Commands Manual#


User can run commands in two ways, the one way is typing them into the input entry of chat buffer.

The another way is writing the commands to the and configuration items. For more details, please refer to Configuration Manual.


A command is a line of string that has the following format, different elements are separated by whitespace:

/<name|alias> [subcommand] [<option> [value]]... [argument]...

User should use name to invoke a command. The command’s name starts with a slash / and doesn’t contain any whitespace, such as: /join. Some commands have alias that can be used instead of name, for example, user can use /j instead of /join.


When you want to send a message starts with a slash, please prepend another slash to the message. For example, you want to send “/this is a slash prefixed message”, you need to type “//this is a slash prefixed message”.

A subcommand is a instruction behind the command name, it is optional.

An option, as its name, is optional too, starts with a hyphen - and may has a value.

option is often used as the switch of a flag or a way to change some default values. For example, The command /connect -tls -port 6697, option -tls is just a flag that tells srain use secure connections with TLS. And -port requires a value, if -port is not specified, program will use the default value 6667. Check /connect for more details.

If a value starts with a hyphen - or contains whitespaces, it should be enclosed by single quotation mark '.


All option should appear behind subcommand (If any), and before argument.

An argument is similar to value, but commonly it doesn’t have a default value so it can not be omitted (actually it depends on the implement of the command). If the first argument starts with a hyphen -, it should be enclosed by single quotation mark '. If an argument contains whitespaces, it should be quoted too. Specially, the last argument can contain whitespace without quoted.

If you want to use a single quotation mark in a quoted text, use backslash \ to escape it. For backslash itself, use double backslash \\.

Available Commands#




Reload user configuration.



/server [connect|disconnect|list] <name>

Predefined IRC server management.

Sub commands:

  • connect: connect to specified predefined server

  • disconnect: disconnect from specified predefined server

  • list: list all predefined servers


  • name: unique name of server



/connect [-port <port>] [-pwd <password>] [-tls] [-tls-noverify]
    [-user <username>] [-real <realname>] <host> <nick>

Create a IRC server and connect to it immediately.


  • -port: server port, default 6667

  • -pwd: connection password, default empty

  • -tls: use secure connections with TLS

  • -tls-noverify: use TLS connection without certificate verification

  • -user: specify username, default same as nickname

  • -real: specify realname, default same as nickname


  • host: server host

  • nick: specify nickname


/connect -real 'I am srainbot' -tls -port 6697 srainbot
/connect srainbot

/ignore & /unignore#


/ignore [-cur] <nick>
/unignore [-cur] <nick>

Ignore/unignore somebody’s message.


  • -cur: only ignore in current chat

/query & /unquery#


/query|q <nick>
/unquery [nick]

Start/stop private chat with somebody. For /unquery , If no nick is specified, it stops the current private chat.



/join|j <channel>[,<channel>]... [<passwd>[,<passwd>]]...

Join specified channel(s), channels are separated by commas ,.


/join #archinux-cn,#gzlug,#linuxba
/join #channel1,#channe2 passwd1



/part|leave [<channel>[,<channel>]]... [<reason>]

Leave specified channel(s) with optional reason, channels are separated by commas ,. If no channel is specified, it leaves the current channel.


/part #archinux-cn Zzz...
/part #archlinux-cn,#tuna



/quit [reason]

Quit current server with optional reason.



/topic [-rm|<topic>]

Set the current channel’s topic. If no topic specified, it just displays the current channel’s topic.

  • -rm: remove current channel’s topic


# Just view the topic
# Set the topic to "Welcome to Srain!"
/topic Welcome to Srain!
# Clear the topic
/topic -rm



/msg|m <target> <message>

Send message to a target, the target can be channel or somebody’s nick. If you want to send a message to channel, you should /join it first.



/me <message>

Send an action message to the current target.



/nick <new_nick>

Change your nickname.



/whois <nick>

Get somebody’s information on the server.



/invite <nick> [channel]

Invite somebody to join a channel. If no channel is specified, it falls back to current channel.



/kick <nick> [channel] [reason]

Kick somebody from a channel, with optional reason. If no channel is specified, it falls back to current channel.



/mode <target> <mode>

Change target ‘s mode.



/ctcp <target> <command> [message]

Send a CTCP request to target. The commonly used commands are: CLIENTINFO, FINGER, PING, SOURCE, TIME, VERSION, USERINFO. For the detail of each command, please refer to .

If you send a CTCP PING request without message, you will get the latency between the target.


DCC is not yet supported.



/pattern add <name> <pattern>
/pattern rm <name>
/pattern list

Regular expression pattern management. The added pattern can be used elsewhere in the application, such as /filter & /unfilter and /render & /unrender.

Sub commands:

  • add: add a pattern with given name

  • rm: remove a pattern with given name

  • list: list all availables patterns


  • name: unique name of pattern

  • pattern: a valid Perl-compatible Regular Expression, see pcrepattern(3)

/filter & /unfilter#


/filter [-cur] <pattern>
/unfilter [-cur] <pattern>

Filter message whose content matches specified pattern.


  • -cur: only ignore in current chat


  • pattern: name of regular expression pattern which is managed by /pattern


This filter message that content is “Why GTK and not Qt?”:

/pattern add troll ^Why GTK and not Qt\?$
/filter troll

To cancel the filter of these kind of message, use:

/unfilter troll


Pattern NO NEED to consider the case where the mIRC color code is included in the message.

/render & /unrender#


/render [-cur] <nick> <pattern>
/unrender [-cur] <nick> <pattern>

Render message of specific user via specific pattern.

The given pattern should contains specific Named Subpatterns used for capturing message fragment from original message content and become part of rendered message.

There are list of available named subpatterns:

  • (?<sender>): match name of sender, once this subpatterns is matched, the original sender will be displayed as message remark

  • (?<content>): match content of rendered message

  • (?<time>): match time of rendered message


  • nick: nickname of user

  • pattern: name of regular expression pattern which is managed by /pattern


  • -cur: only effects the user under current chat


We assume that there is a IRC bot named “xmppbot”. It forwards message between XMPP and IRC. On IRC side, the forwarded message looks like “<xmppbot> [xmpp_user] xmpp_message”, you can render it to a more easy-to-read format via the following commands:

/pattern add xmpp \[(?<sender>[^:]+?)\] (?<content>.*)
/render xmppbot xmpp

The forwarded meessage will look like “<xmpp_user> xmpp_message”, and the original message sender “xmppbot” will be displayed as message remark. Please refer to What is “relay message transform”? see its effect.


Pattern SHOULD consider the case where the mIRC color code is included in the message.



/quote <raw message>

For sending special IRC commands.

Added in version 1.2.0.




Clear all messages in current buffer.

Added in version 1.4.



/pass <password>

Send connection password to the server.

Added in version 1.8.

Obsoleted Commands#

/rignore & /unrignore#

This command has been dropped since 2019-06-14 Version 1.0.0rc5, please use /filter & /unfilter instead.

/relay & /unrelay#

This command has been dropped since 2019-06-14 Version 1.0.0rc5, please use /render & /unrender instead.