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A member registered Nov 09, 2020

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For Amiga?


Hi CG. Hoiw things are going? Are you making progress?

Any news? The cartoonist is JoJo i guess. Hes not interested?

Gestern auf der Gamescom die sympatische Eva kennen gelernt und mir einiges über beide Spiele erzählen lassen. Ich war schockverliebt in den Zeichenstil von Bryan. Zuhause heute die Demo gezogen und direkt heute Abend "durchgespielt" - wundervoll! 100% Kauf für mich. Besonders hat mir auch die reagierende Musik auf Rätsel Lösung gefallen. 

Is that Darth Vader from Planet Vulcan? Haha. I realy like the optic of the game. Guess it would need some cool music on top of the sfx. I would also wish me an hd-version not "just" and adf. But thats not the important points. I realy like the game very much so far. Keep up the great work!

Thanks gagemr <3

Vielen Dank Marco. Das freut uns sehr.

NTSC Update is available now

Did u get it?

What a wonderful comment. Makes me really emotional. That's the moment when you realize how much joy you've brought to the track and that all the hours and effort have paid off. We are not at the end of the journey.

There´s a bit of lag in the video. Dont look fluid, like the game is. Anyway thanks

The preview of the A4 Ad looks great now.

Andira Dein Video ist einfach klasse geworden. Ist eines meiner absoluten Lieblingsvideos <3  - mach weiter so und Danke für Deinen Support!

This is awesome. Thank you Team Zzap!64 - cant wait!

Hi. There is no demo. We´ve puplished  a lot of videos to see the quality of the game. So if u like to do a video you just have to buy the digital release. Cheers.

Only ten hours to go... 🏰 😱

And i know you are also in to Commodore <3 so id like to give you a little hint...

Maybe you like our new Game for the Commodore 64 which is coming on 01.05.2024 - its called Timo´s Castle. The Coder is the awesome Roman Werner who coded the fabulous Traps & Treasures on Amiga in 1993!

We would apreciate your support too :-)

Wow. Awesome update from what i see so far at Screenshots and description. I will try it the next days. Keep up your ggod work CG Creations!

Cartridge AND Floppy Disk! You can have it all...

Your wish comes true :)

Physical release available for pre-order from 01.05.2024 as disk and cartridge version at: 

 Home - Bitmap Soft

Any news CG Creations?

Thank you very much tygerklawz. We also fell in love with our new hero!

Hey Bartosz :) nice to see your exitement. And even nicer to meet someone from the German-Amiga-Community here.

01.05.2024 - not far away <3

(1 edit)

I thank you so much from the bottom of my heart. You are a 68k hero! Keep up your great work!

Thanks. I think i get the point. I love your choosen Settings with western/cop murder and submarine. And i like what you done in just two weeks - so i guess that is the point i would liked to play longer... Keep up the good work. Whick Genre or Setting is Havenview?

I didnt tryed this yet but i will soon. Looks very promising again. I have a question in total, when you can build those mini games in two week. Why dont you develop for a longer time, for an full game? Is this more fun for you? Many minin games with many ideas and settings?

Just a new follower who whants to say hi. Realy like the style of your graphics mini games and wanted to try the out. Started with Frontier because i love the western setting in movies and games a lot. So i finished the game in approax 5 or 10 minutes. but i like every minute of it. What i liked most where the beautiful and idyllic gfx and the great voice acting. that realy suprises me the most.

Awesome job! From the technical site would be a port of red alert (c&c 2) equally possible?? Isn´t it base on the same game engine?This is my favorite game of the whole C&C frachise and i would love that so much to play one of my favorite games of all time on my favorite computer of all time...

Maybe now with 1.3 the sound works too for your config?

Schade vielleicht hat sich ja mittlerweile mit Core-Updates auf der V4 etwas verbessert...  :)

Sad to hear. I'm also looking forward to optimizations for the PC. But good to hear that it has only been postponed and not canceled.

A great start. I really like the design. Can hardly wait for an Amiga version.Keep up the good work!

Damn. Awesome news!!!

Passing Breeze und Last Wave :) - Schöne Musik und tolle Optik. Die Sommer Vibes, in der tristen Jahrenzeit, kommen an.

Thank you very much Luiscoco. I apreciate it.