect in situations where students
become targets of cybercrimes (Mohammed & Bamasoud, 2022). Older people tend to share
their passwords, which creates a favourable environment for cyber criminals (Patel & Doshi,
2022). Therefore, this category of IT users needs unique approaches for forming special
knowledge on personal cyber protection.
As for businesses and government institutions, the formation of responsible user behaviour
should become vital in ensuring cyber protection. Boritz et al. (2022) proved that employees
who are accountable for cybersecurity are less likely to become victims of cyber crimes. At the
same time, bank employees are more susceptible to phishing than employees of professional
services companies. Also, highly motivated public institution employees with a high level of
responsiveness and self-efficacy contribute to ensuring reliable information protection
(Sulaiman et al., 2022).
To increase the level of responsibility, it is vital to promote users' motivational behaviour
to protect themselves and companies from cyber threats (Li et al., 2022). One should also be
aware that a person's activities on the Internet can have a digital footprint that can lead to
distortion of information about him and help cybercriminals (Nicol et al., 2022). Therefore,
cyber hygiene should be observed, i.e. changing passwords, updating software, limiting the
disclosure of personal information on social networks, etc. (Schoenherr & Thomson, 2021).
Since not only individuals but also companies must be responsible for the security of their
customers' data, protection methods must evolve towards using more reliable and advanced
technologies. For example, the individual characteristics of a person typing on a keyboard,
moving a cursor using a mouse, trackball, touchpad, etc., are unique and difficult to steal
(Nnamoko et al., 2022). Therefore, implementing biometric technologies in online and mobile
applications will reduce users' vulnerability to cyber criminals. For easy perception of

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
cybersecurity information, it is possible to use computer games to teach different categories of
the population about personal protection (Hwang & Helser, 2022). Although the level of
cybersecurity is formed under the influence of many factors, the responsible behaviour of IT
users may be the critical aspect that will create favourable or unfavourable conditions for
developing cybercrime.
The consequences of Industry 4.0 have had a positive impact on the life of society, which is
manifested in the economic growth of the countries, increasing business efficiency, and
improving the quality of individuals' lives. The results of the literature review confirm these
facts. But scientific and technical progress also causes cybercrime, showing in the illegal
appropriation of personal and financial information, violation of the software and technical
support functioning. Therefore, the issue of ensuring cybersecurity is relevant for IT users,
companies, and the government. In this research, it is stated that in the processes of digitization
and informatization, a person is a crucial link, and his behaviour in the computer environment
affects the level of cyber protection. The more responsible an individual is about cyber safety,
especially personal security, the less likely he is to become a cyber victim.
The article, based on a survey of IT users from the European Union, confirmed the
existence of a high correlation between cybercrime cases and indicators characterizing the
responsible behaviour of individuals. At the same time, the impact of cybercrime cases is more
significant on the choice of security measures. The number of users applying personal security
measures will increase with growing cybercrime cases. All variables characterizing cases of
cybercrimes proved essential for the respondents, indicating the expansion of cyber threats and
the increase in the types of cyber victims. The authors found that the most significant
contribution to the responsible behaviour of IT users will be made by such security measures
as using at least four identification procedures and a procedure involving the mobile phone,
restricting or refusing access to the geographical location, limiting access to profile or content
on social networking sites or shared online storage, checking the security of the website where
personal data is provided, understanding that cookies can be used to trace movements of people
on the Internet. The results showed a slight influence of such variables as using other electronic
identification procedures, single-use PIN code lists or random characters of a password, the
software that limits the ability to track the activities on the internet, electronic identification
certificate or card with a card reader or an app, simple login with username and password and
refusing to allow the use of personal data for advertising purposes. The obtained results will
enable us to conclude that the growth of cybercrimes determines the choice of security
measures, and their application will not guarantee the complete freedom of IT users from
various types of cyber threats.
The second part of the study concerned the construction of Kohonnen maps to identify
regions characterized by the responsible or irresponsible behaviour of individuals to ensure
personal cyber protection. As a result, 9 clusters were identified and substantiated using
Silhouette Scores. Romania, Bulgaria, Serbia, Albania, North Macedonia and Bosnia and
Herzegovina are countries whose respondents' behaviour can be characterized as the least
responsible. IT users of Montenegro, Lithuania, Greece, Slovenia, Slovakia, Italy, Poland, and

