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A member registered Apr 28, 2023

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Check the game description, it has tips o defeating the beetle king's shield

First you need to spec sword, fire and enchant to get passed the tutorial, then use the tips in the game's description to beat him :)

thanks, bookmarked it for tomorrow's stream

(1 edit)

will book mark this for tomorrow's stream thanks :)

Stream is over, I'll make another thread tomorrow for some more games, gn!

playing your game on streaming right meow :)

playing your game now friend :)

playing your game now, Gato!

streaming your game now :)

stream starting now, your game is first

Starting a stream at 7pm EDT (5 hours from this post)

Will be streaming Brackey GameJam games, post your game here if you would like it streamed!

humor is on point

how do you get to the battle part

I was stuck with the octopus just constantly saying nonsense at me

The idea is really cool, the presentation at the beginning with the pod being shot into the worm so now you get to mind control it, then you eat the enemies and go inside the worm to mine their materials is all really cool. The transition shot from now your inside the ship and going into the worm is really cool. That being said an innovative game like this needs a lot of polish. I was confused at first I need 'W' to move the worm forward and the mouse to move it, the worm controls should have been all on the mouse, so mouse click down to move it forward (that way in the future you could do something like dual screen where youre controlling the worm AND the guy inside it. Next as you play the guy inside it's a little unpolished, the level design and controls. This would have been an awesome game for a one month jam, but as a one weeker I like the innovation but the whole experience isn't there yet, it's two unfinished ideas put together. However I see the dream, if this is ever redone as a one month jam with lots of polish please DM me because I'd love to play it again, the idea is so good.

This game has a very fun idea but i just find the controls a little too difficult, is there a dedicated jump button? For the jumps on the third screen there really needs to be one for your second hand. Also the double jump needs to be a little more forgiving, jumps need more distance and often I was stuck on a wall slide after my double jump even if it looked like I was going to clear the jump

(1 edit)

Not sure how people are getting further in this game, even when I somehow manage to build all my homes to one side, just one house on the other side completely kills food supply and its impossible to progress passed castles?

Edit: ok after much gametime I finally did it and got my dinos to the moon! yeaaaaaa

you begin in the sky, drop down and walk around, a bit of clipping when youre on the ground and the ground goes into your vision. Nice start to a game and could continue with some polish

has potential, i like backpack type games, but it's a bit slow and mostly you just get potions as loot and not much else

A few times my backpack was completely empty and the item drop still couldn't fit in there. I think the speed in which you get items and fight needs to be greatly increased until it's frantic. The game requires either puzzle like gameplay or speed like gameplay

good core concepts, would like to see it fleshed out and polished

put the keys closer together, space and enter is difficult for me to hit on my keyboard, and then needing to switch to mouse to advance dialogue is a bit cumbersome, have keys that advance dialogue too

a murder mystery game, very unique gamejam experience and put together very nicely. Great mechanic of looking for clues and then piecing it together in your note book

I think the controls need to be switched up for the type of camera used. Is this how tank controls from Resident Evil worked, for this the controls always switch after a camera change and its tough to navigate

cool, send me a DM when the game is finished, would love to complete it

oh that monster adapts? thats even cooler

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Cloudy with a chance of lighting

1. lots of musical shift changes , very cool, calm and scary

2. the boss has a large variety amount of attacks, love the variety in the amount of attack patterns in this game

3. action is intense, keep on your toes

4. boss has a clearly readable weakness spot you gotta jump to hit

cool game reminds me of the sun from mario 3

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Tower Defense Directed by M Night Shyamalan

1. One of the most innovating tower defense twists I've ever seen. You need to defendd against yourself, possibly you've outcast yourself from your own village and build defenses so you can't get back in and hurt your own friends so sad :'(

2. building is fun, lots of variety in the types of buildings you get and you keep unlocking them as well as the games go by

3. graphics are good, everything is readable, the background is dark and the foreground is light so you can clearly see what's going on. I wish the monster was a little more otherworldy, bigger, badder and a different color, something to contrast the characters white silhouette, maybe red or orange

4.Music is good, the loop is nice and melodic, you don't get tired of the track

5. the game is too easy from the get go, there's not a lot of decision making, the monster gets stopped easily by just the walls, no need for any other weapons and once you get slow you can take him out pretty easily

6. The game has lots of upgrades which is really cool, but I think it would have been interesting to go along with this innovative game design to have the player ALSO pick an upgrade for the monster as well, so the player gets a choice to how the monster evolves, and make the choices really devastating for the player, give the monster upgrades a lot of power

7. you can gather money from a box, make this item a bit more apparent, its a little small and white and tucked away, make it at least two tiles tall and yellow to really stand out to the player

Great game, liked it a lot! keep jamming

I button Mashing fighting games too

1. fast, frantic action, keep going past obstacles and hitting targets to the beat of a timer

2. Gorgeous art everything is readable, the character, the background, the objects you need to punch, theres a lot going on here and it's easily distinguishable on the art side what's going on

3. you wouldn't think just mere buttons have gameplay depth, but here it does! the buttons are like enemy variety in this game, a) theres simple buttons, b) colored button where you need to match up the arrow, which slows you down a lot c) switches, make sure not to double hit d) hidden buttons, make you keep your eyes open e) kill buttons, dont hit these or youll destroy the city, hopefully these don't exist in real life! The different button times are what changes this from a simple game into something with much more layer and depth, and keeps the player on their toes!

