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Here's an idea for 1.3: Blobygon's version of The Snackrooms added a sweat toggle, so maybe you should add it too. That, and bring back the hairstyles, clothing options, and room types from the earlier versions.


Keep trying to just play the game but it kept crashing on me. I tried lowing the graphics, and I even deleted my save (I had just started playing so it wasn't a big loss) But the game crashed as I was trying to make a new character.


i read on Xwitter that the dev has to do refactoring again due to software changes and data loss.
upside: may make the game run more smooth
downside: may take a while


Ok is anyone else has this problem? Some of the buttons like the "Yes" in the character creation and "Yes" in the delete save data seems bugged, as it doesn't do and just act like the button isn't respondent. ALSO i came to also realized when i click on the apartment for my character lives in and that happens, to ANY boxes, it always reads A1 and that is unoccupied, but yet my CHARACTER IS THERE! In fact, ALL boxes says A1!! What's even funnier? THE MAIN MENU DOESNT EVEN WORK THERE! I'm very much at lost, could anyone help me or could you at least know how to plublish an ACTUAL stable version. That'll be nice. Thank you

will this ever be on Mac?

Nevermind the bugs somehow dissapeared.

Good game

Kinda unplayable for me with tons of lags.

But its still good nonetheless

Is there a way to play previous versions?

does this work on chromebook?


1.3 when


Who knows?

(1 edit)

So just reached space, my only disappointment with this version is after a certain point gain feels artificial. In 0.5 when i reached city size i could barely find my girls head. Now in 1.2 at a certain point it feels like the entire model grows. My character looks exactly the same as in her bedroom just in space...

(1 edit)

Honestly I hope you will also let us change the body proportions like the legs and arms in Dr. Bananahead's clinic. Also can't wait for more hairs to be added back and a sandbox/cheat mode!


I hope that soon the characters will be able to make big farts 💚, and interact with each other.

otherwise, no problem, apart from the fact that I have difficulty with the personalization of the navel, I preferred the old version.

I agree, but SolitaryScribbles specificially hates putting farts in the stuff he creates. In fact, in his commission sheets on DA, farts are in his list of "Won't Do" stuff.


I find it's not really any different with burps 😶, and in how farts work in the game, I imagine it to be similar to burps. But I understand...

(As of 1.2) When I try to use use the weightloss clinic, the changes don't save and the character retains the same weight/body type I tried changing.

I can't equip faces or clothes or anything to my character does anyone know how to fix it?

For some reason the game randomly deletes save data and becomes unusable i close the game return another day and the only thing in the file is the game and the unity crash handler

Maybe your antivirus picked up a false positive?


the game is super cool but

the 3 things i would like to be added in the game (please)

1. Better body parts physics, like, not phasing through each other

2. not flat faces, its just... ugly, ngl

3. sandbox mod, i dont have to explain

Deleted 67 days ago
(2 edits) (+5)

You think you can add secret cheat commands?

Good game btw

Also would love more stomach sounds and a better menu from the cooking tab plz


You mean like the Konami Code? I sure hope he does add them.


Something like that or we type in a word and open a debug menu for cheats just to mess around

(3 edits)

I love this game, it's one of my favorites, but I found a very bad bug.

So, when I entered the new "Dr. bananahead's loss Weight Loss Clinic, I entered to the clinic. After that, I goed to "Change Body Type" and well, changed the body type of my character. But when I was finished and clicked "Confirm", the only thing the game did was save the game. It didn't send me back to the room, or something like that.. so then, I tried to exit it from closing the window, and after reopening the window and going back to my character... It was reseted!! All of the wobbs of my character were set back to 100! Also, it seems that my file is corrupted because now she doesn't have eyes for some reason.. and when I scratch her belly, it just bugs out and stays getting pet on the belly all the time. Finally, I still had my food, level up, Kandy's pins and probably more, but all her wobbs were gone and reset to base!!! Please try to fix it for 1.3, or like a patch for 1.2, like 1.2.5 or something like that.

Also, is there a way to "hack" the game and like get infinite food, infinite money, etc? It's so I could recover the loss of her wobbs.

