A downloadable game for Windows

accurate backrooms

A backrooms game that is accurate to the wiki (specifically the old one, not the new one)

Currently has 5 9 levels (8 levels, one sublevel)

Explore levels by finding exits while avoiding entities and not going insane by using items

NOTE : The game was built to be multiplayer, so singleplayer may be a little bit boring

Has ingame proximity chat that may or may not work (i have no friends to test it with)

NOTE: Horror game if you couldnt tell (you probably could tell)

More levels coming soon

Here are the controls :

WASD - move

Mouse - turn

Space - jump

LeftShift - run (requires stamina)

E - interact with doors or items

Q - whistle (requires stamina)

G - drop item

ESCAPE - view pause menu with graphics settings, mic settings, and more

LeftClick - use item

RightClick - swap between offhand and mainhand

MiddleClick - view inventory (click on slots to swap them with others)

Here are some tips :

1. keep your sanity up with almond water. a red bar will appear if its low enough and strange sounds will start to play before you go insane and die

2. moving diagonally makes you a little bit faster but limits your view of whats infront of you

3. you can peek around corners by inching really close to a corner and then looking around from the side (very risky)

4. items arent explained ingame but its obvious what most of them do by the name (note : radios work as soon as you pick them up, you dont have to use it)

5. the only item that doesnt have an obvious name is neon water (it gives you a speed boost and refills your stamina)



AccurateBackroomsFloodDemoFixedFixed.zip 67 MB

Install instructions

downloade it

Development log


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my friend cant play the game, does any one know why?

Does the game just not open? Whats the problem?

so when he joions or creates a server, his monitor just shuts off, but works for me, you know why that happens?

Hmm, I've had this problem before with a game called Lethal Company, I never found out what caused it but I played it on a different computer (I should mention that it was a better computer) and it ran just fine. I don't know why that would happen with this game as the graphics in it are terrible but I'll try to find a way to fix this soon

please fix it soon, its a great game but not fun when alone, 

good luck at fixing it!

thsi game so aeosme :thumbsupemoji:

(1 edit)

Very epic game -totally not Lemonly

shut uip and eat abrownie