Embedded Systems
Make the robot efficient
- MicrocontrollersARM, AVR, micro-ROS, and Arduino
- Single-board computersRaspberry Pi and Jetson Nano
- Real-time control, PID, Motion generationRuckig
- DSP for acoustic communications
- UART, SPI, I2C, CAN, WiFi, and Bluetooth
- FPGA accelerationAltera and Xilinx
Mobile & Industrial Robotics
Make the robot move and plan
- SLAMslam_toolbox and Cartographer
- Navigation, Odometry, Localization
- ROS driversros_control, integration, and deployment
- Motion planning, Inverse kinematicsMoveIt and ikfast, Graspinggpd
Make the robot connected and tested
- ROS, ROS 2, micro-ROS
- CI/CDGitHub Actions and GitLab CI and containerizationDocker
- C/C++, Python, JavaScript/Node.js
- Web frontendReact.js and Vue.js, backendFlask, and databases
- MessagingRabbitMQ, DDS, WAMP
Machine Learning
Make the robot intelligent
- Object detection and segmentation with CNNsPyTorch, TensorFlow/Keras, and DarkNet
- Reinforcement learningOpenAI Gym, PPO, SAC, Asymmetric Actor-Critic, CNN Observation Space
- Image ProcessingOpenCV
- Photogrammetry, Point cloud processing
Simulation & Visualization
Make the robot simulation
- Robot modelingURDF, Webots
- Environment modelingWebots, PyBullet, Gazebo