In case you wanna contact me to like see if my file is corrupted or something, I have Discord and my user is "ikertiu"

Thank you for reading :)

Deleted 51 days ago

Here's an idea for 1.3: Interactions between characters, as well as an expandable door that increases with a character's size and a forklift in the case of immobility.

One of my absolute favorite games ♥

I found a interesting "bug" while experimenting, if you increase your limit enough and feed a person at 1000 ish wobbs they can become city sized while maintaining mobility.

Thank you!

Which "limit" are you referring to?

Oh sorry, the food capacity I couldn't remember what it was called, the max capacity. I set the gain to 8x if that matters for bug fixing

(1 edit) (+1)

Really enjoying the current gameplay loop with the cooking and badges and stuff. Still a long way to go for this game in terms of polish and features, but I'm sure you'll get there! I've outlined a few of the most glaring issues/bugs below:

The mesh penetration of clothing is so apparent, and is practically unavoidable. I've had to take everything off of my characters because the clothing clips so much. I'm thinking some sort of culling system would be beneficial - hiding body geometry that isn't visible under clothing.

The arms, despite your efforts to tweak the intervals at which they rise, still clip into your character. I think due to the bespoke nature of the character creator, the better solution would be a procedural animation that dynamically raises the arms as opposed to hard coded intervals since there can be so many shapes and sizes for your character. One size can't fit all.

The UI overhaul has been for the most part great, although on stuff like the cookbook a lot of the images are squished.

Character creation can be *really* buggy. Colours resetting, HEX values not persisting, exporting only exporting a half finished version of the character, belly buttons making huge dents in clothing, the list could go on. It's insane that you even managed to create a character creator like this in the first place considering you're fairly new to game dev, so I commend you for that. There's just a long way to go in terms of polishing it, but I'm sure you know that already. More customisation options and features would be great <3

Some proportions can cause really weird shapes. One of my citizens has gained a lot in the way of thighs, however her love-handles are completely squished flat. Like they've been put under a hydraulic press. The Sassy Ass perk anims can also cause some weird distortion on larger legs/hips.

I wish there was a way to edit the characters *properly* after initial creation as opposed to having to create a whole new citizen. You can go back and edit clothing, sure - but sometimes you'll create a character and realise you made a mistake with their face, or their skin tone, or proportions, and there's simply no way to fix it after the fact. I get you've done the Doctor and workout mechanic to remove weight from body parts, but this isn't a real solution for messing up something in character creation. Perhaps allow the player to buy a mirror which unlocks full character customisation at any time?

Lastly, I'd love a sandbox mode of sorts. Just to have unlimited money and maybe some fun cheats to play around with. It's not much, but it would be great for when you don't want to spend time on the grind.

I'm sure you know of most of these issues and hear these kinds of requests all the time, but I thought I'd throw some feedback into the ring in one collected comment, as this game rocks and has so much potential in terms of features and overall polish. Hope some of these things can be worked out! :>

P.S. the feedback button in-game doesn't work. Had to get to this page manually ;)


Alrighty. After a lot of time with 1.2, I thought I'd offer some feedback. I'm really enjoying the gameplay loop. It's fun, and very pleasing to watch my citizens blimp. Using the badges combined with the right food ingredient to watch a citizen rapidly expand a gut is very satisfying. 

I haven't ran into any major bugs, but I do have some concerns with things that will probably take you some time to work on. So the most jarring thing is the arms. It doesn't take long at all before they become irrelevant and clip into the character. I exclusively use the teardrop shape for this reason. The parallel arm animation lets you see the arms at least briefly, but before long, you can't see them anymore with that shape either.

If there was a torso and shoulder slider, that would probably fix that issue What would be cool is if you could do a mono-butt body type. That rib cage up slim/average with the massive contrast below the rib cage is so wonderful. Seeing it in this game would be pretty incredible. It's already pretty similar to the teardrop, with a torso slider, may knock out a lot of birds with one stone if most of the gain is kept on the lower half, giving the arms and chest plenty of room to grow without clipping.

Finally, speaking of body types, the teardrop doesn't work with marshmallow legs. It always breaks to not quite stick legs, but pretty much two kinda thick stick legs that don't lose or gain wobbs. Finally, the ratio between the butt, legs, and waist doesn't work. After a certain size, it looks like the top of the legs are missing the other part of the model, while the torso is sort of sunk in, while the butt just kinda sits behind them as if the butt slid too far back, and the torso isn't wide and high enough to compensate for the hips. At this point, the butt also just doesn't really look like a butt as there's sharp angles here just like the ones created with the hip disconnect from the model.