4. music was action packed, i never felt it droned on too long, a good background beat to play too

5. thank you for giving a lot of health, sometimes gamejams are not generous enough with health, and dying too easily to obstacles would detract from the games core mechanics, health is substantial here allowing the player to have fun with the systems, I appreciate that

great game keep jamming


1. Gorgeous art in character, enemy and backgrounds

2. atmospheric calm music with croaking frogs, sounds get old and you feel lost in the world. Sound effects for hitting and swinging are MEATY AND CHUNKY

3. smooth attack with lots of range, combat with a variety of enemy types, plus randomized encounters

4. a looming story builds great atmosphere

5. i never got to the shadow realm, I assume this was cut, I was excited to see it, DM me one day if I can go there!

Here's our teams' game, enjoy :)

(1 edit)

oops you already streamed ours, I shouldve checked who posted first haha!

Cats in Space

1. Fun mining game divided between mining and attack phases

2. Movement is fun and responsive, the ship is well designed and has different key areas that are nciely marked so you know where to go. It looks like a liveable habitat

3. Art is fantastic and even has playable characters (however when you leave the spaceship you need an airbubble even though youre already in a spacesuit haha

4. satisfying sounds and song, the loop is a bit short on the song though, but its a catchy reverb

5. Mining phase is too short, attack phase is too difficult, the weapon does not much damage, and no visual or audio indicator it's working except enemy health bars. The game bugged for me during an attack in which I couldnt damage the enemies with my fence. Also hard to find my ship again after ive left it, maybe there was an indiciator arrow pointing back to where it was but I didnt see it

would like to see this game polished up, it was fun!

Playing your game now,

please check out my teams'

Here you go friend, check out our teams' game :)

Thanks for playing, there's an extend explanation for the Enchant mechanic in the description on the game page

very cool!

I gave it another go, I was able to get passed. I played daddy pig at the hotel and I was able to torch house 2 and 3

However I didn't have the beauty product for house 1, maybe I was suppsoed to get it from hitch hiking pig dad somehow or go home and get one?

This is sucha. great point and click adventure experience

Right side wind, left side wind, cha cha real smooth!

1. one of the most innovative defense style games in this jam or any jam for that matter

2. the game has  sliding tiles, combined with resource generation and defense strategy, there are 3 different concepts here all mashed together into one, just like how you mash together two buildings in this game

3 .art is great, everything is readable, lots of different buildings as well as animated units

4. theme is nicely displayed, the wind blows strong enough to not only combine your buildings but blow away enemy units!

5. the core concept is amazing, you use sliding tiles to upgrade you buildings, just like one of those phone games with the numbers you multiple together. You do this to generate more resources and build more units to defend your sliding city. The concept is tough to understand at first because you need a few different resources generated jus tto start making your first units. After the concept is grasped, the player is required to min/max their build to pump out the maximum amount of power

6. this game is difficult, you'll probably lose the first few times. I eventually grasped a strong build, however it still wasnt strong enough because the enemy hit me with HUGE knights and I didn't have enough goblins to defend. I had to stop there as the game was too tough, but I might come back later for another run, bookmarking this game for sure

7. if you can't slide well your game will go poorly, if you have to rely on the lightning ability your game will also go poorly, this thing has a habit of killing your best buildings

Tons of replayability here to get as far as possible, does this game have an ending? 

Tons of fun, I've given high marks, keep making awesome games

Here's my teams game, leave a comment too and Ill be sure to rate your game

here's our teams game!

Would love to have our game streamed/ in your youtube

Toilet Paper Buying Simulator

1. Does this game take place during the early phases of covid when everyone needed toilet paper? I have no idea what Poly is or why I wanted to smash face to get it, but it happened!

2. this game is a ton of fun. You get to constantly attack and smash enemies. Games like this in gamejams often fail because the attack range is too short and enemies are too abusive and swarm you so you die easily, there is rarely proper balance in these beat em up or vampire survivor style games where it's too easy to die. This game circumvents all of that with a really clever shield mechanic. as far as I can tell your weapon grants you an immunity shield bonus no matter what hits you as long as your swinging, dealing damage and taking damage chips away at this shield, but your health stays in tact. This allows you to keep the smashing fun up without dying! Then you simply need to find another weapon/shield to keep going. Each weapon is the same which is nice so there's not too much surprise just the core mechanics. I played this game on mousepad so i didnt even realize you could throw weapons lol i beat it that way by standing over enemies when swarms of them came at me.

Despite everything I just said, this doesn't make the game any easier, you need to make sure there are weapons nearby, you need to have the resources to beat an enemy swarm, it took me a few tries to beat this game.

3. The movement is nice, the attacking his nice game controls well

4. The enemy AI is great, they have a variety of attacks including leaping at you which is an awesome animation

5. the sound design in this game is PHENOMENAL, all of the sounds are MEATY and CHUNKY. First there is the running of the enemy shoes, its a very loud threatening sound that strikes fear in you, to hear a ton of these clattering foot steps during a swarm actually made me tense up. The weapon smack sounds are great too.

6. On one run I died right at the exit, i tapped 'e' instead of holding and I died, I thought I could get out without fighting

7. The gamejam theme is on display here. When the whistle sounds and the footsteps pound like a storm you know you are in for a real fight!

High marks given, great game

This was a cool experience but unfortunately it froze twice for me after i got the hitch hiker in the car


1. graphics are top notch. robot design was cute, i like his tongue sticking out

2. people get needy really fast, if someone wants water i gotta book it! Customers have no room for patience in this game and then on top of that need to keep the train running

3. this gave is very fun, fast and HECTIC