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SPDX Trademark License 1.2

The “SPDX” and “System Package Data Exchange” trademarks (collectively, “SPDX Trademarks“) are owned by The Linux Foundation. The Linux Foundation hereby grants you a royalty-free, non-exclusive, non-assignable, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, world-wide license to use its SPDX Trademarks in connection SPDX-formatted metadata if you:

(i) solely use the SPDX Trademarks in connection with metadata containing all of the SPDX “Mandatory Fields” as defined in the applicable version of the SPDX specification as published on and (“SPDX Specification”);

(ii) solely use the SPDX Trademarks in connection with metadata that does not utilize additional fields, unless such additional fields are:

(a) “Optional Fields” as defined in the applicable version of the SPDX Specification; or

(b) otherwise explicitly permitted in the applicable version of the SPDX Specification;

(iii) recite the applicable SPDX Specification version in, or with, your use of any of the SPDX Trademarks; and

(iv) fully comply with

(a) the applicable version of the SPDX Specification; and

(b) the licenses (Community Specification License 1.0 (Community-Spec-1.0) together with Creative Commons Attribution License 3.0 Unported (CC-BY-3.0) under which each SPDX Specification is offered in its entirety.

This SPDX trademark license shall automatically be revoked if you fail to comply with any of the above requirements. A revoked SPDX trademark license may only be restored if you come into full compliance with all of the above requirements and then submit a petition for restoration to the SPDX Working Group, which is subsequently approved by the SPDX Working Group.