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Do IT users behave responsibly…
Kosovo behave more responsibly concerning personal cyber protection than the respondents
of the previous cluster. Still, they can also be classified as those who need to be more attentive
to cybersecurity. It was found that a high level of responsible behaviour is characteristic of IT
users from Denmark, Iceland, the Netherlands, the United Kingdom, Norway, Finland and
Austria. The reliability of the cluster analysis is confirmed by the study of average values and
the distribution of each type of individual cyber activity in the clusters.
The obtained results may be of interest primarily to international organizations engaged in
developing a sustainable development strategy to ensure a safe and reliable cyberspace for the
entire world, as well as for countries, businesses, and individuals. Also, they can become the
basis for improving the population's digital and cyber literacy programs, which are developed
and implemented by educational institutions and relevant centres engaged in professional
development and training.
The main limitation of this study is obtaining survey data from respondents. The article is
localized with the results provided by the European Commission, so it is impossible to conclude
the behaviour of IT users from other countries. Also, the range of cybercrime cases and
personal cyber protection tools that shape the appropriate behaviour of individuals is
represented only by official data. It does not allow the conclusion about the different categories
of respondents and consider various aspects of the IT users' responsible behaviour, which
include psychological, social, economic, and other factors.
It is advisable to focus future research on studying the following questions. Firstly, a
potential direction is the assessment of risks associated with non-compliance or inappropriate
application of personal protection measures and identification of expected consequences for IT
users. Emphasis should be placed on different groups of individuals - ordinary users, company
employees, decision-makers, officials, etc. The obtained results will contribute to the formation
of more precise preventive measures that will reduce the risk of cyber threats in a specific
situation. Secondly, the next direction is the study of psychological and social factors that can
affect the vulnerability of IT users, for example, emotional state, level of education,
communication activity in social networks, level of digital and cyber literacy, trust in outsiders
and their actions, etc. The potential results will identify the most critical factors for IT users
that cybercriminals can use in the process of cybercrime. This knowledge should be taken into
account, for example, by representatives of e-commerce or banks in the process of improving
security measures in online or mobile applications.
This research was performed within the framework of state budget research: No 0121U109559
“National security through the convergence of financial monitoring systems and cybersecurity:
intelligent modeling of financial market regulation mechanisms”, No 0123U101945 “National
security of Ukraine through the prevention of financial fraud and money laundering: war and
post-war challenges”, No 0121U109553 “Convergence of economic and educational
transformations in the digital society: modelling of the impact on regional and national

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Authors’ Note
All correspondence should be addressed to
Zoltán Szira
Budapest Metropolitan University,
Budapest, Hungary
ORCID 0000-0002-7299-4695
Human Technology
ISSN 1795-6889

Page 24
Do IT users behave responsibly…
Appendix A
Results of factor structures and canonical weights
Figure 1. Factor structure of the right set characterizing the IT users’ responsible behavior.
[Source: calculated by the authors]
Factor Structure, right set
Root 1 Root 2 Root 3 Root 4 Root 5 Root 6 Root 7 Root 8
Using a simple login
with username and password
Using a social media login
Using a security token
Using an electronic
identification certificate or
card with a card reader or an app
Using a procedure involving
the mobile phone
Using a single-use PIN code list
or random characters of a password
Using other electronic
identification procedures
Using at least 4 identification procedures
Individuals know that cookies
can be used to trace the movements
of people on the Internet
Changing the settings in the internet
browser to prevent or limit cookies
on any devices
Using software that limits
the ability to track the activities
on the Internet
Reading privacy policy statements
before providing personal data
Restricting or refusing access
to the geographical location
Limiting access to profiles or
content on social networking
sites or shared online storage
Rejection of using
personal data for
advertising purposes
Checking the security
of the website where personal
data is provided
0.1615 -0.1639
0.1353 -0.0983
0.0123 -0.0435
0.0706 -0.0852 -0.1544 -0.3002 -0.0818
0.6852 -0.1391
0.0295 -0.1462
0.0780 -0.3447
0.0216 -0.1726
0.8404 -0.1283
0.0791 -0.0733 -0.0379 -0.0975
0.2725 -0.2600
0.2596 -0.1724 -0.1978 -0.0605 -0.2053
0.5866 -0.0468 -0.1715 -0.0653 -0.1044 -0.4235 -0.1569 -0.3725
0.0974 -0.1696 -0.0917
0.0058 -0.0201
0.0450 -0.0971
0.1870 -0.0811
0.2527 -0.3110
0.0139 -0.1462
0.2759 -0.1350
0.6442 -0.0549
0.1999 -0.0910 -0.1836
0.0086 -0.1967
0.3114 -0.1211 -0.0349
0.2183 -0.4352
0.1472 -0.0451 -0.0088
0.1675 -0.1764
0.1213 -0.2000 -0.3251
0.2721 -0.1379
0.0887 -0.0739 -0.2948
0.6239 -0.1538
0.3393 -0.1617 -0.0302 -0.0634 -0.1773

