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    Your first blog post!(Post)

    Welcome to your blog! A blog is a great place to share details on your products, business and whatever else you think your shoppers might like to hear from you. You can include photos in your blog p ...

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    HBR Digital Article

    Learning from Success and Failure

    By Robert I. Sutton Robert I Sutton

    One of the mottoes that Diego Rodriguez and I use at the Stanford is "failure sucks, but instructs." We encourage students to learn from the constant stream of small setbacks and successes...

    June 04, 2007
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  • Weird Ideas That Spark Innovation ^ SMR371

    Partner Article

    Weird Ideas That Spark Innovation

    By Robert I. Sutton

    This is an MIT Sloan Management Review article. Managers don't have to be told that to innovate they need to embrace drastically different practices from the ones they use for routine work. So why...

    January 15, 2002
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  • The Boss as Human Shield ^ R1009K

    HBR Article

    The Boss as Human Shield

    By Robert I. Sutton

    As employees strive to do their jobs, they face threats to productivity from all quarters-disruptive technology, meddlesome superiors, senseless organizational practices, and abusive clients and...

    September 01, 2010
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    HBR Digital Article

    It's Up to You to Start a Good Fight

    By Robert I. Sutton

    Recently, I posted a list of 12 Things Good Bosses Believe. Now I'm following up by delving into each one of them. This post is about the seventh belief: "I aim to fight as if I am right, and listen...

    August 03, 2010
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  • Image coming soon

    HBR Digital Article

    Some Bosses Live in a Fool's Paradise

    By Robert I. Sutton

    Last week, I posted a list of 12 Things Good Bosses Believe. I didn't explain any of them, but promised that I would in a series of posts over the coming weeks. So this post is about the first...

    June 03, 2010
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