I was able to mitigate this to an extent by making the waist as wide as possible and curtailing the hips and butt in character creation, but it's still pretty jarring. It would be nice if there was more gameplay mechanics to go along with becoming warehouse-sized.

 This is just wild ideas off the top of my head, but a gameplay loop in which your character has to try and maintain mobility while inevitably growing massive could be entertaining. Instead of just becoming immobile and the gameplay just feeding them to planet-sized gets old pretty fast. What if they were instead turning into kaiju-like creatures, gaining tails, wings, claws etc and you have to spend the week or month or whatever training up fat kaiju person to get a victory which rewards you with happiness points. 

This would come along with different body types and features and whatnot. Being able to see a character gain muscle mass and/or fat for a strong fat look would be pretty cool. Whatever you decide to do, if anything at all because it's pretty impressive as is, I'm getting at improving the gameplay loop at each stage.

how do i save?

Deleted post



i think it would be nice to explore the town like in tomodachi life

(1 edit) (+3)(-3)

I would love it if they could make big huge farts and interact with the room they are in, or the other characters

And thanks, for this game 💚^^

i can't create citithen

Deleted 90 days ago

Probably so you can have multiple people with the same room

Deleted 90 days ago
(1 edit) (+1)

At what weight does your character become immobile? Im at 17,613 wobbs and im wondering if it’s soon.


immobility is 75,000 wobbs



just some fun little suggestions that i had, maybe there could be like a candy galaxy or city? i feel those would be fun to do for environments. for badges, could get we some that provide 25% bonus to belly, arms and legs? that way everything is balanced in a sense. finally outfits, maybe a zero suit or sumo outfit would be cool to experiment with

I enjoyed the update. However I have a question. Why is the Buffet in a Box a scam. I mean It literally gives me 1 XP. Please tell that it's not a bug. 


Buffet in a Box satisfies every craving, as tradeoff it gives low XP (as i understand it)

Deleted 95 days ago

very good update, you are doing very well with this game and apart from that, everything works fine for me, this time I didn't find any errors, only one minor one which I don't know how I did it. :)

(I would like to give you the Happy Resident badge again, but it would be too easy, I need to come up with a better one for you)

the update LOOKS good but theres one problem thats not making me play at all

the game just wont let me get out the main menu

i try clicking on everything else

"new citizen" and "apartments" don't even work

help me please

please note this happened a little after i got 1.1

Something in your save might be corrupted. How many citizens have you created so far?

(1 edit)

like...3 or 4

i can show you what happens too

Is it possible for you to send me your save folder so i can take a look at it? You can send me a DM over on Twitter, DeviantArt, or Itaku.

dmed you on twitter

same happened with me did u fix it ?

(4 edits) (-1)

I am irritated! For some f'd up reason the characters I design and place in the apartment end up as blank, naked and faceless existences?!!! WHY?!!!!!!!!! JUST WHY????!!!!!!!!!! And when i edit the character in the apartment to at least fix their clothing and hair and save, it ends up as light blue and their hair is once again GONE?!!!! 

(i am on version 1.1. At first i was just going to ask if you can add the following features: a oversized hoodie, a hoodie that has the navel exposed, thigh high socks, neck collar, a armband, better nose designs, and anime style facial features.)

Something in your save file is probably corrupted. How much time have you put into this file? Deleting it would be the easiest thing to do. Fixing it might be possible, but its a bit harder.


new update is awesome! Finally reached space size, the only thing that sucks is that because i set my height slider to max and with how massive my citizen is that i can't get the full scale of her size :( perhaps a fix can be done in the future with a extremely far scroll for space size so we can grasp their blobiness?

(1 edit)

Donation sent!  Thank you for the game we all want. And thank you for continuing it's support!


Love the game and looking forward to the new update, but I really hope the normal/spherical faces will return in the future, I really, really don't like the flat faces and they take me out of it a bit because they're so jarring as soon as your character turns their head :( I know it was because of clipping issues, but I never really encountered that problem with the faces before personally.

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