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Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
Figure 2. Factor structure of the left set characterizing cases of cybercrime.
[Source: calculated by the authors]
Figure 3. Canonical weights for the right set characterizing the IT users’ responsible behavior
[Source: calculated by the authors]
Factor Structure, left set
Root 1 Root 2 Root 3 Root 4 Root 5 Root 6 Root 7 Root 8
Fraudulent credit or debit
card use
Online identity theft
Misuse of personal
information available
on the Internet
Social network or e-mail
account being hacked
Data loss due to a virus
Identity theft, receiving
fraudulent messages or being
redirected to fake websites
0.8398 -0.0549 -0.1020 -0.1618 -0.3889 -0.2090
0.0037 -0.2453
0.6504 -0.0228 0.4616
0.1571 -0.5029 -0.2055 -0.1332 -0.1606
0.3117 0.1648
0.1517 -0.1138 -0.3934
0.0133 0.2890 -0.1289 -0.4248
0.2528 -0.0852 -0.2341
0.7648 -0.0175 0.2964 -0.0970 -0.0893 -0.3698
0.5812 -0.5956 0.3507
0.0449 -0.0289 -0.1437 -0.2897
0.1008 -0.2835 0.0179 -0.1569 -0.2469 -0.3174
0.8248 -0.2062
0.0016 -0.2763
0.3125 -0.2698
Canonical Weights, right set
Root 1 Root 2 Root 3 Root 4 Root 5 Root 6 Root 7 Root 8
Using a simple login
with username and password
Using a social media login
Using a security token
Using an electronic
identification certificate or
card with a card reader or an app
Using a procedure involving
the mobile phone
Using a single-use PIN code list
or random characters of a password
Using other electronic identification
Using at least 4 identification procedures
Individuals know that cookies
can be used to trace the movements
of people on the Internet
Changing the settings in the internet
browser to prevent or limit cookies
on any devices
Using software that limits
the ability to track the activities
on the Internet
Reading privacy policy statements
before providing personal data
Restricting or refusing access
to the geographical location
Limiting access to profiles or
content on social networking
sites or shared online storage
Rejection of using
personal data for
advertising purposes
Checking the security
of the website where personal
data is provided
1.0141 -0.7187 -0.0951
0.2880 -0.5661
0.8591 -0.3190 -0.9391
0.5157 -0.5853
0.5971 -0.2054 -0.5930
0.3602 -0.7199
0.3399 -0.4942
0.3046 -0.4228 -0.2041
0.4143 -0.8250
0.2255 -0.2568 -0.7530
-0.0043 -0.1619 -0.5994 -0.4002
0.9391 -0.6570 -0.2051 -0.7557
0.9708 -1.7964 -4.9879 -1.3866
0.2342 -1.1448 -1.1725 -0.9201 -0.1718
1.2506 -0.4715
0.0320 -0.6453
-0.0191 -0.1229 -0.1019 -0.0986 -0.3712 -0.3548
0.1609 -0.4599
0.2738 -0.2357 -0.4510 -0.1980
0.8739 -0.3032
0.2555 -0.3204 -0.7235
-0.2733 -0.2203
0.6234 -0.4786 -0.4317
0.0656 -1.6637 -0.9600
1.0828 -1.0620 -0.0239 -0.7246
-0.2598 -1.3011 -0.5101

Page 26
Do IT users behave responsibly…
Figure 4. Canonical weights for the left set characterizing cybercrime cases
[Source: calculated by the authors]
Canonical Weights, left set
Root 1 Root 2 Root 3 Root 4 Root 5 Root 6 Root 7 Root 8
Fraudulent credit or debit
card use
Online identity theft
Misuse of personal
information available
on the Internet
Social network or e-mail
account being hacked
Data loss due to a virus
Identity theft, receiving
fraudulent messages or being
redirected to fake websites
0.3745 -0.1452 -1.2003 -0.9257
0.0359 -1.1507 -0.8632 -0.7419
1.2503 -1.3537 -0.8327 -0.2824
0.7107 -0.0994
0.3000 -1.1193
0.1599 -0.1874
0.7936 -1.3122 -0.2376
0.5347 -0.4704
0.8055 -0.2516
0.1949 -1.1461
0.0643 -0.2493 -0.2005
-0.3131 -0.0834 -0.0183
0.3491 -0.4064
1.0377 -0.7364
0.2306 -0.2105 -0.6307
1.0219 -0.5209

