Acquire new customers with Twilio Segment

Acquire new customers cost-effectively with personal, timely interactions

Say goodbye to generic marketing tactics and hello to targeted and timely interactions that optimize conversion and reduce customer acquisition costs.

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Illustration: Acquire new customers cost-effectively with personal, timely interactions

Join the 25,000+ companies using the Segment platform

Maximize advertising ROI to improve customer acquisition

With Segment, you can boost return on ad spend (ROAS), enhance personalization, and simplify data management to accelerate new customer acquisition.

Prepare for a cookieless world

Future-proof your digital strategy by creating a first-party data approach with Segment, ensuring deeper customer insights, improved personalization, and uplevel marketing ROI—all while safeguarding consumer privacy and adhering to regulations.

Access new customer profiles in real-time

Easily create, access, and leverage real-time, complete customer profiles for personalized interactions that boost engagement and conversions across all touchpoints.

Automate data activation, eliminate engineering efforts

Simplify data management with Segment—bypass the grind of manual data engineering, accelerating data preparation and activation processes.

Illustration: Maximize advertising ROI to improve customer acquisition

Optimize ad spend

Find your new customers wherever they are with personalized ads that drive engagement and turn window shoppers into repeat buyers.

Illustration: Optimize ad spend

Make your customer’s experience personal

With easy access to real-time data in a user-friendly audience builder, you can trigger more timely and personalized cart abandonment and location-based acquisition campaigns designed to boost engagement and conversion.

Lower costs while improving match rates

Enhance match rates by seamlessly syncing profile traits with ad destinations and reduce API costs through the strategic limitation of identifiers sent.

Improve ROAS with the power of AI

Launch precise campaigns in just a few clicks using pre-built Predictive Audiences such as "ready to buy," "dormant," and "high LTV"—and dynamically sync them in real-time with ad platforms to slash customer acquisition costs and boost ROAS.

First-conversion personalization

Trigger campaigns and improve personalization through access to real-time customer data event streams.

Leverage real-time, reliable event streams

Connect with new customers at the perfect moment for conversion, leveraging unified profiles enriched by warehouse data and effortlessly activated by marketing.

Get to know your audience, and what makes them purchase

Advertise more effectively by targeting new customers based on behavioral signals that forecast buying intent and dynamically sync to top ad and marketing platforms.

Build trust from the beginning

Segment streamlines you privacy compliance, automating user data protection while ensuring personalized communication aligns with GDPR, CPRA, and additional data regulations.

Illustration: First-conversion personalization

Why Segment

Enhance campaigns with predictive personalization

Identify, target, and launch campaigns to high-conversion users across all your customer channels and journeys.

Elevate acquisition campaigns with unified journey orchestration

Maximize personalization across all channels, both paid and owned, with seamless journey orchestration wherever your data lives.

Reduce tech team burden with streamlined data deployment and activation

Simplify data management, liberate technical teams, and accelerate access to unified profiles and activation by cutting down on complex data engineering tasks.

Twilio Segment powers the world’s leading brands

From startups to global enterprises, see what businesses have achieved with the Twilio Segment customer data platform.

“With Segment, we have a full view of the customer, from the first time they hit our site to post-purchase and on….[having] a better understanding of our target market ‘outdoor enthusiasts' enables us to sell more camping products and become the one-stop-shop for our customers’ RV needs.”

Brad Greene Senior Director of Marketing Technology
Higher conversion rates on paid channels

“Twilio Segment is much more of a self-service platform. Whereas before we were limited in how we could message or target prospects and members, we can now build and activate audiences almost immediately.”

Nate Wallingsford Head of US Marketing Operations and Optimization

“With CustomerAI Predictions, our marketing team can now easily predict which users are most likely to bid on an item being auctioned on our marketplace, make a purchase, or even create a listing for a specific product category, then run targeted campaigns across channels—without needing additional data science resources.”

Vaibhav Miskeen Senior Analyst of Customer Data & Martech
better campaign performance with CustomerAI Predictions vs a leading ad platform's AI technology

With Segment at its core, Adevinta will enable cross-organizational collaboration through standardized data leading to relevant, personalized customer touch points across all its channels.

Increased return on investment for Facebook Ads

“Having Segment not only helped us do the personalization work we’ve always wanted to do, but we can now improve on the effectiveness of our ad campaigns and create a better feedback loop.”

Christian Rocha Castillo Deputy Director Ecommerce/Digital Media, Domino’s Pizza
decreased cost per acquisition

Learn more about cross-selling and upselling with Segment

Twilio Segment is a critical tool in your tech stack to boost cross-sell and upsell opportunities. Connect with a Segment expert to learn more about why 25,000+ companies choose Segment's CDP