Geertrui Serneels, directeur van Solentra, krijgt ereteken van Koning Filip voor de jarenlange inzet van Solentra voor vluchtelingen.
Hoe kan je vluchtelingen ondersteunen wanneer zich een crisissituatie voordoet in hun land van herkomst? Welke crisishulp kan Solentra bieden?
Solentra recently set up a trauma day clinic for people with a refugee background. Participants meet weekly in Brussels over the course of three months for an intense treatment for complex trauma.
Psychological problems can play a role in a radicalisation process. As a trauma expert, Solentra therefore offers policy support to local governments.
Solentra is developing a virtual reality headset that allows clients to independently follow an extra EMDR session in between sessions with their psychologist.
Solentra wants to help frontline actors prevent, detect and address developmental trauma in children with a refugee background. Therefore, we are developing an online decision aid.
Solentra made the shortlist with our psychological helpline for refugees and asylum seekers during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Action research on the psychological needs and resilience of young refugees and newcomers