Page 27
Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
Appendix B
The calculated average values of indicators
Table 1. Average values of the indicators in accordance with the cluster profile.
Using a simple login with
username and password
65.3700 76.4200 46.2200 70.7000 71.1400 84.3600 71.3100 89.4200 74.0400
Using a social media login
32.7300 37.2100 20.1600 42.6600 28.7000 46.6400 36.8300 49.4700 30.2000
Using a security token
15.3000 13.0600 4.2800 24.1400 15.6500 29.5600 23.2400 58.0000 6.6200
Using an electronic
identification certificate or
card with a card reader or an
14.5800 27.9400 2.3300 32.9400 10.7200 65.8900 44.8200 22.8500 12.4000
Using a procedure involving
the mobile phone
31.5000 55.7200 12.0800 52.6000 34.5300 76.8400 42.2100 73.7800 57.1700
Using a single-use PIN code
list or random characters of
a password
13.0100 13.5400 2.7100 20.2800 10.2200 44.6000 12.1500 32.9600 38.5400
Using other electronic
identification procedures
1.8300 11.5900 3.0900 16.4500 5.4000 13.7100 7.1600
Using at least 4 identification
15.0400 22.9200 2.9400 33.2000 13.1600 58.0500 25.4900 48.2100 18.6500
Individuals know that
cookies can be used to trace
movements of people on the
50.9700 62.4000 34.4000 64.1000 74.3000 84.4600 70.1800 78.5000 80.3500
Changing the settings in the
internet browser to prevent
or limit cookies on any
22.2700 27.4500 14.8400 28.0000 27.7100 37.3800 35.6000 30.4200 43.8900
Using software that limits the
ability to track the activities
on the Internet
15.9000 14.3100 8.2500 22.1400 11.4500 27.3600 34.0500 25.9000 17.5100
Reading privacy policy
statements before providing
personal data
37.4500 37.6800 29.0400 40.0400 46.7700 40.0500 22.0800 40.0300 50.1700
Restricting or refusing
access to the geographical
31.0000 37.7000 24.4100 52.1800 49.2400 71.1500 35.9000 56.8500 63.6300
Limiting access to profiles or
content on social networking
sites or shared online
25.3700 36.6500 13.1500 47.7300 44.6100 51.2400 28.6900 41.0300 55.1600
Rejection of usingpersonal
data for advertising
31.4100 41.6600 16.4000 50.2400 57.5500 59.8000 39.4800 51.0400 65.2000
Checking the security of the
website where personal data
is provided
20.0400 40.0000 6.6700 43.5200 31.2000 49.9300 23.3200 43.3200 42.5500
*C means a cluster
[Source: calculated by the authors]

Page 28
Do IT users behave responsibly…
Appendix С
Kohonen maps
Figure 5. Kohonen maps for indicators characterizing the responsible behaviour of IT consumers:
a) Using a simple login with username and password; b) Using a social media login; c) Using a security
token; d) Using an electronic identification certificate or card with a card reader or an app; e) Using a
procedure involving the mobile phone; f) Using a single-use PIN code list or random characters of a
password; g) Using other electronic identification procedures; h) Using at least 4 identification procedures.
[Source: calculated by the authors]

Page 29
Yarovenko, Lyeonov, Wojcieszek, & Szira
Figure 6. Kohonen maps for indicators characterizing the responsible behaviour of IT consumers:
a) Individuals know that cookies can be used to trace the movements of people on the Internet; b)
Changing the settings in the internet browser to prevent or limit cookies on any devices; c) Using software
that limits the ability to track the activities on the Internet; d) Reading privacy policy statements before
providing personal data; e) Restricting or refusing access to the geographical location; f) Limiting access to
profiles or content on social networking sites or shared online storage; g) Rejection of using personal data
for advertising purposes; h) Checking the security of the website where personal data is provided.
[Source: calculated by the authors]